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Did something very silly... Mixed G and alcohol but didnt feel the G, why?


Oct 18, 2005
I went to Defqon.1 Festival in Sydney last weekend and while there I had quite a bit of 2C-B and methamphetamine(and a fair bit of xanax beforehand too, would have worn off by the time I had the G though), also a fair bit of alcohol.

Anyway about 2/3 the way through the night when I was starting to come down off the 2C-B I had a few ml's of G( 2 1/2 of those soy sauce bottles full.... Def not GHB I think it was 1,4b coz ive had GBL before and it tasted very different and it didnt taste salty like GHB apparently does) And I think I felt a little bit of it, but not much at all and I had a fair bit of alcohol on board.

I know what I did mixing alcohol and G was incrediblly stupid, I was just excited to find my favourite drug and wasnt thinking properly. but why didnt I feel it? I have benzo tolerance, is G cross-tolerant? Ive heard of some kinds of G only kicking in after the alcohol wears off which may have happened in this case but I didnt really notice it. Im confused, even the guy I was with who had never tried it before didnt feel much and he had more than me. It was definitely some kind of G but it tasted mminty so I have a feeling it was quite diluted so that may have been the case but what it was selling for(fuckking rip-off!) It should have done something with the amount we had.

Any ideas? And please dont be stupid like me and mix G and alcohol!
The reason is because your liver has to metabolise 1/4b into GHB and the presence of alcohol in your system/liver inhibits the livers ability to perform this conversion. This is the reason why it is fairly common for uneducated punters to go out on the piss and take several charges of juice throughout the night, thinking it is not working, then hours later when the alcohol leaves their system they blow out hard.

I am not entirely sure if you drink lots of alcohol and only take a small dose of 1,4b, if the 1,4b can leave the system before the alcohol does and basically render the dose useless, this does seem plausible as I find it kind of hard to imagine the 1,4b would just sit in your liver waiting for its turn to be metabolised after the alcohol, but this is not a topic I am particularly well read on, especially since I have not used juice in years.

It is also entirely possible you just got sold very low quality juice. I have never tasted "minty" G and that sets off alarm bells, I know one salt of GHB (the least common one, and GHB is probably the least common of the 3 types of G available in Australia as it is) is supposed to taste and/or smell like licorice (can't quite recall which and am busy as atm). I figure those soy sauce bottles hold atleast a couple mL's each, if it wasn't diluted you shouldn't need close to that much so either way I think you got dodgy shit as well.

The best advice is never to mix G and alcohol, it really is a dangerous combination and when you look at the way they both work there isn't any real sense or benefit in mixing them.
drug_mentor said:
I am not entirely sure if you drink lots of alcohol and only take a small dose of 1,4b, if the 1,4b can leave the system before the alcohol does and basically render the dose useless, this does seem plausible as I find it kind of hard to imagine the 1,4b would just sit in your liver waiting for its turn to be metabolised after the alcohol

I thought that was the case, that the 1,4B would stay in your blood stream unconverted until the alcohol had been metabolised. But I can imagine that the enzymes responsible for converting both would be freed up gradually as the alcohol was metabolised, meaning the 1,4B could be converted a bit at a time over a much longer time frame, and maybe not enough to feel. But this is just speculation too, and I can shamefully admit I have dosed 1,4B after drinking too, and felt it kick in quite suddenly and intensely after the alcohol has worn off, and of course, this is where the danger lies.

I would echo d_m and say it sounds like you likely got quite diluted stuff. From a quick search it looks like those fish hold about 2.6-2.8mls of liquid, so 2 and a half of those is a significant dose. If those were the size bottles you got, you are actually very lucky it was diluted, as 6 or more mls of 1,4B is far too much. You would've likely put yourself in a whole lot of strife and real danger had it been pure.

I think it's so important to emphasise to everyone that juice doses should never be estimated by eye or by its effects on someone else - the line between an enjoyable dose and a blow out is just too small to ever risk guessing. I would recommend always using a plunger to measure your dose, and dosing on the low side with a new batch to test it - it's really so important to be accurate, exact and careful when you're using any kind of juice. I've found even using the same batch can have greatly variable effects from day to day, and of course the risk is even higher when you're using a batch of unknown purity.
Ok makes sense now. Thanks a lot for that DM :)

Found a source for Fanta up where im from so hopefully ill see some before too long. I looooove the stuff, my favourite drug. A bit disappointed that I was drinking when I had this G, it would have been perfect in the situation I was in. 2C-B/G/Defqon.1 would have been such a good combo!!! Oh well the 2C-B was fun especially considering I havent had any in about 4-5 years.
I personally find GHB comes into its own when mixed with 2 drinks max. Take this advice with a grain of salt because mixing G and alcohol can lead to all sorts of trouble that you know about. If you can stick with two drinks and resist the urge to have more you should be able to enjoy the buzz.

