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Dizziness and Brain zaps when try to sleep, 50 hours of Heart palptations and 60 hour


Aug 4, 2018
Hi, stupidly took a lot of mdma pills(not even tested, i know really really idiotic) and also I have quite a bit of social anxiety but it?s never affected me on pills, until a few days night ago I had around 3/4 pills around 850mg altogether apparently.

Also had 600mg worth the week before but didn?t get a comedown/problems off that My heart slowly beated slightly faster after the first couple, but thought it was normal and by the end of the night I?m having heart palpitations and my anxiety kicks in very bad and having panic attacks.

Didn?t get a second of sleep all night, as when I would try to sleep I?d get ?brain zaps? which I?ve read quite a bit about, which im not too concerned about, went to work about 7 hours later at 12pm, and my heart starts to beat really fast, and my anxiety isn?t helping. I?m trying my best to not worry and take my mind off it so it slows down. But it?s been around 60 hours of no sleep now and 50hours of heart palpations and every time I?m about to fall asleep I get a brain zap which scares me and wakes me back up then sets my heart off again. Any ideas or advice?
(Sorry for my awful grammar and spelling)
I can?t sleep, how long can I even go without sleep??
Try getting some melatonin supplement 3mg, stay in dark room, don't use artificial lighting and chill on the bed. That's what I would do in your situation. Stay hydrated, distracted and calm. If there's stress on your heart, don't put extra strain on it with physical activities. Eat some sweet potatoes with salt for potassium and sodium.

Stop READING, you need rest, rest is the opposite of stress. Whatever you read won't matter, sleep and rest will. As I've mentioned before the light of your screen will extra mess your cycle.

Keep us updated. :)

Also, check your blood pressure and if the palpitations don't stop check a doctor and tell him/her what you took, (Whatever it could be, but chill). You can try to look for your pill into https://www.ecstasydata.org/search.php

Calm down once more... The Brain Zaps always went away from all the cases I've been reading here.
Magnesium can really help you sleep. I use Doctor's Best chelated magnesium. Last time I rolled, this kept me sleeping soundly through the night for the entire next week. No weird sleep disturbances.

I also personally love vitamin C and methylcobalmin (B12) to help with the comedown.
Finally slept today guys got a good 12 hours! Heart has slowed down a lot and nearly back to normal rate I?d say. Only issue left now is the depression caused by the amount of serotonin lost during this binge, should be okay within a week max right? I hope not longer, want to get back to my old happy self and take a long break from mdma.
Thanks for the help
Also didn?t take anything to help it, my anxiety was bad and I feared putting anything in my system in case it made it worst
No one could tell you how long your depression will continue. If you had episodes of depression previously in your life it could be long, like unlocked longer episode. If you never suffered really from any depression I would guess it will go away fast.

Give your brain a treat with great diet, sleep and laughter. The rest is patience.
Okay, so it’s 4am my time, the heart palpitations are hitting hard again my heart is racing, trying hard to keep calm but not helping
when I close my eyes and attempt to sleep I go lightheaded and get brain zaps when I think I’m about to fall asleep. Should I try buy some magnesium something whatever they’re called pills to help with my heart and sleep?? I was thinking bout getting 5htp, but I’m scared that they might cause even more brain zaps, is that possible.. or am I just being an over reacting anxious moron again. Please help I can’t take this anymore, I’ve slept once now in 3 days and I’m worried
Hey, man, hang in there, I went through the exactly same experience. I couldn't sleep for three days in the row out of anxiety, then lost conciousness 3 times within 20 minutes, and called for ambulance. That was absolute hell. Now I feel sooooo much better.
I was a fan of 5-HTP when I used to do MDMA a lot.
How long did it take for you to feel 100% again, it’s been 5 days now and i still wake up dizzy and I’m unable to go to work or even outside. Although my heart seems to have calmed down a lot.
From my observation it could last between 2 months and... 2 years. Mentioning it not to discourage you, but the opposite, so you don't get desperate if it takes too long. There's no point for research at this point, there's no solution for MDMA LTC.

Just live as healthy as possible, both mentally and physically.
Okay been like 5 days now and when I wake up I feel very dizzy and still do a bit now, back in work tomorrow and really don’t think I’m ready to go back, took 2 5htps yesterday and don’t know if they’ve done anything, do you think this dizziness will pass soon? Also is 5htp worth taking
What have you been doing to fill the day? You will be OK I think that although you had a nasty comedown the risk now is that you allow it to overcome you, that might sound silly but you are going to have to force yourself to do things and eventually your mind body and mind will recover.

I have had some horrific comedowns myself that caused panic attacks and days off work but they all passed and yours will too just don't allow it to be all you focus your energy on, distraction is key and get out in the elements, keep busy.
Literally been in bed for 5 days done nothing, as I thought rest and sleep would be the way forward. Gunna force myself into work tomorrow no matter how dizzy I am and hopefully get back to normal :)
Good to hear I guarantee you will be feeling brand new after a week of work, keep us all updated :)