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Harm Reduction Coke


Nov 3, 2019
Hi, I have been using small amounts of coke once a week for several years. I reckon half a gram. I share it with my husband and we got into it because it was the only way he could communicate properly with me. Now we use together to enjoy one evening without the kids, and to talk things over without arguing.
I would like to know how to limit any scary damage. I usually use for about 3 hours, then take 1mg Xanax to sleep. I clean my nose with saline also.
I am more concerned about my heart really.. I am in my 40's and have 2 kids, I know we should just share a bottle of wine like normal couples, but this works for us. We only ever do it together and never more than once a week.
Any comments or advice appreciated. Thanks
Have you had an echocardiogram? Maybe get one, just for reassurance and to make sure there's no serious damage already done.

Magnesium - specifically highly bioavailable forms, chelated or bisglycinate - supplements should help with some stimulant related muscle tension - although I'm not sure offhand if it will make any significant difference to the cardiac effects, I think it may do but please don't take this as gospel.

I did some research on this a while back and dug up the research I could find - here's a link to the thread if you're interested - https://www.bluelight.org/xf/threads/methods-to-reduce-cardiotoxicity.805255/

The takeaway as far as I could tell is that supplementing selenium is the only thing that really, MAYBE might have some beneficial effect, but this has not been explicitly proven.

Do you have a blood pressure monitor? If not, get one. Educate yourself about what ranges are healthy. Start recording your blood pressure at fixed times in the day and make sure it's healthy when you're sober. When you do cocaine, occasionally record it too - you should expect an increase, but make sure you're not in the danger zone, if you are then you have cause for concern. I know no-one likes to take some of the fun out of a guilty indulgence or whatever, but don't bury your head in the sand - if you're serious about your health, you will keep an eye on this kind of stuff.

Really the best safeguard is to make sure you're in good health generally. You must exercise. You must eat a healthy diet. Eat a high fat, low carb diet, and make sure those fats are healthy fats, there are multiple studies supporting the positive impact of this on heart health. If you want to keep doing cocaine you must cut back in other areas, keep processed sugar to a minimum, don't smoke, if you must smoke, vape, but be aware that even pure nicotine has been linked to increased incidences of cardiac side effects and atherosclerosis.

Cocaine is a disproportionately harmful stimulant with specifically cardiotoxic effects that other stimulants do not share, the ideal would be to switch your cocaine evenings or whatever for another less harmful drug, of which there are many which you would probably enjoy just as much if not more. But if you're hellbent on continuing to use cocaine then please just make every effort to stay healthy otherwise and keep an eye on yourself, monitor your vitals, look after each other, listen to your body and know when enough is enough.

One final thing, if you're not certain of the quality and want to ensure you're not also imbibing other cuts, some of them stimulating in themselves like ephedrine or something, lookup how to do an acetone wash to purify your cocaine and make sure that what you're taking is, truly, just cocaine. Cocaine itself is harmful however, so doing this will not massively reduce the cardiac risk which is why I mention it last - but it's something to consider if you truly want to cover all your bases.
Really amazing info - thank you so much for taking the time. You mention that there are other, less harmful substances we could use - would you mind suggesting? My husband is keen on MDMA, me less so. I can't use weed as it sends me psychotic. Thanks again for all this, I will follow your advice.
It really depends what you're looking for... generally we don't allow "what should I take" type questions, reason being that there are just so many substances out there, everyone has their own individual preferences, and of course a lot of these substances have a dark side and the potential to cause harm in ways that are not always possible to predict... there are just so many variables. When you say weed "sends you psychotic" for example, are you using this term loosely, as in, makes you agitated, confused, you didn't like it, or did you actually have a psychotic break after smoking weed?

MDMA is not a substance that you would be able to do every week anyway - every 3 months maximum is the typical recommendation - I'm curious though, when you say you're not keen on MDMA, do you mean that you have tried it and didn't like it (this would be very surprising ;)) or you have not tried it, but don't want to try it for other reasons?

I just re-read your post and I see you've been using cocaine as a communication aid - are you able to communicate better now when you're not on coke? Needless to say, it's really not sustainable to rely on substances to be able to communicate with each other long term - although they absolutely can be extremely useful in the short term. Does your husband have some psychological issues with opening up? I would very much suggest seeking some kind of professional help if so, and I don't mean that to sound dramatic, honestly there is no one alive who could not benefit in some way from speaking to a trained professional about any issues they might have communicating or understanding their feelings or their mind.

