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Cocaine Cocaine & Weed


Dec 20, 2016
Hi everyone,

I wanted to share something ive learned from my personal experiences when it comes to combining coke and weed. In my opinion, the outcome of combing these two substances varies depending on which order you do them in. For me, doing coke and then smoking weed afterwards makes me crazy anxious and does the opposite of calming me down, i worry about having heart attacks, and it's just overall not enjoyable whatsoever. BUT, when i smoke weed and then do coke, i dont get really anxious, in fact, the coke isnt very noticeable at all besides tasting the drips, which isnt pleasant when you have dry mouth.
My point is, the combination sucks either way you go about doing them. On one hand i get super anxious and paranoid, and on the other, i feel like i wasted my coke. What do yall think?

By the way, as stated before this is a matter of personal opinion, i have seen people do it and enjoy themselves. I guess it depends from person to person. I mean i saw someone taking fat dabs and then the guy cut up a few lines and did one himself and continued to take dabs.

One thing i forgot to mention, i can smoke weed if i wait till a majority of the effects of coke wear off, for example after i run out of coke or ive just reached my limit, i usually wait over an hour (estimate) before i smoke. Yeah it sucks having to deal with the effects of the comedown but its easier to manage after i wait a bit and then smoke. Weed doesnt completely get rid of my comedown symptoms, its kinda hard to explain, the best way to explain it is that it masks or covers up the symptoms and makes it easier to deal with them, rather than not smoking and having to deal with the negative effects without any aid.

P.S. I know its been said countless times on this site, but a benzo such as valium or xanax makes the comedown nonexistent, its a miraculous thing to have on hand during coke sessions/binges.
The differrent effects that come depending on which you do first is pretty common if I'm not mistaken. I've heard tons of people I know and on here agree that if you blow your nose then smoke it sorta draws out the negative side effects of cocaine.

I personally don't like cocaine. Just isn't my cup of tea, no matter the quality or batch or what have you I just don't enjoy it. Every time I get the same results, irritable and tachycardia. Honestly it's like a fucking nuisance to me and I would like to know why lol. Never any paranoia or stereotypical shit, I just get stuck with an annoyingly fast heart rate that is so pronounced it won't let me sleep. Like literally, it feels so strong and loud that it literally distracts me enough to where I cannot focus on getting to sleep. The last time I bought cocaine about a year ago I went through a few grams by myself and eventually was doing it just to get rid of it and trying to give it away.

Back to the sleep thing. I also know people who swear by using cannabis to help the comedown. I'm not sure what the fuck strain they were smoking; whenever I tried it I would just feel like I'm right back to where I was before I began to calm down. Literally did the exact opppsite of easing a comedown lmao. I think you're probably on to something with the order of usage. I wish I knew the chemistry behind it!
I like some weed after coke as long as it's high CBD low thc. Otherwise I get even more anxious.
well that makes sense considering CBD isnt a psychoactive substance, and in some cases its been shown to help people come down if they get too high, ive never tried cbd myself to get rid of a high. but when i talk about smoking weed as stated, im not grabbing specially bred strains, my state doesnt have dispensaries so its kinda rare that people i get weed from have strains with higher CBD levels, its regular weed, sativas, indicas, hybrids, good weed dont get me wrong, but with my experiences im talking about regular strains, not special CBD strains. good point though.
sorry for just now replying, im coming down from some snow as we speak, was pretty rough. Anyways, thanks for your input, its cool to know that im not the only one who reacts the same way. I'm a frequent user of coke so ive had my share of rough nights of sleeplessness and fast heart rate. Its a shitty feeling and i always wish i could make the come down smoother or easier. Back when i started using though it felt way worse since it was also my first times having comedowns. Im kind of used to it now, still sucks but i can manage. Back about a year or so ago, however, it was awful, so of course, thinking that weed had to be a good thing to help the comedown, i sparked a blunt and hotboxed my car with a couple friends (they werent sniffing and we sparked it maybe 10 minutes after i finished what coke i had). After a few rotations or so, i get what i learned was Micropsia, at least i think thats what it was, fuzzy memory of that night, but i still get micropsia if i use alot, more so when i drink, but im aware of the higher toxicity of alcohol and cocaine.

Im rambling, sorry haha, drugs...

Back on topic, I would also like to know the chemistry behind it, ive been thinking its maybe because THC causes certain thoughts and feelings to be intensified. THC can make people super giggly and happy, because
it intensifies those emotions/feelings. I THINK, i could be wrong, that its most likely because THC also intensifies feelings like anxiety and paranoia, common symptoms with cocaine especially during the comedown. thats my guess, im not a scientist so dont quote me and call me stupid for being wrong. But if you have any idea or any other explanation id love to hear it from another persons perspective.

Sorry for this being so long haha, cant help but talk and talk, or in my case, type and type.