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Opioids Could Plugging drugs cause diarrhea?


Apr 29, 2018
In (opioid) withdrawal so been plugging what I DO have the last couple days as I have nausea and vomiting and can't keep them down orally (it's DHC, you can't IV it).
I've been getting bad cramps and worse diarrhea than usual. Could plugging the drugs be like having a mini-enema effect? Or is it JUST the WD?
I'd assume it's probably just the withdrawal.

Plugging does cause one to feel like they need to expel waste though.

Could be a combo of both?

This reminds me of a question though...>

Could plugging things like m-amp and things known to cause vasoconstriction cause issues in your rectum/colon?
I'd assume not since people can IV and it doesn't seem to cause issues there. But you never know.
Could just be too much liquid in your stool from the narcotics enema. I'd chalk it up to that.
In (opioid) withdrawal so been plugging what I DO have the last couple days as I have nausea and vomiting and can't keep them down orally (it's DHC, you can't IV it).
I've been getting bad cramps and worse diarrhea than usual. Could plugging the drugs be like having a mini-enema effect? Or is it JUST the WD?
Are you using Loperamide? It's an opioid that does not cross the BBB so it won't get you high but should counter the intestinal part of the WD.
Your vowel should be empty b4 plugging. Use bisscodyl suppository and empty your whole colon first. Best results
I suppose it could if you are using a large volume of water. Or lack of sterility/pathogens in said solution.
I would imagine plugging laxatives could cause diarrhea 😐
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In (opioid) withdrawal so been plugging what I DO have the last couple days as I have nausea and vomiting and can't keep them down orally (it's DHC, you can't IV it).
I've been getting bad cramps and worse diarrhea than usual. Could plugging the drugs be like having a mini-enema effect? Or is it JUST the WD?
I think it might be more from the WD Than the plugging. I could be wrong but I do know from XP that WD does do this.
Certain drugs will cause diarrhea for me. Nearly instant feeling. Mostly various research chemicals and phenibut for some reason... pharmaceuticals and street drugs don't really do that to me.