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Harm Reduction CWE: hydrocodone/APAP


May 19, 2015
Hey folks, can anybody help me out here? I have a few hydrocodone/acetaminophen 10/325 tablets. I've researched cold water extraction both here on BL and on other sites, and hit some snags:
1. Most descriptions are about codeine or some drug other than hydrocodone.
2. Some say mix crushed pills with warm water, then chill. Others say to simply use cold water.
3. Some recipes emphasize filtering/refiltering, others say just decant.
4. Suggested water/pill ratio varies a lot.
5. Some say soak overnight, some don't.
6. Some suggest plugging, others say absolutely do NOT use rectally
7. etc.....

I'm scared of acetaminophen because I've been a heavy drinker most of my life and still consume 3 to 4 alcoholic beverages daily. I'm 62.
Does anyone know a reliable, relatively simple CWE method for hydrocodone?

The extraction will work the same for most opiate pills with apap and will work just fine on hydrocodone pills.

The more you chill the water the less apap will dissolve so generally it's a good idea to keep it colder.

Use as little water as possible, probably only 50-80ml, maybe even less for a few pills. Crush the pills and stir them thoroughly into the cold water. After stirring you can put the mix in the fridge for 10 minutes to help cool it and drop more apap out of solution. Then filter the solution through a coffee filter, the faster you do it the less apap will be in the water since it won't have a chance to heat up and redissolve the apap. Also pre-wet the coffee filter with plain water so it won't soak up a portion of your hydrocodone rich solution.

1000-1500 of apap is not that bad but it is a good idea if you fear that your liver has been compromised.