EMD Do we have people who don't belive in techno?

Shady's Fox

Jul 12, 2017
So as you may imagine, people think = Sounds made on computer, not words. Doesn't have the same impact as a song with lyrics would have. Today I wanna prove the backwards. If you know what to listen, you can lose yourself. I will to do a little set.

This set is specifically designed to make people belive in techno music. Isn't just noise.

In 20m or so, I will post the set here. It will be on Soundcloud.
Because I am busy, I will upload the link. It's available on Zippyshare. Already mix/mastered. Nothing to polish. If you have any troubles with the link, please tag me with @

I may or may not answer, depending on what I am doing. But I will see the notifications. So don't worry.
