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  • Trip Reports Moderator: Xorkoth

DOiP - First Time - 20mg - Excited Energy

Buzz Lightbeer

Bluelight Crew
Dec 1, 2018
After about a 4 week break from psychedelics, I decided to jump back in. There was some nervous energy as my last trip wasn’t very fun and was mostly comprised of worrying vibes, I had a feeling I had maybe overdone it in the last year or so. But the night before I was in a great mood and wanted to make it a great day. DOiP was my choice of drug, there’s not much info on this one. Throughout the report I will mostly draw conclusions to DOC which I know pretty well, but I’ve tried DOPr and DOI once before, and I have got 3 other untried DOx stocked at the moment.

10:00 A.M - T+0:00 – I took out 20mg of DOiP dissolved in a 2mg/ml solution.

T+0:15 – Alright, I’m going back to sleep. Stayed up very late the night before and an extra hour couldn’t hurt.

T+1:00 – I woke up and I write down that my dreams were very vivid and had to do with DOiP, can’t recall any of it at the time of writing. I certainly feel that I’ve got a DOx in my body, all of the same signs I get from DOC & DOPr, little neck tension, building saliva and a head that feels kinda heavy.

T+1:15 – Took a shower, the drug was making itself more present by the second. The building energy was noticeable and washing my hair and shaving was done very efficiently. I couldn’t wait to put on some music, and once I got out I quickly ate 2 bananas to at least get something in my system for the time being.

T+1:30 – I’m trying to put on some music which is hard since my laptop seems to have a hard time connecting to my router recently, and using Bluetooth on it interrupts the signal at times. Instead of getting frustrated about it, I was just laughing about how absolutely shit this was and I can’t believe they designed it this way. Feeling pretty energetic already and really wanting this to get resolved I sprint upstairs to get my extraordinarily long aux cable.

T+1:45 – Was dancing to selector sets filled with funky and summery tunes in my living room. I was feeling absolutely on top of the world, there was an intense body high very similar to DOC. By this point I was at a + or a weak ++ maybe, no visuals at all. I wrote down ‘excited energy’ which is a pretty good description, there was some uncomfortableness though, sitting still was hard and I can’t go in circles around my table for hours.

T+2:00 – Sun was shining and it was a beautiful day, and I mean, my living room, is still my living room, so I go for a short walk around some fields close to me. I was in a quite the hypomanic state by now, walking very fast for absolutely no reason, and with a huge grin on my face. At this point it felt so much like DOC and not at all like DOPr, which was my expectation beforehand. I wrote down that it was so clearheaded, like DOC but a little more cold & distant if that makes sense. It felt like there was so much going on due to a really heavy head feel but it was that wasn’t particularly the case. I also noted that in a way it’s more ‘mesmerizing’ than DOC, in the sense that DOPr has this hypnotizing feel to it and DOiP has some of that, be it quite little.

T+2:40 – I got back by now, and it was absolutely great, I was so into the music and it fit the whole day and setting perfectly.

T+3:00 – Warmed up some fish I still had from the day before since I somehow got it into my head I was hungry, rookie mistake of course, and I only ate a couple of bites. It’s the DOiP euphoria man, I really was in a hypomanic state. Everything had a shimmering quality to say the least, but no apparent visuals. Mentally it feels like there’s not much going on, very clearheaded but I’m definitely tripping.

T+3:20 – I change the music to another worldly vinyl set I had the pleasure of witnessing a couple weeks before, I remembered pretty much all of the songs, but I’m sitting down for a while, which makes the body high seem even more present. There’s this energy throughout my whole body, very similar to DOC but instead of rushes of ecstasy going upward from my stomach, it wasn’t as rushy but more existent in my whole upper body and genitals. I felt pretty horny, but I quickly forgot about it after texting and laughing with some friends about some ridiculous advertisements on Facebook.

T+3:30 – Whereas with most psychedelics I would weigh my words carefully, and think a lot about what I’m saying, I just said what came up in my mind. Forming sentences and articulating my thoughts didn’t come natural but I managed fine. I think a minute about how the last few hours have literally flown by and that I should slow down and sit for a minute, I think about the state that I’m in and I try to remind myself to stay a little more grounded and relaxed. There was heavy neck tension and my head felt clogged up.

T+4:20 – Man, I was going to leave for some more fruit 40 minutes ago. I kept getting distracted, and I was literally walking circles around my table while thinking about things. Going to the store was okay, I was very much in state where this was possible, it’s a routine I always kind of enjoy. I observe and think about what goes on in people’s lives.

T+5:00 – I’ve left for a walk in a nearby forest. I love this place, I’m almost as excited for it as the dogs people come here with. I’m moving swiftly semi on the rhythm of the music I’ve been putting on, and make my way in that fashion through the paths and turns. When sitting down on an old tree I notice that the whole ground is moving in waves and plants are making beautiful spirals. This was the only time I noticed real visuals during the whole experience, and they were beautiful, very reminiscent to DOC. I light a cigarette and enjoy the moment for a while.