I feel I should add - If anyone who is reading this plans on taking G for the first time don't mix it your first time. Get a feel for it because it can be dangerous.
If someone is already tolerant to other GABAergic (is that a word) drugs, such as alcohol, benzos etc, would you have a cross tolerance to GHB/GBL?
GABAergic is a word and I am fairly sure that there is some cross tolerance between G and other GABAergic drugs.
If someone is already tolerant to other GABAergic (is that a word) drugs, such as alcohol, benzos etc, would you have a cross tolerance to GHB/GBL?

It's a massive simplification but an agonist will bind to a particular receptor subtype causing series of downstream effects leading to desensitization of the receptor and tolerance.

In this case G is a GabaB agonist and the majority of other Gaba agonists (benzos,kava etc.) bind to the GabaA receptor, so you wouldn't see the type of cross tolerance that would occur between benzos and barbiturates.

Like I said its an oversimplification each drug is unique in how it causes tolerance, certain drugs and/or their metabolites can cause tolerance to the effects of agonists of different receptor types, eg; even morphine the gold standard mu receptor agonist may cause some desensitization to gabaergic drugs through it's direct modulation of the activity of GABAergic neurons in the CNS.
I have a decent tolerance to benzo. Like I need 4-8mg Xanax to feel anything. So I was worried about that but benzos affect gabaA not GABA-B receptors so I doubt that had anything to do with it.

For now I'm enjoying a big shot of meth with some mates and waiting to get randy :)
@OP, you did Xanax, meth, ghb, alcohol and 2-cb, that is so crazy can't believe you managed to pull that off at that event.. :\

Also is there a ghb mega thread? or discussion thread? I want to find out more about it, why people use it and how the fuck did it completely explode out into an epidemic in the last 5 years :/ any users please reply or give me a message?

Sorry to do this on this thread I just felt it was more relevant than making a new thread haha
Hey afterlyfestyle GHB has been around way longer than the last 5 years buddy and back then it was an epidemic. Say 2004 I'd go to visit a mate and have a social smoke. He had a 2 litter bottle sitting next to his bed full of the shit. Fairly standard back then, maybe I'm showing my grey hair. Also TISM did a song about GHB in the 90's called "he will never be an old man river" and the chorus was "I'm on the drug that killed River Phoenix" in reference to GHB. Thing was it was cocaine and heroin that killed River not GHB and that was in the late 80's. Bit of an urban myth at the time + dodgy journalism. Sooo wanna try some GHB? Hope you don't OD. Be fucking careful if you do I'm serious! Oh and the ketman's combo is fairly standard once you get into your substances and your not just fucking around... That said It'd test me, mostly the alcohol as I can't process that shit period.
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Hey afterlyfestyle GHB has been around way longer than the last 5 years buddy and back then it was an epidemic.

After a while you realise that when it comes to the media and any drug it's always an epidemic.
If someone could actually show some figures ie; increased hospitilisations, conivictions or interceptions over a period we would see if there is a trend. It would be interesting to see if usage is higher now than it was before it became illegal in the early 00's.

Oh and the ketman's combo is fairly standard once you get into your substances and your not just fucking around... That said It'd test me, mostly the alcohol as I can't process that shit period.

I don't know about that , personally I think most users mellow out on the crazy combos as time goes by, if it goes wrong a few times and you live through it you're not likely to push things as far. Agree on the alcohol it is a bastard alone and in combinations.
Lol oldirtybizza your spot on. Basically afterlyfestyle has posted a few shit stirring post's in relation to some of my own and when I PM'd him/her with a link to bunk police he/she was all "what? Where is this coming from?" Also the enthusiasm for GHB coming from someone with such a flippant attitude to substances I can see them fucking up rather then getting fucked up. Bit worried buy hey not there mummy or daddy and if they are big enough to give me shit then they can learn the hard way. All drugs are dangerous and all drugs can kill/OD. This is a person who posted "I'm shit scared of RC's" and "stick to what you know will fuck you up" then stated H had been around since 1874. That is all well and good but H almost killed me and was my first OD experience so I think someone advising people to stick with drugs that "fuck them up" is very immature and kind of childish especially as H was advised as a drug that will "fuck you up". RC's and "traditional drugs" are all dangerous that is my message. Although some newer RC's like 3,4 CTMP are just longer lasting more intense, vaso-constrictive versions of MDPV that make peevee look like an angel. Take it from me I gave a 10 mg a whirl and that was a scary fucking experience and the remaining 40 mg went strait down the crapper.

