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Describe the high v the come down to a non-user


Jan 22, 2021
In just a few words, describe a) the physical, and b) the psychological high and low of using your drug or drugs of choice.

Do you get a good high often enough to risk a bad comedown? Objectively, is it usually worth the payoff on these terms alone?
Moving this to Drug Culture, as it is not a trip report
Crack. Heart pumpingly good high for 1 minute. Terrible feeling of wanting more.
Awful comedown of how can I get more only helped by doing heroin. Which is why there's so many crack users on H.

Wicked buzz but you can spend really stupid amounts of ££ in one session. Wouldn't advise people to try it. Especially, females, in my experience they love it.
*** Is saying females no longer okay. I've been on sites where it seems not ok
take a big blast and on top of the world.
2 minutes later you lost your best friend in the world.
Thanks for the responses 👍 As a “female” agree it’s not offensive at all but sometimes sounds a little odd, as opposed to women
The high from dissociative drugs (ie. PCP, Ketamine), is like being enveloped in slowly coursing warm sand, while sinking ever lower into a comfortable hole. Nothing can bother me in this evolving state of bliss and mental isolation.

Coming down is like being in a discombobulated manic frenzy, getting caught in thought loops. Saying things you'd never say and acting like you'd never act. It's so easy to ruin things while in this state. Nothing cures it but letting time go by.
I’m a poly addict but meth has always been my drug of choice since I tried it (smoked it) for the first time 10 years ago, then about 7 years ago I tried it IV for the first time.

The physical - I could feel my body heat up instantly, my heart pounding, started sweating almost instantly, all my extremities started tingling like crazy, my ears were ringing, a nice tickle went from the base of my spine to my head, I almost felt like I was going to cum 😅

The psychological- I felt happier than I’d ever felt before in my life, my mind started going crazy (a million thoughts a second), couldn’t stop talking about absolutely anything, felt invincible, started talking about things that I couldn’t talk about sober without a care.
When I first started using I would get come downs that would last anywhere from a few hours if I’d only been up for a couple of days using, to a few days if I was on a lengthy bender without sleep or food. For me it’s impossible to eat or hold down fluids when I’m on, so when I’m in a come down I try eat and rest as much as possible before I get on again because I’d usually be up for anywhere from 2-15 days