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Dissociatives Did DXM change? Didi I change? Or is the 50 trip limit permanent?


Jan 23, 2020
I first discovered DXM around the age of 19.

I had become homeless with my mother & was forced to relocate & find work.
Of course, I did not have a weed or other drug connect in this new area at the time.

And being somebody who has some anxiety & depression problems, how else was I going to work a new job without getting totally gone on something?

That's when I discovered DXM. I started drinking a bottle or two before going to work. It got so bad that one morning I stepped out of my car in the parking lot and literal robitussin bottles would fall out and roll down the pavement.

Back then I remember it giving me that mild drunke/stoned/zoned out feeling without much else, maybe some confusion & slight visuals but some how I was able to work and keep a job during it.

Once I found a weed dealer, I ceased use of dxm altogether & then got into opioids (a different story).

Flash forward to the age of about 26/27 and I went through a bad break up. During this breakup & for awhile after, I did not work & went on a complete self destruct mode for almost 2 years.
This is when I discovered DXM again & holy shit. This time the trips were completely mind blowing. I thought I knew this substance from my previous use in my early 20s with it. But I was wrong.

Of course during this break up, I often had those pesky "I wonder what they're doing right now" or "I bet they're with somebody else right now" thoughts that drove me insane.
If anything, I can look back retroactively and say that DXM taught me during this time to let go. To be free. Once I was full blown on a trip, these thoughts were still there, but I was able to feel okay with them.
I felt like I was connected to everyone and everything & that I couldn't be angry at some one for being human or making mistakes. And that it was only hurting me.

These trips were very visual, in my minds eye & my real eyes some times. And almost "mystic", actually scratch that, I still consider some of the trips during this time actual mystic experiences (for me anyway).

Not only did I have insane euphoria, revelations, crazy synchronocities, paranormal events & tons of fun delusional thinking but this ended up becoming a regular thing for 2 years or more.
I would drink anywhere from 300-1000mg and just be totally wowed by everything that would transpire afterwards. Some nights were less eventful but the trip still felt meaningful or at least somewhat fun. I even had a handful of times where I felt as tho I were "dying" and what I felt like was a full blown "out of body experience". This usually happened on the 600+mg doses when I would combine it with cannabis.

I mostly went on these trips when "my" pain pill scripts would run out out for the month. As I felt like some times getting completely fucked on DXM was the only thing that could take my mind off the withdrawals.

After many years of doing it a couple of times a month, the trips started to become more side effect ridden & I eventually screwed up & tripped too close to after having taken a dose of effexor.
I ended up with convulsions in my legs (which I've since learned now was probably serotonin syndrome). Couldn't walk. Legs were shaking & my toes were curling up. I immediately took a klonopin & laid down until the convulsions had stopped on their own & seemed fine in a couple hours.

I believe I was about 29 when I decided enough was enough. And am in going on my mid 30's now.
After that I stopped. And would only stick to low doses (60-100mg) For opioid potentiation.
For almost a good 5 years now I have not tripped.

Until in the recent months that is.
I had been feeling like I need this introspection again to get through some things mentally.
So I have tried 300mg, 400mg & 600mg trips again, which would have been pretty decent experiences at least for me back in the day.
Except that the most that happened, even up to 600mg, was a body load and head feeling like my head was stuck in mud.

Absolutely no euphoria, no CEV's, No OEV (until almost 8hrs later, which would only happen in the dark right as I felt like I was ready to pass out).
No mind blowing revelations, no synchronicities, no paranormal, not even the manic "mysticism" that I use to enjoy from it.

At most, it made me feel lethargic & extremely zoned out. That's about it.
And it seems to take several hours to kick in now a days, like longer than 2. Has been very underwhelming (even with thc).
Multiple attempts now. Basically pointless. Even after almost 5 years.

Now I don't care to hear anyone tell me not to use DXM or whatever BS.
I'm simply curious if anyone else has had this experience, if anything can be done about it and if you think the 50 trip limit is a real phenomenon?