T+5:40 – I had to leave for home as my friend was coming over to watch cycling together. Something was up with his nose and the hospital had just sent him away but the poor guy had been bleeding out of it for two days already, very funny at the time. Sitting in the couch and watching the race wasn’t one of my best plans looking back, it was hard to sit still and I couldn’t exactly process the important moments in the race. Articulating my thoughts about strategy, teams and riders was almost embarrassing as well. I was so agitated and everything seemed to come out forced, and I wasn't remembering one thing about riders/teams/races.

T+7:40 – My friend finally left, at the end I told him I was tripping and he wasn’t very surprised, said I was very fidgety and a little weird, but I had a great time anyway. I’m still tripping fairly hard at this point and I get in the mood to go outside again while it’s not dark yet, I get back to one of my previous spots.

T+8:00 – I seem to have a hard time to keep standing upright, so I sit/lie down in the grass for a while. It’s never complete relaxation with DOiP, it kinda comes close but it’s still a DOx after all, not easy on the body. When I lie down my head feels even heavier than before, it makes me very aware of my whole body.

T+9:00 – I’ve been chilling there this whole time, changing between dancing, sitting down, lying down and smoking cigarettes. Still very restless, which I write down is quite conflicting since the headspace is kind of sedating in a way but I stand up nonetheless.

T+10:00 – I’m finally home now, it took ages to leave. My lip has been chewed to pieces, DOiP was so rough on me. I drink a beer in an attempt to relieve some of the physical pressure and lie on the couch to recharge some energy.

T+12:00 – The body high is still present and I still feel great. I make plans to meet some friends in the city later, I decide to take another shower and leave.

T+13:00 – I cannot seem to focus on anything, I’ve been wanting to leave for half an hour, but I kept getting distracted between putting on music, sending messages and who knows what else and even being aware of this fact doesn’t help. I’m at a + by now but I certainly still feel the drug.

T+14:00 – I’m really almost down by now, it was no plateau like DOC is but more like a diminishing amphetamine headspace like DOI, but DOiP is more forceful and heavy than that one. The beers haven’t helped one bit with being uncomfortable but it’s almost over. I stay for many hours in the city and beer flows freely but I don’t get too drunk.

I slept for 13 hours or so, well rested, not hungover and in a great mood. This drug compares quite a bit to DOC but physically it was even more rough, the headspace was colder and heavier but it had an extraordinary body high and got me into a great and very pleasant (albeit hypomanic at times) state. All in all a beautiful and very fun experience that I’d like to repeat, albeit with some precautions for the vasoconstriction.

Sorry it took me this long, I like to think I’m terrible at these, so yeah, this was my trip on DOiP :)

Tagged by Xorkoth
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Oof, sounds like some will appreciate this one, but it doesn't sound like my cup of tea. I don't generally like stimulating psychedelics, and this one was more stimulating than DOI!

Your description makes it sound something like you'd expect the DOx version of 2C-D to actually be like. Or maybe like a truly psychedelic 3C-x. I'm surprised it didn't last longer, but maybe that's a dosage thing?

All in all, thanks so much for the report! It's great to get more info out there on these rarities! ❤️
Thanks for submitting this, Buzz! I've been dying to get someone else's opinion of DOiP since I have done it twice and there are so few reports.

I'm surprised it didn't last longer, but maybe that's a dosage thing?

Seems about in line with what I experienced. DOiP is shorter than almost all of them, DOF is somewhat shorter and if memory serves, DON is shorter still (wish someone would make that one, it always sounded very recreational).

I felt pretty horny, but I quickly forgot about it after texting and laughing with some friends about some ridiculous advertisements on Facebook.

I also found DOiP to make me feel horny, which is unusual. On DOC, on the plateau, I can have sex, and it's really good for it, but I have to work myself into it, I don't get horny from nowhere. But with DOiP, I would be sitting there and just start really wanting sex, full arousal.

Mentally it feels like there’s not much going on, very clearheaded but I’m definitely tripping.

For me, DOiP made me feel uncomfortable/awkward at 12mg. But simultaneously quite good. The awkwardness led to a lot of introspection, but I did feel like there wasn't any external content, I was struggling to see what it was adding to my state of mind. Not much headspace. In contrast, DOC has a wonderful headspace, it makes me warmly inquisitive about everything and I think so deeply, especially with a tripping buddy to bounce things off of. There is a lot of love and appreciation for the ordinary. Basically my brain never stops moving with deeply satisfying and rewarding questions, and finding their answers. However I do compare DOiP to DOC quite a bit.

I wrote down ‘excited energy’ which is a pretty good description, there was some uncomfortableness though, sitting still was hard and I can’t go in circles around my table for hours.

This is a main difference with DOiP vs DOC. With DOC I have energy but I can also sit completely still and feel comfortable and content. With DOiP I was fidgeting and almost felt like I was experiences RLS.

Articulating my thoughts about strategy, teams and riders was almost embarrassing as well. I was so agitated and everything seemed to come out forced, and I wasn't remembering one thing about riders/teams/races.

