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draft manifesto


Jul 29, 2008
Who, as a worker, hasn’t dreamed of putting the torch to their place of employment? What other recourse is there to take against bosses and managers who treat workers, those perceived to be beneath them, as if they are simply another mechanical feature of their factory, devoid of emotion, needs and desires? In what other ways are we able to manifest the rage and frustration we feel as we are subjected to the horror that is the assembly line, the cubicle, the kitchen, day in and day out?

Are we to demand better working conditions, better pay, so that we are able to feel more comfortable in our misery? As a friend once said, if you fight in a cage and win, are you not still fucking caged? We can always threaten to quit, or walk out if we’re feeling particularly brave, but at this very moment there are thousands of unemployed workers waiting in line to fill your position. We, the workers, are the disposable class.

We have come to a point in which every option available to us within the legal framework of the state is insufficient in granting us any reprieve. Make no mistake, we are immersed in a social war in which our very lives are at stake, and there is no better time than now to choose sides.

Do we resign ourselves to the misery of the workplace, the numbing drudgery we will be required to endure over the next 50 years or so before the state allows us to stop working? Or do we find respite in a rag and a match, coming to terms with the fact that, for us, there is no choice but complete and total freedom?

I say: light that shit the fuck up!