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Detailed description of a very odd surgical procedure


May 16, 2012
In my medical ethics class yesterday we were handed out photocopies from a book about fucked up and very morally dubious surgery, and even without any pretty pictures, (academic articles concerning any aspect of medicine, especially patient case reviews - and even more so is this the case with psychiatric patients - rarely contain any pictures. Patient confidentiality and all that. You'll get pictures of skin disorders and that's about it. Which makes for really dull reading assignments generally. Except for this one here...still, I'd love to have seen a photo of this guy.) I thought this might perhaps generate some interest on here. So I spent the last half hour copying it out for you, because I'm nice like that. Diving straight in -

“Miller et al report the case [7] of a young man suffering from paranoid schizophrenia who was able to persuade a surgeon from Belarus to conduct a similar procedure. The man, from Virginia, USA, had contacted the surgeon over the internet from the basement of his mother's house. The man, aged 27, did not leave the basement, which he had fortified with lead sheeting before beginning his residence, believing that he would be shot in the head should he place himself in any situation of vulnerability [8].” <<< here the footnotes say that he thought he'd be executed by the chinese mafia and that he had watched a shit load of gangster films as a teenager. I left footnote numbers in incase anybody thought this was BS or copypasta, then can give refs....

More interesting bits --- “The study shows a marked similarity with the Calworth report in that: the subject's desires were fulfilled by a surgeon from abroad; the subject had used the internet to find and contact the surgeon; the surgeon kept residence in a country outside the legal jurisdiction of the subject's country, and with whom diplomatic relations were weak; and that the surgeon had requested a fee outside of accordance with the general cost of a medically legitimate surgical procedure of a similar nature conducted within the subject's home country.”

OK I can't be bothered to copy all of this bit out. I'll just skip straight to the gory bits (this shit is fucked) --- “blah blah blah ..confirm this [13]. The surgery involved an incision laterally across the forehead to expose the occipitofrontalis, which was severed from its connections to the skull, facilitating the removal of the facial flesh downwards, following incisions made anterior to the ears, following the masseter and ending at the upper obicularis oris, where the incisions ended thereby preventing full removal of the facial tissue. Following exposure of the frontal skull, the bone was reportedly cleansed with saline solution, prior to slight abrasion of the frontalis and exposed temporal fascia to allow a greater chance of success in the grafting of the ceramic plates. Anchoring points were drilled about the frontalis bone, from high upon the forehead to a longitudinal opposite point along the top of the optical orbits, following which titanium skeletal anchors were inserted into the holes. Anchors were then inserted along the perimeter of exposed sphenoid and temporal bones, after which ceramic plates of zirconium dioxide (ZrO2) at 3.5mm thickness were sited about all prepared points before fixture with titanium screws [14]. The skin and musculature of the face was then sutured back into place. Post-recovery the patient was reported to have lost the use of the left orbicularis oris entirely. Additionally the surgery left the subject with reduced use of the frontalis musculature [15].”

/copying. The article goes on to describe the surgery to the back of the head, but it's basically a similar procedure.