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Does the body get used to opiates even when not addicted


Oct 21, 2014
Basically i noticed i can take more hydro then i could when i first started using opiates, im not addicted or anything. And when i used to take methadone i used to barely get high and mainly just have backround happiness and sedation. I would get sick if i took anymore than 8 mgs pretty much. Now i can take 10 with almost no naseua and be noddding really good. I take hydroxyzine with it and i didnt always do that but why would it be making me nod all hard all the sudden but not before. I was thinking my body is getting used to the naseua amd allowing me to take more so i can get to a nodding dose.
That does sound sound strange I know that methodone and a few other opiates (buprenorphine, suboxone) don't provide much of a eurphric experience so maybe it has something to do with the methodone because I know that woth buprenorphine when u take this drugs and u try to take other opioids with it in your system u wouldn't feel anything because ur receptors are all blocked up already someone correct me if I'm wrong but I'm pretty sure that's right
Methadone and Tramadol don't do thing for me, neither one of them. But you know even if you aren't addicted it's still going to take more until you find a common dose. My first time with hydrocodone was a simple 5mg pill, now it takes 22.5mg to feel good and I haven't done it too often.

With oxycodone, I started high, messed up my tolerance, and got sick when I took less. I took 60mg with no tolerance, then 40mg, and was in the hospital for dehydration. Now, it takes at least 15mg to feel good, 20mg to really nod and I don't feel negative.

Once you've experienced the side effects to an extent your body just tends to deal with it. When I had nausea I always took a 4mg Zofran and it saved me sometimes.
Does the body get used to opiates even when not addicted

Addicted is a loaded term, with variable meanings. Some would say addiction is a compulsion to use to spite negative consequences. Others would say addicted is when you will suffer physical withdrawal upon discontinuation. Allied with the withdrawal syndrome definition, increasing tolerance is also often considered addiction.

If you are taking a drug because you want to, because its your preferred state, that isn't necessarily addiction. If you feel like you have to for psychological or physical reasons, and not imbibing is misery-than that's addiction. IMO if your driven by what the drug offers, that's something before or immaterial to addiction. When you are hell bent on getting the drug because you can not deal without it, then you have passed into addiction.

Second answer

Tolerance from use occurs regardless to whether the use is addicted or non-addicted. Tolerance happens by repeated exposure, not by craving, not craving, being indifferent, or any other sort of attitude or disposition.
You said you're taking Hydroxyzine which is an antihistamine. Antihistamines have a sedating effect which is probably amplifying the CNS depression and inducing a harder nod. The antihistamine is also negating some of the opiates side effect like nausea and itching which is allowing you to take a higher opiate dose without having stronger side effects. It is true that if you take opiates consistency and long enough your body will adapt. After a few weeks I never got itchy anymore unless I switched to a different opiate (like going from heroin to oxycodone to hydrocodone). But when that would happen I would take Azelastine which is an antihistamine nasal spray. It would kill all the itching and nausea right away.

Addicted is a loaded term, with variable meanings. Some would say addiction is a compulsion to use to spite negative consequences. Others would say addicted is when you will suffer physical withdrawal upon discontinuation. Allied with the withdrawal syndrome definition, increasing tolerance is also often considered addiction.

I think the difference here is addiction vs dependency. The latter is when you are using to alleviate the pain of withdraw. The former is when you pursue anything or activity despite any negative consequence due to psychological dependence. A person who is "dependent" would have no urges to use if they could magically have all withdraw symptoms removed. A person addicted could be clean for weeks and still seek out their drug because they are uncomfortable with dealing with life (boredom, stress, etc) without the effects of the drug.
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Basically i noticed i can take more hydro then i could when i first started using opiates, im not addicted or anything. And when i used to take methadone i used to barely get high and mainly just have backround happiness and sedation. I would get sick if i took anymore than 8 mgs pretty much. Now i can take 10 with almost no naseua and be noddding really good. I take hydroxyzine with it and i didnt always do that but why would it be making me nod all hard all the sudden but not before. I was thinking my body is getting used to the naseua amd allowing me to take more so i can get to a nodding dose.

I think you are blurring the line between addiction and tolerance. Yes, your tolerance will go up as you continue to take those drugs. Methadone has a significant half-life (roughly 30hrs), so even if you only take 8mg/day, increasing to 10mg is more than just a 10mg increase.

Then there's psychological vs. physical addiction. Any pain patient, no matter how determined they are, will end up physically addicted to an opiate they take every single day. Your body downgrades your opiate receptors, as you are flooding your brain with more dopamine/endorphines/etc. than is naturally produced. If you want to know if you're addicted, try going 5 days without taking the drugs. That's about how long it took me to go into methadone withdrawls, but I was also on 120mg/day for a year. (I believe the post above mine is essentially saying the same thing in the last paragraph, only a slight difference).
Even when not used daily, opioids have a pesky tendency to form "baseline tolerance". That means even if you're completely clean for a long time, you'll still be more tolerant and your tolerance will shoot up faster than when you first started using. So yeah, you do become more tolerant pretty much no matter how you use.

I use codeine no more than once a day about 25 days a month (when I don't have anything better) and still I started off like 200 mg and it would get me pretty comfortable and happy. Now I need upwards of 600 mg to get high, and even then it's less intense than those 200 mgs were before. Tolerance with opioids is a real bitch.
so much happens to the human body after the very first opiate dose. your tolerance will NEVER be 0 again because you have offically rewired your brain. you have also now experienced what it feels like to be euphoric from opiates, and you will either love it or hate it. the people that hate it will probably never take an opiate again, ergo they have NO FUCKING IDEA how lucky they are. the people that love it have now physically experienced one of the only things that comes close to sex/ejaculation. and i don't know about you, but i jack off daily.

my point is that some people are more prone to addiction than others, and i'm convinced addictive tendencies are hereditary. most people that aren't prone to addiction generally don't like being under the influence of anything, which i also believe is a genetic trait that's passed along to offspring.

as for what defines addiction in those prone to it, when you are physically or psychologically unable to function normally(no pain, no depression) during the course of an entire day without your poison you are addicted. you also can't have addiction without tolerance, because the time it takes to actually become addicted has without a doubt seen an increase in tolerance due to an increase in dosage due to a decrease in your body's response to the drug.
Word on the playground is that opioids are better than sex and I side with that thought. Not a big fan of sex, though, so maybe that's why.
Opiates are definitely better than sex. Unless you can last hours without opiates. Sex on opiates can be solid... except it kills your high and you can't exactly feel your dick so you probably won't get off without some serious effort. Any addict would choose their opiate DOC before sex but that goes without saying.
maybe i just really like sex then, i mean one of the main reasons i quit opiates was so i didn't have to worry about getting a limp dick before and during sex. because i think it also goes without saying, trying to get and keep a viable boner will on opiates is quite a difficult task at times. so i guess i chose sex over opiates, and i'm glad i did :)
Opiates/opioids are a strange beast in that you can take one dose one day and just be well, then take the same dose another day and have a completely mind boggling nod session....or was IME when I first started to use opiates. Once you develop a distinct tolerance and you know your upper and lower limit its much easier to hit that sweet spot. I lived very successfully on daily injections of morphine for years....I knew what I needed, when I needed it. I didn't swerve my dose to get higher...however I was doing benzos cocaine and booze to party.....I was a talented chef after all ;)
Thanks for replys, i think that it is true that my baseline tolerance has risin. Also i almost always take hydroxyzinw with opiates, really helps the naseua and nod. And i agree that opiates are better than sexual activitys. I hope my baseline tolerance doesnt get higher than it already is that would suck