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Do you Christians want to hear a story about forgiveness?


Jul 23, 2014
So once, there was a Christian man who was very prideful of the women in his life. He studies the Bible, prays daily, and goes to church every week. He had 5 daughters, 3 wives, cousins, nieces, mother, etc. There was a doctor who is not Christian who was very jealous that he didn't have any woman in his life even though he was very successful. He never went to church and never read the Bible and never prays. But the doctor sees the Christian man and decided that he had to do something about the situation and also he was getting very horny. So he raped the Christian man's wife. The courts saw he was a doctor. He was well-connected and had the best lawyer so he was acquitted. The Christian man did not do anything. In fact, he forgave the doctor because that's what Christianity is all about. Forgiving your neighbors. He did not do jack to protect his other family members, or move away, or seek revenge. In fact, he was a devouted Christian still even though he just lost his wife and now has to support three daughters by himself.

The doctor's next target was one of the man's daughter. Not only did he screw her but got her preggers. He was caught, investigated and acquitted by the courts because again, he has a well-connected lawyer. That is his second jail free card. The daughter and the whole family pleaded to the Christian man to do something about the situation, but patient and forgiving as he was, the Christian man forgave the doctor yet again. He prayed to God and God told him to endure the situation and do nothing. Again, he did not move, made his family live in the same place, practiced the same religion, and still treated the doctor nicely like nothing happened. When he asked God about what he should do, God told him "Everything will be alright and that man will never come at you again". This made the Christian man at peace and he forced his daughter to not abort.

Over the past few months, the same routine went on and on for many months, and the doctor got away with it every time each time being acquitted. The next day, he would go back to what he does as a doctor. Just for fun, the doctor decided to get it on with the Christian man's grandmother. This time when it got to the courts, the judge realized that something was going on. Expecting to be acquitted, the doctor said, "So I guess I'm off the hook again huh?" The judge said "No. Not this time, you been doing this too many times and too many times I let you get away with it. You sexed all these women and you deserve to be served some justice. I'm gonna have to give you the electric chair." The doctor took his punishment like a man and the day before he died, a pastor came to preach about forgiveness. He prayed, got his sins out of the way, and was officially forgiven by God. After he sat in the electric chair, he died and went to heaven. God said, "You did well doctor. Although you did some bad things in your life, you mainly did the right things. You became successful, made money, and gave so much love. Although you did some sins, it turns out that everyone sins, but the fact is you repented moments before you sat in the chair and that is what really counts. My man, please have a pleasant stay in heaven." "Thank the lord."

As for the Christian man, who was suffering worse than Job as he has lost all the women in his life, he wasn't exactly having a good time. Hearing the news that the doctor has passed, he realized that he actually had the opportunity to kill the doctor so many times. Like he could have just went into his office and shot or stabbed him. At first, he was upset that he didn't do this, he committed suicide forgetting to repent at the last moment. After he died, he was in a waiting room called purgetory. After waiting for a while, God walked into the room to give him the appalling news. "Christian man, what have you done! Are you no Christian at all? This doctor has been screwing your family off one by one and yet you forgave him all those times without doing jack? I am absolutely ashamed of you. But I am impressed that you obeyed my amendment of 'thou shalt not kill.' But Honestly, you should have killed that mofo because your inaction led to murders of the other women. But the worst thing is, you forgot to say a prayer before you committed suicide. Don't you know that is the one thing that counts?" "Wait, why he gets to go to heaven and not me?" "Because he played by the rules and prayed to me at the last minute unlike someone else who let his whole family get raped." "But if I killed the doctor, that would morally be the wrong thing to do and I thought I would go to hell if I did that." "You're going to hell now. Listen, don't you have any common sense? I don't know who wrote that 'not killing' thing in the commandments, but if someone is raping off your family members, don't you think that killing the killer would be the best thing to do?"

So the doctor is in heaven, the Christian man is in hell, and we'll leave it to you to decide where the Christian man's family is. Of course, this may or may not be a true story, and I will be damned if someone pulls up an actual reference to confirm this, but I'll let you guys decide whether to forgive someone or not.
What is the actual point of this? Did you want to demonstrate how ridiculous, silly, and funny the Christian "rules of the game" are? Of course it makes no sense that somebody who lived a peaceful life and never harmed nobody, but also didn't pray to god, will go to hell, while another man, of the Hitler caliber, could go to heaven as long as he "repented his sins". Yeah, that makes no sense, but that's not news, is it?

I'm just wondering, did you come up yourself with this? It was an interesting story to read, but I'm still somewhat confused.
Me too. I thought the story was pretty absurd. The christianity referenced is more of the fundamentalist type. I don't know if that really means much for the broader christian.
I really doubt that you can just live your life as a scumbag and repent on your deathbed and get a free ticket to heaven.

This is a rather narrow minded topic and I just think the whole thing is bollocks. It just sounds made up.

I guess I can't take offense as much as I want to. I have to believe things happen for a reason and I have found they do. I do not believe in coincidences.

Also, you have no right to judge someone elses suffering. That type of self righteous thinking is just something people do not want to hear.

In my humble opinion that line of thinking is rather judgmental and not very Christian but I personally find organized Religion can be twisted into any way someone wants to make it out and well the gospels were passed and spoken and most were eventually destroyed as free thinking was not something the powers that be appreciate for reasons I should not have to explain.
So god killed a man for being christian? Makes sense, if there was a god she would probably be on that type of stuff, hard tellin'.
Forgiveness is not being a doormat. Forgiveness is the recognition that after you've used your anger as fuel for doing as much as you can reasonably do about the wrong that's been done to you, continuing to cultivate anger toward the person who has wronged you only hurts you, not him.
I really doubt that you can just live your life as a scumbag and repent on your deathbed and get a free ticket to heaven.
in christianity, you accept jesus christ as your savior and you're in.

Christianity does not teach good values regarding forgiveness. In fact, to Christians, forgiveness does not come without punishment. Think about the nonsense of original sin and the fact God sent his son to be tortured and brutally murdered as the only means of extirpating a 'sin' that God himself must have built into the world. There can be no atonement without payment, usually through violence and bloodshed. That is barbaric thinking that you find in Judaism and Islam too. No wonder there is so much violence through the world when we believe that people should in fact suffer as a means of atonement. So much illogic. If God is all powerful, he would not have 'needed' anything to assist him in forgiving us. In truth, Jesus probably did not exist or at least did not do the majority of what christians claim and the new atheists of the roman empire simply found a decent, enduring figurehead to tack all sorts of archaic nonsense too.

The whole idea of religion is ridiculous and I cannot believe we still even entertain these ideas. This is 2016, we have been to the moon and flown crafts in interstellar space, why the fuck are still believing in something for which not an ounce of evidence has ever been presented? It actively confuses me.
If software is calculating you this well it's likely the software is precalculating the entire life situation. Doesn't life need to be mostly precalculated anyways, to get conversations and stuff to time up?

This can nearly only be happening if there is software calculating, I can see no other reason than that. Perhaps it's a software precalculated universe thing.