Why were my trips so insane and world shattering in my lates 20's but my early 20's and now are mediocre and boring at best?

I'm aware DXM is not an opioid, but a left handed image of one & studies say it can be reversed with naloxone.
Do you think long term suboxone / buprenorphine use could impact a dxm experience or remove some of it?
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I don't like opioids and can't personally relate to your problem. But I've recently gone off dissociatives for a year and a half, and have been surprised a couple times in a row at how much lack of my old tolerance has left me unable to interact with the environment, coming back to consensus reality among broken objects just like the good old days, heh. So 5 years should have been plenty for at least partially resetting even "permanent" tolerance.

Since DXM potentiates opioids I suppose the reverse is true as well, and you'd have to multiply that 100mg with some factor to represent the actual impact. (I assume you've continued using opioids during those 5 years, right?) Plus, the combo setup could have led to conditioning at various levels, linking dopiness to an otherwise quite psychedelic compound. Consider that conditioning can be so powerful it sometimes means the difference between life and death. Heroin users are statistically more likely to overdose in an unfamiliar setting: they shoot up their usual dose, but the usual environmental cues haven't primed their biochemistry.. and that's curtains.

So alas, I would expect you'd indeed have to quit opioid potentiation for some months, or years, if you want to be able to revisit the full DXM experience. Other substances might aid the reset, but the core issue doesn't seem purely chemical.
i started drinking a bottle or two before going to work. It got so bad that one morning I stepped out of my car in the parking lot and literal robitussin bottles would fall out and roll down the pavement.

That can only happen in America, home of the brave, lol…
I don't like opioids and can't personally relate to your problem. But I've recently gone off dissociatives for a year and a half, and have been surprised a couple times in a row at how much lack of my old tolerance has left me unable to interact with the environment, coming back to consensus reality among broken objects just like the good old days, heh. So 5 years should have been plenty for at least partially resetting even "permanent" tolerance.

Since DXM potentiates opioids I suppose the reverse is true as well, and you'd have to multiply that 100mg with some factor to represent the actual impact. (I assume you've continued using opioids during those 5 years, right?) Plus, the combo setup could have led to conditioning at various levels, linking dopiness to an otherwise quite psychedelic compound. Consider that conditioning can be so powerful it sometimes means the difference between life and death. Heroin users are statistically more likely to overdose in an unfamiliar setting: they shoot up their usual dose, but the usual environmental cues haven't primed their biochemistry.. and that's curtains.

So alas, I would expect you'd indeed have to quit opioid potentiation for some months, or years, if you want to be able to revisit the full DXM experience. Other substances might aid the reset, but the core issue doesn't seem purely chemical.
Thanks for your input. Yeah I would have thought 5 years would have been plenty of time.
If naloxone (an opioid antagonist) can reverse a DXM overdose, then this leads me to wonder how DXM would react in some one who's receptors are saturated with a partial agonist (basically an antagonist) and I wonder if this could prevent some of the euphoria or magic. Although a good dose of DXM seems to reset tolerance to my opioids.

That can only happen in America, home of the brave, lol…
Ikr! I'm surprised the place didn't fire me on the spot. Lol I actually ended up staying there for 4 years.
Combining DXM and Naloxone you say? Closest I've come to that is combining 3-HO-PCP (an opioid dissociative) with Naltrexone (another opioid blocker, more geared towards the kappa receptor). The result was pleasant, even dopey since Naltrexone leaves the delta receptors relatively unfiddled with.. but a ridiculous resource drain save for as a one-time scientific curiosity. I guess I see where your reasoning is going, but I'm pretty sure opioid blockers aren't going to potentiate your dissociatives. Though following the conditioning logic, I suppose you could try incrementally stacking some micrograms of LSD onto it to rekindle the fireworks? I know it hasn't worked with cannabis yet as it should, but it's still another parameter you can ramp up if you're impatient.