Besides that, in the absence of any further information, speaking very very generally, personally I'm a fan of psychedelics and a lot of them are physically extremely benign, if neither of you have any history of serious mental illness and are just using together, honestly I think you could have some truly beautiful and spiritual experiences with a substance from this class - every week might be a bit psychologically taxing but a lot of classical psychedelics are generally quite "anti-addictive" in that you may not even need or want to do them so frequently after a few powerful experiences. However I would never recommend any one specific substance to you and feel generally that this is a road that you and anyone should prepare for themselves, by which I mean read as much as you can about the topic, discuss it together, and truly decide for yourselves if this is a road you want to go down.

It would be helpful to know more about both of your experiences with other substances, if any. But, again, generally, I would suggest clarifying what it is you are looking to get from the experience - what kind of experience are you hoping to have, and what would be the ideal characteristics of a drug, in your mind, if you are both set on finding a drug that you can sustainably do together?
Hi, I have been using small amounts of coke once a week for several years. I reckon half a gram. I share it with my husband and we got into it because it was the only way he could communicate properly with me. Now we use together to enjoy one evening without the kids, and to talk things over without arguing.
I would like to know how to limit any scary damage. I usually use for about 3 hours, then take 1mg Xanax to sleep. I clean my nose with saline also.
I am more concerned about my heart really.. I am in my 40's and have 2 kids, I know we should just share a bottle of wine like normal couples, but this works for us. We only ever do it together and never more than once a week.
Any comments or advice appreciated. Thanks
It is VERY easy to become addicted and your use to increase. Be careful, you have a family that needs you both to be there for the kids. Not judging but I lost my kids due to addiction and not being able to stop
well, since thursday to monday i smoked about 8-10 grams of coke, the thing you have to keep an eye on is a few factors
2. if snorting, snort up a drop of water with your stuff, it'll actually really make it work much better and faster.
3. don't skip out on meals, half a gram isn't much at all so don't worry about that, no damage can be done.
4. I have a girl friend well friend girl you know whatever, who's snorted coke everyday for about 8 or 9 years now, she has no issues, but gets from my source which is very high purity however, i have a suggestion for you, if you're using cocaine NEVER buy it in powder form, alittle powder is fine but make sure theres nice rocks or simply buy rocks and crush them into powder i NEVER buy anything with powder but some people don't have an option.
5. smoking cocaine is a different drug, do not start doing this unless you have severe pain issues or severe depression and even then, it can easily become a habit/crutch that is very expensive.

If you need cocaine to communicate with your hushand there are bigger issues in the picture, drugs shouldn't be the only way you can communicate with someone, Why do you feel the need to use drugs to communicate, arguing about stuff that irritates you is competely natural alright, you can have some cocaine and both be happy, you won't argue but i mean ... look at it from a 3rd person view, you're both getting high and it's the only way to really connect?
Personally, if i was using cocaine of all things to better communicate with my partner, any progress made or benefits to be had would be rendered completely moot once we crashed lol.
don't forget about the ensuing battle over the last line or rock
Maybe this is more of a crack thing, which I've not done, but I can say honestly in all my time using cocaine including with a few romantic partners this has never once been an issue... especially in the latter context.

Do you not find cocaine makes you empathetic enough that splitting that last line so neither of you feel hard done by would be preferable?

Especially compared to arguing when at most at the end of the session you'll feel good for 5-10 minutes tops and then not only have to deal with the grinding fade, but also have to deal with the guilt about arguing over something so petty.

I know rationality and drugs don't always go hand in hand of course, not meaning to sound holier than thou or anything as I realise that might be a danger... although I would say that the "battle for the last line" is an argument everyone should try to avoid thinking is even worth having.
^ maybe this is more of a crack thing, which I've not done, but I can say honestly in all my time using cocaine including with a few romantic partners this has never once been an issue... especially in the latter context.

Do you not find cocaine makes you empathetic enough that splitting that last line so neither of you feel hard done by would be preferable?

Especially compared to arguing when at most at the end of the session you'll feel good for 5-10 minutes tops and then not only have to deal with the grinding fade, but also have to deal with the guilt about arguing over something so petty.

