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choline citrate question


Jan 15, 2006
Hi everyone.

Does anyone take choline citrate as a supplement?

Do you get it in bulk?

I got some in bulk, and it smells pretty fishy. Is that normal? Has it decomposed?

The smell is annoying, but bearable (it doesn't taste fishy, i tasted a small amount) I'm more worried about safety. I'm pretty sure the smell is from trace amounts of trimethylamine or trimethylamine N-oxide.

I had some choline supplement once to try out with some piracetam, I don't remember if it was specifically choline citrate but that does sound right.. anyway, I do remember a very unpleasant sour-fishy smell, and a godawful acrid taste. I got bulk powder as well.
^ the acidic taste is from the citrate... citric acid is the sour taste in Citrus fruit like lemons, limes, etc.

Works wonders as a cleaner for rust and calcium... not a good thing to keep in contact with your teeth for long periods of time, it dissolves calcium pretty well.