I had the same, when I started interacting with my girlfriend when she got home, I felt very self-conscious, like speaking to her or even thinking of something to say was difficult because it all felt so fast or something. Although that discomfort led to some useful introspection about myself.

It’s never complete relaxation with DOiP

Yeah, I remember my body felt strange, I felt like I was clenching my core muscles, but it was involuntary and I couldn't stop. It was a strange feeling that wasn't a big deal but I didn't like it. It was like, for the whole trip, I felt nervous both mentally and physically, but I also felt really good. A real juxtaposition.
Agreed on all fronts :)
I'll elaborate a little more tomorrow. I'm not that sensitive to psychedelics so your 12mg experience might have been quite close in effects. I did really enjoy it though, don't really know if it came off that way. Cool psychedelic but no real upsides to DOC imo
I had the same, when I started interacting with my girlfriend when she got home, I felt very self-conscious, like speaking to her or even thinking of something to say was difficult because it all felt so fast or something. Although that discomfort led to some useful introspection about myself.
Speaking and articulating points was very rushed for me. Normally it'd be hard for me when tripping on other psychedelics as well but there I would first think about the subject and then I'd just be able to go with the flow of the conversation. Instead when I started something I just wanted to get it out even if it didn't make any sense and so I'd feel awkward about what I just said, and that only added to the feeling that the conversations we were having was superficial and cliché in a way, but it was probably my fault to begin with. Hate that feeling, when everything feels so archetypical and superficial, ugh. I couldn't even concentrate on the conversation itself, it was more like talking to talk, which I couldn't resist in the semi manic state as I was in then. It was better after the race was over though, I was able to ground myself more and we had a good time still, but I was still relieved when my friend left.

DOiP would probably shine best on a long hike I think.
Yeah sounds quite familiar. I have taken it twice, at only 5mg the first time but I took it on top of 3-MeO-PCP that time (just a bit, but it really potentiates psychedelics). Anyway I was alone that time and went into some deep introspection and listened to music and it was so enjoyable, I had intense euphoria that reminded me of methylone during the peak. But there was still a good bit of energy so I think I would also like to try it on a long hike where I was by myself.

Awesome report, Buzz, thanks much for finally getting it up! ☺ It's wonderful to have some more information on DOiP after all this time, especially at this sort of dosage.

Your description definitely reminds me of the 4-substituted 2,5-dimethoxyamphetamines we've used in multiple ways, though certainly does sound unique in some ways too. I'm not yet sure based off either your description or Xorkoth's how much I think I'll actually prefer it, but it does sound a lot like the kinds of highs I've been enjoying more lately so I'm optimistic. Your comparisons to the other amphetamines are much appreciated too as they do provide some useful perspective now that I feel I'm finally starting to get my mind wrapped around this family of molecules a bit more.

I find it very interesting that for what molecular structure it has and how high of a dosage you took there was still only that one brief moment of visual hallucinations; clearly the 4-isopropyl group must alter 5-HT2A receptor binding properties signficantly from the methyl, ethyl, and propyl. I'm very curious if this will hold up for us too since we seem to get visuals pretty easily from phenethylamines, but of course is doesn't hurt to have more different drugs from the ones we've already got rather than more of the same.

The body load does sound a little daunting with not being able to get comfortable if it is even worse than the other amphetamines, but the relentless energy these psychedelics produce is something I'm starting to become rather fond of anyway even though it can be overbearing at times, so I'm sure I'll manage with it. I may try to specifically save it for something like a hike after all like you said, or at least some time I can be outside and constantly on the move and using that hypomanic energy, as that seems like probably the best use of it anyway if there's not going to be much hallucination or heavy head trip to get distracted with inside.

Those are pretty much all the thoughts I have about it for now but you've definitely got me more curious about this one than I already was.... Thanks again for sharing, I'm glad you had a good time and looking forward to hearing more in the future too! :)
DOC & DOI & DOiP make get me into hypomanic states, especially on DOI I recall that I was completely out of myself at the peak.
DOC is a little warmer and grounded in it, DOiP was very alike, but much rougher around the edges, both mentally and physically. It was the roughest feeling psychedelic I've taken by far, I didn't (couldn't) sit down for more than 10 minutes straight that day. I'm not exaggerating when saying my bottom lip was ruined from all the clenching down.
Weird enough DOI was by far the most transparent in it's stimulation and body load/high. I look forward to seeing how DOB and DOM compare :)

Even with all that in mind it was still a worthwhile experience but you need to be able to cope with the endless stimulation.
The isopropyl on the 4 position certainly does seem to change binding affinities substantially, as 2C-iP is also very much an aberration from the other alkyl 2C-Xs both in terms of much higher dosage needed, and lack of visuals.

I find it odd that Shulgin mentions DOiP in PIHKAL and says he took it up to 40mg with "no effects whatsoever". I wonder if there is a really large variation in individual response to these 4-sub isopropyls?