I know rationality and drugs don't always go hand in hand of course, not meaning to sound holier than thou or anything as I realise that might be a danger... although I would say that the "battle for the last line" is an argument everyone should try to avoid thinking is even worth having.
i mean i'll let anyone with a grabbable booty have the last line or some good tits, otherwise id probably stab someone over the last line, i've somewhat done this, no not with a knife, but i did stab a friend with a fork because we were supposed to rock paper scisors over it but he tried to go for it when i went to get a beer, i think he deserved it though no? he complained about it for a good 3 weeks, one does not simply steal the last line after agreeing to RPS over it
but i HATE crackheads, i've never made a huuuuuuuge deal over the last bit of rock buuuuuut it sure is nice, considering it fixes up my chronic pain but i've never been in the scenario with another rock smoker looking at the last rock, typically i end up having to hide my stash or lock myself in another room till they come back to reality, crackheads are some wild shit to deal with, i dont get that way when i run out so i never understood it, but ugh honestly ive seen the same thing go down with simple railers too
Half a g a wk for 3yrs don't seem to be enough to worry about damage considering the amount some ppl do.its just not enough to worry about.
best to smoke coke alone. it's not a social thing like railing is, and you don't want someone fucking with your euphoria doing somthing stupid, i've seen a dude light his fucking sweater on fire, youd think he'd put that shit out, but he finished his hit before paying it the slightest attention...
Half a g a wk for 3yrs don't seem to be enough to worry about damage considering the amount some ppl do.its just not enough to worry about.
thats really not that bad. it beats my stimulant usage, avg no less than 15grams of coke/month usually 15-25 and then theres the amphetamines.... so much amphetamine, and now ive got a solid meth connect, as much as i love meth i don't think it's going to contribute to anything good.
@Zonxx mate I can clearly see you're quite high and feeling good and enthusiastic, which is great. But you're also telling people that half a gram of coke over 3 hours is nothing. That's not really the kind of HR we want to promote here my friend. You might be fine with what you do and your doses, and many others may be ok too. But we still need to consider that for some even small amounts can be harmful, especially over the long term, and especially years or decades down the line.
Sorry I took so long to get back to this (kids....) and I really appreciate you all taking the time to respond.

So yes, the communication thing is an issue -my husband works really really long hours to support his family and he finds it hard to express himself and his feelings. During the week we tend to only talk around the dinner table when the kids are with us. We don't get a lot of time together. He has always said he's a much nicer person on drugs - and he is. I often ask which one is the real one - he thinks the drug one as it removes his inhibitions.

We have tried counselling, but for some reason, when we sit down in a quiet house after a long week and he gets out his baggie and credit card, it's like a ritual to signal our special time together. We probably get through a gram at most. And it's a wonderful few hours. We discuss the kids, we discuss each other, we have some intimacy (although as you all know, he finds that part a little hard physically - any ideas??).During the week we are both 100% clean.

Thanks to your advice here, I won't drink alcohol with it anymore. I have a saline spray that I always use to wash out my nose, and I always know when to stop (when I feel the high I want, I have learned not to just keep chasing it- usually around 6 small lines).

The next day I am always fine, but he tends to crash a bit. I just worry that one of us might suddenly drop dead or something!
Yeah, ok that's reassuring! We have both randomly had heart checks in the past year for unrelated reasons and all was fine, so I suppose I should stop worrying.
Vastness mentioned psychedelics but there's no way I will touch them - I hallucinate if I smoke weed and I hate it. Really coke is the only drug that I truly adore. It's the only drug I have ever tried that makes me feel the way I wish I felt all the time.
It's the only drug I have ever tried that makes me feel the way I wish I felt all the time.
That's stimulants for ya.
I guess its just the human condition too lol. Wanting to feel great all the time while forgetting it wouldnt be great anymore it would just feel normal 🤔
best to smoke coke alone. it's not a social thing like railing is, and you don't want someone fucking with your euphoria doing somthing stupid, i've seen a dude light his fucking sweater on fire, youd think he'd put that shit out, but he finished his hit before paying it the slightest attention...
This is true. When I first started snorting many years ago, it was always in a social setting. Groups of friends sitting around, snorting, listening to music, playing cards, and just having a good time. When I switched over to smoking years later, I found that I quite despised being around other people while doing it.

You had the incessant talkers who would ramble on and often lose their train of thought midway into every other sentence. Or you had the catatonic types who would sit there in a mindless daze, and would only speak to discuss their next hit, scoring more, and so forth. You also had the “leechers” who either couldn’t afford to buy in as much as you could, or did not bring any of their own gear. I might treat them to a hit, maybe two, but they hung around like stale body odor and distracted from the high.

It just ruined the enjoyment for me to be around others. I’m sure I have my own idiosyncrasies also, but I definitely prefer smoking alone. However, it’s also another aspect of smoking coke that makes it rather depressing.