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DXM and mdma?


Feb 12, 2010
Not what you're thinking here, but i rolled this tuesday, and i was wondering if it should be okay for me to start dexing this coming tuesday.

Also, what kind of reactions do the two have on each others recovery? I read everything i could, but all i could read up on was just not to take them together.

EDIT: Also, i usually post load with 5 htp, 200 mg on come down and then 100 mg each day for 3 days; could that have a factor at all?
Don't not combine the two under any circumstances! A week's break should be fine. Combining the two involves the risk of getting something called serotonin syndrome which can kill you. Be high, stay safe! :)
DXM amd MDMA will not cause seritonin syndrome when taken together. The reason it is dangerous is that mixing them severely disrupts the body's ability ti regulate its temperature. mixing DXM and MDMA can cause massive overheating.

I am pretty sure they work on different mechanisms in the brain as well so there is no cross tolerance so really it shouldn't matter how long you wait as long as the wait is sufficient that the MDMA is not active in your system the same time DXM is.
Holy shit i just had the greatest night ever. First time dexing, and it was fucking intense.

But how long should i wait to pop? There's a possibility of it going down tonight, i'd prefer to wait 2-3 weeks for more recovery but my friends are fickle lol.
I use to use this combo in High School...I always felt like I was drowning and dying but I felt good. We use robatussin and chased it with budlight
DXM amd MDMA will not cause seritonin syndrome when taken together. The reason it is dangerous is that mixing them severely disrupts the body's ability ti regulate its temperature. mixing DXM and MDMA can cause massive overheating.

I am pretty sure they work on different mechanisms in the brain as well so there is no cross tolerance so really it shouldn't matter how long you wait as long as the wait is sufficient that the MDMA is not active in your system the same time DXM is.

Both DXM and MDMA have a large effect on serotonin levels, with possibly very dangerous interactions. That does not mean that they do not also cause overheating, but you do not want to understate the risk of serotonin syndrome. Although some have taken this combo successfully, that does not mean it is remotely safe.

I induced (mild) serotonin syndrome after consuming 350 mg of DXM after having (stupidly) forgotten that I had take 200 mg of 5-HTP that morning. Its a very uncomfortable experience that is best avoided.
I took a third plaeteu trip of DXM and bombed an E, I don't even know what happened to me and I would steer very very clear of mixing them. I'm not sure what seratonin syndrome feels like but I'm sure I must of had it. I though I was going to die but didn't care, at one stage sat there for about 15 minutes sweating my ass off, thinking I was brain dead and not knowing if I could even move. Definately the biggest mistake I've ever made in my life.
I induced (mild) serotonin syndrome after consuming 350 mg of DXM after having (stupidly) forgotten that I had take 200 mg of 5-HTP that morning. Its a very uncomfortable experience that is best avoided.

Really? 5-HTP should have the opposite effect. In fact 5-HTP seemed to decrease my tolerance for DXM and made it more enjoyable.