The keto diet is also perhaps interesting to consider for speeding up regeneration if you're prepared to give up half of the joy of food for the sake of dissociation. I don't think I would have cleared up as much of ten years of arylcyclohexylamine tolerance in a year and a half without it. (Partially) starving yourself gets the brain juices in wild animal mode, lots of natural BDNF and stuff, especially when you start to run around as one in the clean dark air on top, heh.
Combining DXM and Naloxone you say? Closest I've come to that is combining 3-HO-PCP (an opioid dissociative) with Naltrexone (another opioid blocker, more geared towards the kappa receptor). The result was pleasant, even dopey since Naltrexone leaves the delta receptors relatively unfiddled with.. but a ridiculous resource drain save for as a one-time scientific curiosity. I guess I see where your reasoning is going, but I'm pretty sure opioid blockers aren't going to potentiate your dissociatives. Though following the conditioning logic, I suppose you could try incrementally stacking some micrograms of LSD onto it to rekindle the fireworks? I know it hasn't worked with cannabis yet as it should, but it's still another parameter you can ramp up if you're impatient.

The keto diet is also perhaps interesting to consider for speeding up regeneration if you're prepared to give up half of the joy of food for the sake of dissociation. I don't think I would have cleared up as much of ten years of arylcyclohexylamine tolerance in a year and a half without it. (Partially) starving yourself gets the brain juices in wild animal mode, lots of natural BDNF and stuff, especially when you start to run around as one in the clean dark air on top, heh.
Damn, I hadn't thought of that...

Back when my trips were very "mystical" and actually enjoyable, I was constantly broke & went without food or had minimal food for weeks at a time some times.
Hell some times stealing a bottle or two of cough syrup was my food for the day.

Difference now a days is I eat every day now (usually) and haven't had a proper fast in a long time.

I definitely need to look into diet changes. I've put on 25lbs since getting on opioid maitnenance therapy in 2017 & switched from black coffee every morning to energy drinks (mostly because I suddenly developed a disgust toward hot coffee right when I wake up, even tho I drank it daily for 15 years before that & loved it). My diet has caused me a lot of issues most likely.

Good suggestions, thanks!
Dxm is lowkey a favorite of mine and its very much like lsd in that it changes how it works as I get older

Unlike lsd it makes you almost anti social and totally cool with bad situations so watch out if Its a crutch to keep you ok with being in a bad spot

Almost like booze/opiods more so in the "ok with living with some bullshit" aspect
Dxm is lowkey a favorite of mine and its very much like lsd in that it changes how it works as I get older

Unlike lsd it makes you almost anti social and totally cool with bad situations so watch out if Its a crutch to keep you ok with being in a bad spot

Almost like booze/opiods more so in the "ok with living with some bullshit" aspect
Completely agree there. And I'm pretty sure I'm guilty of using it as a crutch at times.

How did it change for your as you got older?

Wondering if I should try again some time or if I should take it as a sign that DXM has nothing left to offer me. Which is a shame.
Completely agree there. And I'm pretty sure I'm guilty of using it as a crutch at times.

How did it change for your as you got older?

Wondering if I should try again some time or if I should take it as a sign that DXM has nothing left to offer me. Which is a shame.
Is a lot more effective as something to function on, but I take freebase tablets/caps rather than hydro bromide usually these days and keep the dose under 200mg for the most part

I also dose in intervals instead of taking the whole thing at once
I would say the biggest difference is that I am no longer as easily suckered into my own superstitious thinking lol

Is a lot easier to interpret my dxm trip notes as metaphors now

Less mystical and more social

Feels like an entactogen tbh
Is a lot more effective as something to function on, but I take freebase tablets/caps rather than hydro bromide usually these days and keep the dose under 200mg for the most part

I also dose in intervals instead of taking the whole thing at once
Spreading out the dose of dxm is very helpful..
I used to be able to score some dxm xtals a few years ago.
I quickly learned that it is important to find your sweetspot of total dose and how i should spread it for THE optimal peak experience.

I have decent ket tolerance(was less at that time but still present)
So to get a really solid third plataue i had to indulge around 700mg of dxm in a session.

