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Ecstasy - Blue, Green Cupids.


Jan 9, 2007
One was ingested normally as both for boredom and experimental purposes after reading mixed reviews about these.

Yes there is some MDXX similarities between this and MDMA but i believe green and blue cupids and unicorns to be something else.

The similarities included but not limited too: Dilated pupils, feeling of a temperate chillness wanting to stay fully clothed, Feeling of vomot/irritated stomach on come up, Not wanting to move and just kept my eyes closed, Urinating frequently, jaw clenching and a miniscule come down.

What this lacked from classic MDMA was: The loved up feeling, a rush at the come up, eye wiggles, the rolling balls feeling, the change from being very relaxed to wanting to dance and scream and move fast.

Now that we have gone over the differences lets move to further into my explaination. After graduating to molly awhile back which is what i prefer. I believe that good molly is superior to any pressed pill. I do not roll often (any more) so tolerance isnt an issue. The past few times that ive rolled was nearly pure molly. I know that some of you educated on this know pure is almost a never because most chemists do not take the time to perform the proper acetone washes and greedy dealers cut very often. Let me tell you this molly was legitimate. It seemed to white too be pure, i was skeptical at the time but it was fire.

To help judge good molly along with a tester kit buy a small microscope around 100x magnitfication. You can purchase these at most electronic shops for around ten dollars make sure it as a built in light on it.

Now what to look for: It should look like small shards of glass that match in size, color and consistency. They all should look relativily the same if your product has not been cut.

After that tip let me get back on track. These pills and molly/MDMA are different. I can't pinpoint to exactly what is in this pill so im not going to take a guess but what i can tell you is not a strong dose of mdma if even mdma at all. There is a large difference between these two. It feels as if these pills contents are in the same family as MDMA and MDA but it is not either of them.

Last time i heard from molly i ingested .33 grams. A single dose is .10 Ive read the average pill contains about .070 to .080 Im not quite sure what the threshold to roll is but i think its around there. I do know that taking two of these at a time didnt send me over the threshold though.

The only way i would believe these are pure mdma is if ecstasydata.org tests them on their GC/MS and says so, if they were mdma i would be highly surpised and consider them a very low dosage. Keep in mind that they do not give percentages of the contents just ratios.

In conclusion I dont know what are in these but they feel clean. I would also pass these up next time because there is much better out there.

Happy rolling and stay safe.
thanks for the review. what area of the country are you located in?
So you were getting chills, wanted to vomit, urinating frequently, and you didn't want to move yet you say you think they're clean?

I am in the midwest but ive seen reports on these pills in the recent month from California, to Georgia, to New York just to name a few. These are every where in a small time frame so its likely they are the same batch. Thats another reason I wrote my review because they are so wide spread. The colors and stamp match perfectly with the ones all around the country.


Let me clear up that statement, I felt chilly I had long pants on and hoodie on throughout the whole roll. I never warmed up. My stomach gets queasy everytime I roll on the come up it always passes. I drink a lot of water to stay hyderated everytime I always urinate throughout the experience and into the night even when its finished. No I didnt want to move at all. Sometimes when im floored i wont move for hours but this was nothing like that. It had no energy. Yes whatever is in these... its not powerful at all but felt very clean compared to many dirty ones ive experienced.