• N&PD Moderators: Skorpio | thegreenhand

crack evidence based practice


Oct 4, 2001
i am looking for any evidence based info on crack harm min espically pipe provision and its a desert out there any pointers?
Hmm, most likely because all of the normal cocain harm reduction techniques should be folowed with a different route of administration taken into consideration.

I do not have personal experience with crack but for starters, please leave out the brillo. Just smoke out of a pizzo if possible. I think there may be so little harm reduction because once you start smoking rock it is assumed that most people no longer care about harm reduction.
Thats because people arn't given any, in the Uk there are antibiotic resistant strains of TB, anecdotal evidence of Hep C transmission to crack smokers who have never injected and a host of other problems through infections, lip burns, finger burns as well as unsafe/sex for crack exchanges.

I know that pipes/kits are given out in Vancouver, France and even parts of America! why has no one bothered to look at evidencing the good this has done?
because crack is the pluto of the system. its on your ass end of harm reduction because there is no such thing. crack may be something you can control and keep under wraps but the rest of the world gets on crack and does fuct up shit. I guess best guess is use a glass pipe and keep alcohol swabs around to clean the mouth piece as I am sure it is getting constant use. Change the water constantly and make sure your product is as clean as it can be. Good luck with Harm Reduction Operation Crack. -JRod
I'm a drug worker!

there is always room for harm min unless you follow the Bush abstinence is the only route bollocks.

controlled use is possible with any drug, do a search for 2cocaine use in non deviant subcultures" pater cohen for some honest stats re non-problematic use.

Theres an interesting piece of research happening at the moment into non-problematic heroin use (currently in two year follow up phase)
it researched what peole who maintain non-problematic use did that 'junkies' didn't, usefull reading for anyone who uses in terms of defining protective factors...

some of which are:

keeping a distance from 'druggy culture'
rules either social or learned or both.
counter factors, employment-career, family, religion that are more important then the drug
availability of the drug

I'd add to that some intelligence !
Well I've never used crack, but just a couple of tips I thought I'd add from my days of smoking meth.

Wear a bandaid (not the plastic ones, the material ones) over the thumb you use to light the lighter, that way you don't get burns and blisters on it from constantly lighting a lighter for hours.

Always use a glass pipe, have as little contact with the pipe in your mouth as possible, and wipe it before passing it on. It is preferable for everyone to have their own pipe wherever possible. Also I don't know if crack is as water-soluble as meth, but if so, it's a good idea to let the opening of the pipe sit just behind your teeth, otherwise the smoke passing over it will dry out your gums causing serious damage.

Chew gum so you don't grind your teeth to smitherines. Drink plenty of water.
Crack's not water soluble at all.

What's water solubility have to do with drying out your gums? Meth causes dry mouth via vasoconstriction, pharmacologically. Smoking anything will dry your entire mouth and throat out from the heat, I don't think sticking a pipe behind your teeth will help much.
cliffchuff said:
Theres an interesting piece of research happening at the moment into non-problematic heroin use (currently in two year follow up phase)
it researched what peole who maintain non-problematic use did that 'junkies' didn't, usefull reading for anyone who uses in terms of defining protective factors...

No way I took part in that I got reinterviewed last month!