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Drug use conundrum


Apr 14, 2023
I started using drugs at a late age and was immediately hooked up to them. First it was cocaine, and then ecstasy/MDMA, followed by LSD, etc... I have always been a party animal and I did drink "reasonably" but I always hated the hangover. When I started doing drugs I couldn't drink anymore, especially after discovering GHB/GBL/BDO 1,4. However, as much as I loved them I stopped for months at a time due to multiple reasons:

1- I could not find any way of procuring safe to consume drugs without becoming a very close friend with some suppliers. This got me anxious 24/7 because my phone number and conversations were in the devices of many local and regional suppliers. I know that I can use burner phones but the more complicated problem is that they know me personally, which means if they are ever caught there is a possibility that they will rat me out especially that they only get me into their "inner circle" after I do some "favors to them".

2- Tolerance develops quickly even if I use the drugs only on the weekends. Mind you that I consume much smaller dosages than my friends but it still builds up within a few months.

3- Although most of the stuff I take do not cause "hangover", most of them make me depressed during the week and there is no amount of exercise, food, or anything else can offset that. This divides my week into 4-5 days of depression and 2-3 days of fun. With time the fun will wind down and depression will be much more outrageous.

4- Although I do like psychedelics, I cannot really take them every weekend. I like socializing and the only way to talk to people while on these is if your friends are also taking them. I also don't like to hangout every week with junky friends even when I'm taking drugs.

5- The most fun drugs are all very bad for health. I especially loved cocaine but man I have multiple friends who call me constantly asking me to stop.

Now that I mentioned why I stopped taking drugs, here comes the real problem: life is not fun at all without them! I still party, do sports, study, work, pickup girls, etc... But everything now is so dull. I used to have superb adventures like sleeping with 2-3 girls just by offering them GHB + MDMA, being super high on Ketamine while listening to techno which would take me to a whole new level, and also I found it much easier to lose wait and even to do things around the house and office while on coke.

All of this brings up the question: is it worth it to stop taking drugs due to the reasons mentioned above or to just YOLO?
You know how many different users and dealers had texts and phone calls with links to my personal phone number? Like a million lol. I wouldn’t worry about that, not unless you’re selling drugs to these people
You know how many different users and dealers had texts and phone calls with links to my personal phone number? Like a million lol. I wouldn’t worry about that, not unless you’re selling drugs to these people
Well that is the problem. As I mentioned before, I sometimes do them favors like buying stuff for them online and shipping the items to their addresses. AND they also do me favors by occasionally receiving my DM orders. Years ago I had a case where the police actually called my guy after finding one of the parcels I bought in his name. He told me that he was going to the police station and I couldn't sleep till he came back with the results. They had absolutely no proof but I couldn't stop thinking that if the police press him somehow he would tell them everything.