Once you get into a groove you end up doing these crazy combo's and like you said age and experience catch up to you as indicated by my comment "it would test me". Fuck would that ever test me. A bad enough experience was 20 mg TMA 2 followed stupidly less than 24 hour later by 2 mg of 25c Nbome. I was seeing full open eyed visuals that were far beyond anything LSD has done or DOx's for that matter. Gigantic grey metallic sphere's that seemed to stretch into eternity superimposed over my bedroom. Couldn't move was terrified. Sent a text to my partner saying I loved her and was happy I met her and shared so much love etc and was possibly going to die. Even 2 mg Clonaz did sweet FA. Eventually got over it but realized TMA 2 is a very powerful and long lasting MAOI.

Hey mate don't post shit about me behind my back! Stop doing that. :\

I don't fucking advocate the use of heroin, what kind of junkie ass piece of shit do you think I am? I recommended to someone stick with what drugs we know how they effect us RATHER than RCs. A Sydney teenager committed suicide after he got his hands on some synthetic LSD. Reports and further research into the coroners office, eyewitnesses and testimonies indicated that this particular batch of "LSD-like substance" was an incredibly long lasting effect of LSD and methamphetamine. Can you fucking imagine what that does to a 17 year old boy? He jumps off a roof. Can't say it sounds great man. Drug deaths happen every day I will admit, but some stories really hit home and this one did for me.

Don't paint shit I mean seriously wtf. Surely you are mature enough to agree on that and I want to see a clear as fucking day response to this.

That shit about the bunk police? Don't be a bitch behind my back and act like such a tough man here's what you really said in a message titled "woof woof":

"Woof woof http://bunkpolice.org/mdma-identification-guide/ Test your gear ALWAYS but if in a festival and do not have access to said test kits then you may as well have a lick, like a doggy! 2 easy."

Like normal people, I don't click on links from randoms especially on a drug forum like PLEASE TAKE MY CREDIT CARD, turns out he was talking about some post I did a few days before, batshit confusing like seriously COOL STORY MAN WHY DID YOU PM ME THAT, I DON'T KNOW YOU FULL STOP!!!

In Melbourne GHB has exploded out into the nightclub scene in the last 5 years. A few months ago, local Melbourne DJs Will Sparks, Joel Fletcher, Keesh and I believe a few others got onto a YouTube and radio announcement about the use of GHB and kids blowing out on the street due to dodgy GHB/GBL and whatever dealers pass off. I've never used it because frankly it's scary as fuck, you have 1-2ml too much and you can blow out, you can't do that shit with joints or drinks, ill stick to that.

I'm researching this purely for HR and anyone in the Melbourne nightclub scene can confirm this its not as if it is a secret or I am actually making this up.

"Superintendent Rod Wilson said a decade ago there were 70 call outs for ambulances for GHB overdoses compared with recent figures of 449 in a 12 month period."

I go out clubbing and people are no shit dropping like flies in front of me. The police fully know about this problem and started a blitz and have made hundreds of arrests with great success like Operation Cumulus.

Please don't post shit about me again I'm sick of finding this, here are all the facts now shove that in your pipe and smoke it before I come across another thread where I'm made out to be some junkie ass piece of shit with no regard for my health or welfare or that of others. ;) X0X0 GTFO <3
^You guys need to see a marriage counselor, the kids hate it when mummy and duddy fight in public.

those figures are interesting , still melbournes got 4.5mil people so 449 is a low number, I would hardly say epidemic numbers. Any death figures? Where you responsible for that juice vid , no offence but it was so corny it made me want to put myself in a self induced coma.
The truth is always the best HR , trying to scare people doesn't work, G isn't any more scary or dangerous than any other drug, in fact in low rec dosages it's incredibly well tolerated being metabolised to only CO2 and water. the problem is actually being perpetuated by drug users who think dosages should go by the mil, I mean thats a GRAM of drugs at a time. The other problem it's sold cheaply in large amounts and as a liquid which makes it hard to dose. Ketamine has a steeper response curve than G yet we see less of a problem, why? because people are more careful and it's used in smaller units.
The widespread industrial use of the precursors and the massive markup when sold on the street will mean for a long time yet there will be an abundance of the stuff, it's up to users and whoever is supplying to people to educate themselves and others on proper use. just say no doesn't work and never will.
Har Har Har very funny!

