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Drugs are essential to our well being to the point they are essential for our survival and posess transcendental value; drugs are a natural right


May 15, 2022
Since even before the first civilizations drugs played a prominent, essential and important role in our lives - even more so, even animals use certain plants to in a more sufficient way survive, like certain plants that help fight infection, which in fact is medicine and meds are drugs and even to this day medicine plays a huge part in our lives - but more specifically from at least the earlyist civilizations psychoactive drugs played an essential role in society and even was even attributed supernatural qualities; psychoactive drugs were used as medicin like opium as a painkiller and in all sorts of rituals - African hottentots snorting Kanna to engage in battle, SA rituals to enter the realm of the Gods or Cannabis used to restore the peace, as well as purely recreational use of drugs like alcohol in the days of the Roman empire, or functional use of Coca leaves to have more energy to make way over harsh terrain and to prevent high altitude sickness, and so on...

In the 19th century drugs were still legal, they only became illegal somewhere in the first half of the 20th century, and there were Opium bars where one could sit back and enjoy a pipe, Cocaine was prescribed by doctors even to children and Coca was present in lots of candy and both alcoholic as non alcoholic beverages, and so on...

It seems absurd to me to after thousands of yrs being not only normal and generally accepted but being considered essential to our lives that all of a sudden certain drugs have become not just stigmatized but even criminalized... Drugs are a way of expierincing a wider range of emotions, thoughts and give rise to insights and can bring about a more open minded attitude and create a sense of oneness and can create a more critical mind and so on... In this lies a transcendental value, drugs carry a value that goes beyond simply hedonism, and even in pure hedonism this value is present, since I truly believe ppl need ways of experiencing euphoria, numb pain and suffering and give us a break from the narrowminded view of what reality is without drugs...

Im not sure to what extent the following argument is a solid one or actually is false reasoning, but we in a way seem programmed to use drugs since if we wouldnt have specific receptors, like for example the cannabinoid receptors, we wouldnt feel a thing from these drugs, but like I said perhaps could be argued this is false reasoning since these substances and affinity structures are present in all of nature, but why I dont consider it to be false reasoning is that if something is so overwhelming present in nature it must have (great) significance...

Thats why I consider drugs to be a primal, natural right and making drug use a criminal act to be itself a criminal act...

This in short my philosophy regarding drugs...
Human beings are made of drugs. Who knows, maybe there is a species that gets high on snorting H2O or carbon-12. Heck, we could be fields of poppies grown by entity that we know about as much poppies know about us.

Now I will read your OP, but that is a belief I have for most of my life so your title made me reactive.
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Human beings are made of drugs. Who knows, maybe there is a species that gets high on snorting H2O or carbon-12. Heck, we could be fields of poppy flieers grown by entity that we know about as much poppies know about us.

Now I will read your OP, but that is a belief I have for most of my life so your title made me reactive.
Very interesting and very true, we after all are simply chemical factories...
My view on this as I presented it is presented in such a short version that I consider it to be very incomplete and superficial, but I didnt want to make it too long to it still being enjoyable to read for most but sufficient enough to start a dialogue...
Yup humans have been using drugs since we became “civilized” they’ve even found coca leaf in Egyptian tombs showing a trade connection that far back for these substances. Some would even argue they were essential for our development into the intelligent species we are today.

Drugs are a way of expierincing a wider range of emotions, thoughts and give rise to insights and can bring about a more open minded attitude and create a sense of oneness and can create a more critical mind and so on...
And there lies the problem. If you want to indocrinate human mind you have to narrow it to be able to see and digest only small fraction of reality that humans are able to perceive. So, from the standpoint of controling vast population mind has become the battlefield and psy-ops weapons thst replaced swards and guns. There are just to many people to control them with guns. So Pavlovian method combined with new technologies like radio, television and now algorithms are deployed to reduce the bandwidth people are perceiving. Drugs disrupt that process and therefore they need to be off limit for everybody except certified goverment agencies. Heck even opioid withdrawal is experiece that can offer you the chance to experience wide range of emotions and can be used to reprogram oneself towards more empathic, inclusive and kinder way of thinking and being...what to say about LSD, psilocybin, MDMA and such... All this widening of perception and breaking boundaries is too dangerous for the people who live of humanity not being able to escape early life conditioning that grows firmer by watching CNN, CNBC, FOX, VOX, FB, TWITTER... So better leave that LSD, meth, (insert a drug) to DARPA and their friends. Peace and take care.
And there lies the problem. If you want to indocrinate human mind you have to narrow it to be able to see and digest only small fraction of reality that humans are able to perceive. So, from the standpoint of controling vast population mind has become the battlefield and psy-ops weapons thst replaced swards and guns. There are just to many people to control them with guns. So Pavlovian method combined with new technologies like radio, television and now algorithms are deployed to reduce the bandwidth people are perceiving. Drugs disrupt that process and therefore they need to be off limit for everybody except certified goverment agencies. Heck even opioid withdrawal is experiece that can offer you the chance to experience wide range of emotions and can be used to reprogram oneself towards more empathic, inclusive and kinder way of thinking and being...what to say about LSD, psilocybin, MDMA and such... All this widening of perception and breaking boundaries is too dangerous for the people who live of humanity not being able to escape early life conditioning that grows firmer by watching CNN, CNBC, FOX, VOX, FB, TWITTER... So better leave that LSD, meth, (insert a drug) to DARPA and their friends. Peace and take care.
Very interrsting contribution with a huge reality check; they want ppl to not think for themselves and only indulge in the digital opium our new world provides, praise that idol, follow that influencer, watch that mindnumbing television program, listen to that empty music, read that simplistic book that contains no knowledge at all, indulge in these mindnumbing things, follow politicians and learn the onesided information so called experts want you to swallow...

These things can really bug me, how come ppl are so blind? And Im frowned upon, considered a lowlife? Im extreme and must made feel like a total outcast, a misfit that doesnt belong.here, driven into the darkest and dusty depts of life where Im forced to undergo what I consider to actually be abuse and where I in solitude have to carry the heavy weight of torment and suffering, reaching evermore extensive levels of insanity...

But luckily there are some obscured medicines, all sorts of uppers and downers and what not that make me able to escape the madness of reality, and I would really like to state one thing specifically: fuck reality!
Also, drugs are able to totally change your view on the world and they even are capable to drastically change your personality, okay, when you lose control this might not be in the best way, but as long as youre able to cope this could very well be in a positive way as well...

Drugs can significantly alter your notion of reality.
"Drugs are essential to our well being to the point they are essential for our survival and posess transcendental value; drugs are a natural right"

True but tell that to the capitalist masters who own and govern "THEIR" modern societies we all live in, yeah they won't agree much at all.
"Drugs are essential to our well being to the point they are essential for our survival and posess transcendental value; drugs are a natural right"

True but tell that to the capitalist masters who own and govern "THEIR" modern societies we all live in, yeah they won't agree much at all.
See, the thing is, humanity has a need to draw lines between things that are “good” and things that are “bad” and these lines can be (and usually are) extremely arbitrary. What makes one drug “socially acceptable,” like acetaminophen? And another one bad, like psilocybin? If you looked purely at the physical harms/benefits, you might see that the acetaminophen is actually slightly WORSE for one’s health, but society deems it acceptable for daily use, whereas the other is shunned. There’s no rhyme or reason behind this, just like there isn’t any good reason why certain people with any type of physical features should be better or worse than any others, but humans just like to draw distinctions between groups and say “this one good, that one bad.”