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  • Trip Reports Moderator: Xorkoth

DXM (various doses) Semi-experienced - An impressive trip


Feb 20, 2010
I've done DXM twice before. I'm 110kg, which ii think is around 220lb, so I'm not a small guy. My first DXM trip was 600mg and quite enjoyable. Probably around the low end of level 2. My second was 1200mg which was absolutely amazing. A little scary. At one point I was concerned that I was going to die. Not so much terrified at the thought, just concerned that maybe I had misundestood the dosage and that I was in the process of dying. I experienced a great deal of compression and expansion of time, and the latter parts of the trip were the most enjoyable, albeit intense. Towards the end I wrote some notes on a post-it. "Time is compressing and expanding as I move through it. I am the father, the son and the holy ghost. I am ONE with iTunes". It was the iTunes comment that cracked me up the most the following day as I remember being amazed that despite being so completely fucked up, I was still fully able to interact with iTunes and type perfectly legibly. It's this clarity of mind while the body is completely fucked up that I find most interesting about DXM. I carried on some short conversations with my mother with ease and she never realised I was tripping.

Eager to share the experience with two of my friends who are fairly experienced trippers and most certainly experienced drug users, I took a trip down to Brisbane to stay with them for a night or two. Since both of them were under 70kg I recommended a smaller dose. Tony had 1200mg and shortly thereafter threw up quite violently (down the side of my car) before the trip had even kicked in. He must have processed a good deal of it however because he then proceeded to trip very hard. He wasn't able to describe it however and in fact didn't really say anything for the whole trip other than to nod his head in response to the question "are you tripping hard ?"

I had been planning to ingest 1800mg, which I felt would be a nice level 3/4 for me, but since we were short on robo, I just did 1200 and gave the final 600mg bottle to my mate Pat. Pat had a really surprisingly intense and manageable trip for such a small dose. He was able to describe it in a fair amount of detail, and expressed that he was getting quite a lot of visuals, acid trails and other such visual aspects. I was immensely jealous of this, because I've never experienced anything visual from DXM before. As a result, the following day I decided to do the full 1800mg.

Everyone else went to work and left me at home in my friends house, so I ingested all 1800mg at around 10am ish. Even a couple of hours later I was only feeling the most mild effects so I though that most likely I just had a tolerance from doing it the day before so I was a little disappointed. I smoked a couple of cones to see if that brought it on, but nothing much was happening.

Then by something like 1-2 pm it must have kicked into full effect because I suddenly found myself totally off the planet. I'm not sure I can do much justice to it in description, but I felt REALLY wasted. I was having mild auditory hallucinations, but mainly a feeling that time was sliced into small intervals and there was a feeling sorta like the constant "thrumming" of a generator. I likened it to the "vud" experience of nitrous oxide. (Hopefully all you nitrous junkies know exactly what I mean by the "vud")

Come around 3:30-4pm was the most intense of all and like normally happens on DXM I felt that all of my previous trips had merged into one single trip that had been going since my first trip - ie, that I had never stopped tripping at all. This seems to be a common experience for me on DXM, as previous experiences all merge into one. This can be a little scary because it makes you feel like you're never going to stop tripping, which in turn makes you worried that you're not going to survive it. However, since this was later in the trip, quite a bit of euphoria and mood elevation had kicked in, so I was really quite happy all the same. Things started getting a bit more managable and I was probably grinning like an idiot for the most part. I was feeling sleepy, so I closed my eyes and found the trip really nice with closed eyes. I laid there for next couple of hours with my eyes closed on the verge of falling asleep just totally enjoying the experience, but still without any sign of visuals, even with my eyes closed.

I don't know why I failed to get any visuals from even an 1800mg dose, while my friend managed quite significant visuals on only 600mg. I'm a little jealous of this, although visuals aren't really something I get overly excited about when tripping and in fact sometimes they can just be a distraction, so I'm not too upset.

I was still quite affected by around 5pm and I couldn't focus on anything as my vision was spinning around me quite a bit. I knew that the straight guy of the house was liable to get home at any point which I really didn't want, as he would no doubt be quite a bummer, so I popped about 3 or 4 benzos in the hope that it would kill the trip quicker. When he arrived home, I was feeling pretty tired so I briefly said hello and then laid down and pretended to be asleep. By the time my friends got home, I was pretty close to sleep so I only managed to say hi briefly before I fell asleep on the couch. As is typical with benzos I don't really remember anything after this, although I'm told I did carry on a brief conversation for a while.

I would definitely say that my 1800mg trip was the most intense I've ever had on any drug, although in some ways I feel it was lacking a few things that my previous 1200mg one had had. I presume this was due in part to set and setting, and partly due to my tolerance due to having done it the previous day.

Please don't anyone abuse me, saying that I did it too soon or that I show signs of addiction etc. It was a week of experimentation, nothing more. I don't intend to repeat the experience for a while, so no, I'm not stupid.

The reason I have done it a few times recently is that I divorced from my wife last year and I've had a great deal of trouble getting over it and stopping myself from thinking about her and I felt that I really needed to trip in order to get my feelings in order, get a fresh perspective on things, and hopefully have it help me to move on. I definitely feel that I achieved that goal to some extent, as it helped me evaluate my emotions properly and give some perspective on how I should feel about certain things to do with the relationship. I would definitely prefer to have taken LSD, but that simply wasn't an option, and fortunately DXM did a fairly adequate job instead.

Now that I'm straight again ? Unfortunately the trip didn't have many carry on effects. I'm still thinking about the stupid whore more than I'd like, but it's changed my apathetic "nothing i can do. my life is fucked" attitude into a much healthier "no, this bitch deserves everything she gets, I should stop doing her favours and cut her out of my life" attitude. I feel my attitude towards her is more appropriate now and I feel less inclined to feel bad about things or feel sorry for her. My friends helped me realise that I haven't done anything wrong and that really it's all her fault as she's the one who fucked me over, took all my shit, and then left me for another guy. I feel I see things more clearly now.

Will I trip again soon ? Yes, but probably not for at least a week or two. I feel like I accomplished something and got my shit in order, and I'm cool to deal with reality for a little while. As for my friends ? Well, Tony probably won't do it again. While he did express enjoyment, he says the trip wasn't really the sort of thing he enjoys. He also finds acid a bit boring so I'm not surprised he doesn't intend to repeat the DXM experience. Pat on the other hand absolutely loved the introspection and mental aspect of the drug and and will most definitely do it again in the future.

Sorry this story doesn't have more specific details of the trip experience but I can't really describe much better how I felt and the benzos tend to have made me forget a great deal of the latter part of it. Nevertheless, I would describe the experience as slightly scary, but positive in almost all regards.
i can totally relate to the part when u said that it all combines into one hell of a trip. ive had 900mgs do hardly anything, then the next day i do another 900mg and feel like i did 1800mgs at once. anyway, nice report :)
i can totally relate to the part when u said that it all combines into one hell of a trip. ive had 900mgs do hardly anything, then the next day i do another 900mg and feel like i did 1800mgs at once. anyway, nice report :)

Yes, another person who read my report immediately picked out that sentence as well and said "That's what it's like for me, too", so it must be a common experience on DXM - all your previous trips merge into one and you feel like you've been tripping for ever. A somewhat unpleasant sensation unless you can accept it and take control of it, and then it can even be a positive.