I tinkered with it for some time untill i came up with this protocol.

T+0: 150mg in gelcap +150mg in some juice(the cap will hit slower then the juice)

T +90-120min: 200mg gelcap.

T +180min 200mg gelcap etc..

Ive indulged way over a gram this way, just adding another gelcap every 90-120min to prolong the peak.

If i took to much to quick i would just blackout instead of having a trip.
Spreading out the dose of dxm is very helpful..
I used to be able to score some dxm xtals a few years ago.
I quickly learned that it is important to find your sweetspot of total dose and how i should spread it for THE optimal peak experience.

I have decent ket tolerance(was less at that time but still present)
So to get a really solid third plataue i had to indulge around 700mg of dxm in a session.

I tinkered with it for some time untill i came up with this protocol.

T+0: 150mg in gelcap +150mg in some juice(the cap will hit slower then the juice)

T +90-120min: 200mg gelcap.

T +180min 200mg gelcap etc..

Ive indulged way over a gram this way, just adding another gelcap every 90-120min to prolong the peak.

If i took to much to quick i would just blackout instead of having a trip.

clearly you have figured out the spacing makes the difference

Cheers mate lol

It really is so much more pleasant than just Downing the whole dose in one go

Freebase dex makes it hard to enjoy gels or syrups since the experience is so much more euphoric and clean

It is night and day

clearly you have figured out the spacing makes the difference

Cheers mate lol

It really is so much more pleasant than just Downing the whole dose in one go

Freebase dex makes it hard to enjoy gels or syrups since the experience is so much more euphoric and clean

It is night and day
Wish it still was around, it was avaiable on a dn market for about a year.
Dxm is not something you can buy in my country without a precribtion from a doctor.

So i would pay alot for a few grams or even a box of robotussin or similar.

Dxm is one of my favorite drugs, i first tried it when i was in india.
Im seriously thinking about taking a weekend to germany or some other place where i can buy it over the counter.

Maybe hire a penthouse floor and just chug cough syryp for a few days straight 😅
Wish it still was around, it was avaiable on a dn market for about a year.
Dxm is not something you can buy in my country without a precribtion from a doctor.

So i would pay alot for a few grams or even a box of robotussin or similar.

Dxm is one of my favorite drugs, i first tried it when i was in india.
Im seriously thinking about taking a weekend to germany or some other place where i can buy it over the counter.

Maybe hire a penthouse floor and just chug cough syryp for a few days straight 😅
Dxm being prescribed and not otc is alien to me as an American lol

There's a company that sells freebase tablets pretty openly here in the US through the web.

Never considered DXM might be difficult to obtain for others.

Makes me thankful I guess.

Hope you get to enjoy it again sometime soon even if you gotta cross a border to grab some

Seriously weird/satisfying drug.
Dxm being prescribed and not otc is alien to me as an American lol

There's a company that sells freebase tablets pretty openly here in the US through the web.

Never considered DXM might be difficult to obtain for others.

Makes me thankful I guess.

Hope you get to enjoy it again sometime soon even if you gotta cross a border to grab some

Seriously weird/satisfying drug.
It got scheduled about 15years Ago after there was some overdoses from a local research chemical website that sold pellets with dxm.
Alot of those got sold as extacy att raves etc...
You can probably guess how that ended Up😅
It got scheduled about 15years Ago after there was some overdoses from a local research chemical website that sold pellets with dxm.
Alot of those got sold as extacy att raves etc...
You can probably guess how that ended Up😅
Does not sound like it would end well lol

Gotta be honest bout the chemical in the pills or people are gonna mix and match it with stuff that is deadly in combination

Yikes. While scheduling dxm seems like an over reaction I can see why something like that was done. Even just as a token gesture.
Are you manic, bipolar, schizophrenic, etc.? I was never into DXM, but friends who were would drink the cough syrup, or order the DXM powder and measure it for high dose experiences.

I have never done fasting but I have heard it can be spiritual but dangerous.
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