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  • Trip Reports Moderator: Xorkoth

DiphenOxylate *IS* Recreational.


Aug 30, 2012
This is my first post though ive lurked on these boards for years, i have come upon new information for those who have ever wondered about the diphenoxylate/atropine combo that is Lomotil.

After searching and searching about and for personal accounts with this drug i find it to be often argued whether there is recreational value here or not. My own opinion is that there is no conclusive evidence due to the fact that there just arent many people out there willing to try it because of the dangers of atropine. Although this is just my own personal account i can tell you without a doubt that there is definetly recreational value here. (please rest assured, i am an experienced drug useer, and know the dangers of atropine, that being said.. the atropine is included to discourage the injecting of these pills, the oral ba of the atropine is not enough to cause near detectable effects if any at all from even a pretty decent number of these pills being eaten)

To begin with i have a fairly decent tolerance, 90-120mgs of oxy is what it takes for me to get the nods, so i know if i can get a pretty decent buzz with the nods, off of these and feel no effects from the atropine, then i know alot of others can too. the down fall is the ridiculous amount of time it takes for these effects to be felt.. lets begin with my acount

Last night, around 8pm, i ingested 25 of these diphenoxylate/atropine pills, knowing that i most likely was not going to get anything from them other than my sickness relieved. (Which was my reason for ingestion in the first place)

3 hours later and i felt nothing, though i was no longer releasing my bowels every 20 minutes, there were no other effects (good nor bad) convinced this was as good as it was going to get i decided to sleep while i felt relieved enough to.

I woke up at 9am proceeded to make coffee and go outside for my morning cig, halfway through the smoke i was beginning to realize that i could not keep my eyes open, and i felt somewhat high, i went inside to check my pupils, and they were the size of needle heads, of the course of the next hour, these effects became stronger and stronger and i was actually nodding on these.

the high most comparable to that of a subutex or suboxone high, very enjoyable for someone who was sick just the night before. its almost 2 oclock now and the effects are just beginning to subside. i must say that i was pleased with the experience that i did not see coming.

im sorry for the wall of text, and if this is posted in the wrong area, i was just so very excited and wanted to share this knowledge with anyone who may be interested.. thanks for reading )