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do NOT lie to get into detox. itll backfire


Apr 17, 2012
Someone told me to beeef up my story when i called detox to get in faster so i called mercy hospitaal in baltimore and lied and said im on xanax. They said they cant treat that and when i tried to say i lied about it they said too bad we will never take you now. I called back again crying saying i wanna get off heroin so bad i woulda said anytbing and i could tell the lady could then tell i was telling the truth so she said shes gonna try to talk to her boss again and call back in half an hour

Bottom line dont lie to gwt into detox it could be the death of you
this isnt thread worthy

why would you lie about being on xanax to detox off heroin anyways?

you wanted them to give you benzos to "ween" yourself off "your benzo habit", didnt you?

it woulda made more sense if you woulda just said you had double the dope habit you actually had

but as far as the moral of your story, yea why the fuck not just be honest about your habit and your desires to get clean

sorry to hear your situation tho

but your from baltimore, there has to bbe more then one place to detox
Well he likely lied about being on Benzos because the withdrawal is considered much more dangerous than just opioid withdrawal. I could see why someone would think that this would get them into rehab quicker but, many rehabs don't use Benzos and therefore wouldn't be able to help.

I think the important thing to remember here is rehabs are usually first come first serve and not set up like a triage. Even more important than that would be to never lie when seeking treatment.
Well he likely lied about being on Benzos because the withdrawal is considered much more dangerous than just opioid withdrawal. I could see why someone would think that this would get them into rehab quicker but, many rehabs don't use Benzos and therefore wouldn't be able to help.

I think the important thing to remember here is rehabs are usually first come first serve and not set up like a triage. Even more important than that would be to never lie when seeking treatment.

Thanm you for being the only one here who truely understands what happened. I did NOT lie ahout it to try to get extra detox meds like valium and get high. Yes it crossed my mind that id be potebtially allowrd extra meds for it. But i was going to try to go to detox and kick cold tuekey. since detox is only like 3 days cold turkey is the only reasonable way i can see to do it in order to come out with minimal sickness possible

I lied about it because the other night i called this guy from NA and broke down so hard cuz i just wwnt to get off heroin so bad. He suggested i lie and say i took xanax and shot twice th ammount of Heroin i actually did to get in faster

I apologize that this isnt thread worthy you said i thought it was though. That detox could of saved my life.. i had so much hope but it got shattered when i fucked up the only free detox around. All the others even with insurance are thousanda of dollars so im fucked. And if someone reads this they will know how not to go about it and it could save there life where i feel like mine has been basically sacrificed to provide them with this info-- so thats pretty heavy and thread worthy i thought

Mayve i should retain more hope then i do ill admit thougb...
Ya man, hang in there. It will take time especially nowadays where there are so many needing help. This is definitely a problem when people really want help and it certainly ads to the helpless feeling but, keep your head up and you will find help.

I know you said that you want to go C T but, you may want to consider suboxone or methadone maintenance. Of course do what works best for you but, it just seems that early on people want to be completely drug free instead of considering maintenance programs that may actually be more successful for them.
I actually found another detox thatll let me in for free with my insuranfe no chargebat all!!! Only problem now is my job i dont know if they'll let me go without holding the missed days agaijst me and/or just firing me on the spot when they learn im am addict

Im prettu tight with all the big wigs there and have been there since the first day the company opened and am well known and liked (not saying that to brag but its true and should help me) but i wqa thinking abiut having a friend call the humab resource departmebt on my behalf tomorrow so i can be anonymous whilw rhey gather info of if ill get let go

Wish me luck... and iif you guys think that's a poor couree of action please let me know whqt you'd do diff im all ears
If your company has an hr department then you should have an employee handbook with all the rules and sometimes rehab is covered in them. Or you may be able to use the family medical leave act(don't know if detox falls under this). Or maybe a leave of absence will work.

Another option is to be honest with your boss. Maybe not 100% honest but in my experiance it shows that you are taking responsibility for yourself.
If your company has an hr department then you should have an employee handbook with all the rules and sometimes rehab is covered in them. Or you may be able to use the family medical leave act(don't know if detox falls under this). Or maybe a leave of absence will work.

Another option is to be honest with your boss. Maybe not 100% honest but in my experiance it shows that you are taking responsibility for yourself.

This. At my last job they had a policy that they would be supportive and I believe it was actually paid leave they would allow any employee that admitted they needed help to take the time off to try and better their life and when they came back clean they could keep their job. Just after that they were subject to random drug tests and if it turned out that they were still using hard drugs after taking the time off to become clean then they'd immediately be let go.

Just be honest man, you fucked yourself up but you're making the responsible choice to get clean. If they do like you as much as you said then they should have enough respect for you to be understanding of your situation and cut you a little slack. This may change their view of you a little but they shouldn't fire you for it...
Yep they'll respect ya for it I don't even know ya and I respect ya for gettin clean it ain't easy. Head up one foot in front of the other just gotta walk that walk.
Worst case.Even if your job doesn't understand look at the bigger picture. If you are clean your possibilities are very broad.Good luck. Take care of yourself
never admit that your a dope fiend..tell them its pharms, and they will be much more understandable
This. At my last job they had a policy that they would be supportive and I believe it was actually paid leave they would allow any employee that admitted they needed help to take the time off to try and better their life and when they came back clean they could keep their job. Just after that they were subject to random drug tests and if it turned out that they were still using hard drugs after taking the time off to become clean then they'd immediately be let go.

Just be honest man, you fucked yourself up but you're making the responsible choice to get clean. If they do like you as much as you said then they should have enough respect for you to be understanding of your situation and cut you a little slack. This may change their view of you a little but they shouldn't fire you for it...

Yea what you said is what happened, imbactuallt anticipating a check any day now for both my time out at this detox and the rehab i detoxed again at a month later lol

Wish i could say i was completely clean now tbat i detoxed again a THIRD time on my own at my house but i started doing shit a couple days ago though much much less then before

Im starttming outpatient rehab as a condition to stay whee3e im living next week though which i think will help.. i have to piss clean to stsy living here so i csn get hifb once s week since its only one group a week sn
^ I know that they say that you have to get clean for yourself, but when I was in outpatient I think it helped me get clean because I would have felt like too much of a fraud if I had been using when I was supposed to be clean. I guess one of the good things about me is that I can't really lie. I think that's a big part of why I never got involved in middle-manning, because you need to be a liar to do that since you can't jack up the prices if you are honest about what you pay for it otherwise people will take advantage.