Okay it may not be an "epidemic", granted, exaggerated, but a 700% increase in a decade, even against the population growth it is still climbing very very high, but why. Also this is for the RECORDED figures. In reality people blow out, the club stamps are washed off the wrists and the people are then thrown into taxis out the front.

And no I didn't make the video but it did address a problem that is getting out of hand.

Is it a gram of the powder form that is the same as a ml? I wonder if there is any long term damage studies done, has anyone found any reliable findings?
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The video, it kind of does give off the same vibe as "reefer madness" but I thoroughly enjoy comments by Some Blonde DJ, Fabian Gray, Johnny Canik, Reece Low & Uberjakd... can't post the link but if someone searches "anti juice campaign" it goes for about 10 mins. Worth a watch.
Is it a gram of the powder form that is the same as a ml?

I don't know how to answer this, a ml is measure of volume , a gram is measure of mass , a mil of something still has a mass. I don't know it's density exactly and cant be bothered finding or working it out I'd imagine slightly more dense than water so over 1000mg/ml. for all intents and purposes we're talking about something that exists as a liquid at room temp not a
substance in solution ie; a salt dissolved in water.

Anyways my point was that a gram/ml is a ridiculous increment to be dosing a substance in. The closest thing I could think of equating it to is drinking vodka by the cup rather than by the shot.
But in the liquid form that's how it comes, figuratively speaking mistake a bottle full of GHB for water and that would e disastrous.

Due to being "RANDOM X" being sold as "drugs" I guess my question really wouldn't make sense then? "How long is a piece of string" kind of question ... all good. :)
Afterlyfestyle people jumped of buildings on LSD. Simple fact some people shouldn't do drugs due to latent mental health issues that may be triggered or increased by drug consumption, including dope. Have seen a guy 20 years of age floridly psychotic schizophrenic due to cannabis usage pushing him over the edge so to speak. Anyway will remove my oh so offensive post... A clear response: I think you take shit way to serious and if your still smoking grams of green a day please cut down as you will be not so quick to jump up and down like a petulant child denied his/her favorite toy. Also I maybe have been a bit moody of late and also had a bit of a scare re: possible Ca lung but my own fault smoked cigs and weed from 16. Still have female friends/relatives that smoke more than some guys and there is a family history of I guess Ca breast, but Ca lung? That is something to jump up and down about and only family members in their 60's or 70's/80's who smoked have developed Ca lung. Gotta be lucky getting it at my age... or not at all lucky (my bets on the latter). Chest x-ray today but dexamethazone has had me up almost all night, fucking steroids...

Marriage counselor sounds great we could learn to hate each other on so many new levels while forking out good money to a half assed psychotherapist lol. Never take things too seriously and thanks for your sage advice oldirtybizza, I've given BL a miss for a bit due to these reasons, not as much fun or as well informed as my old sparing partner AS13 lol. It's good to see some people see the funny side but some times people get a little offended especially when MDMA post's are involved. I was offended by the seemingly flipant nature of the post "fucks you up and knowing how it fucks you up". Maybe I got a little steamed when I saw H and stuff listed as being ok (my impression) vs RC's but afterlyfestyles does have a point. Also bunk police actually state that MDMA has a deffinate smell to it... they have been around for a while and are an awesome HR tool I've known about them since at least a couple of years ago and just great advice.

Yeah media make stuff an "epidemic" and cook up BS stats and crap to try and prove something that is not really possible unless taking a sample of drug users 10 years ago and finding out how many used "fanta" and a group today and asking them "do you do GHB?" and then comparing the results and even then it'd be only relevant to those surveyed and not the drug community as a broader whole.

As for the solvent solute question it depends on the solvent used and the solubility of the solute in the solvent. An example could be 5% dextrose in 1000 ml H20 that means that a measured volume of solute in this case 5 grams of dextrose to 1000 ml of H20 the solvent. So depending on Gama-Hydroxybutyric acid and it's solubility in a given solvent would answer your question to some extent. It is available as a sodium salt, known as sodium oxybate (INN) or by the trade name "Xyrem". To really know you'd have to evaporate the solvent and see how much solute was left and weigh it vs volume of solvent used.

Also anonymity browsers work wonders when posting on BL not that I always do but good advice from other's. Afterlyfestyles you are offensive and defensive, lighten up buddy, I really enjoyed your post with the whole "woof, woof, drugs bitches" comment. Get a grip it's only posting on BL not a destruction of your personality. Also maybe getting some facts and researched data to back up your claims? Just a suggestion and no need for psychosis. I'm good for that myself don't need any extra. I've read your previous posts and eagerly await your next one afterlyfestyle.
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