• N&PD Moderators: Skorpio | thegreenhand

Chlorobutanol, worthwhile?


Moderator: BDD, OD
Staff member
Jul 21, 2002
The same vendor from whom I obtained the phenprobamate (for the price, decent stuff, way better than phenobarb and produces no hangover), is now offering Chlorobutanol. I emailed the supplier and asked him if it was anhydrous (which would be easier to ship, measure etc). Anyways this was his reply:

The chlorobutanol is chlorobutanol hemihydrate, not anhydrous. It was steam distilled for higher purity.

Hemihydrates are solids correct? I don't quite get what they are, they are bound to water molecules? So would that make chlorobutanol hemihydrate C4H7CI3O •1/4 H2O?

Has anyone fooled around with this compound? Does it smell bad? Dosage? Effects?

The MSDS ( here )makes it out to sound rather toxic; I thought it could have or at one time been possibly used therapeutically, but then again mercury was probably used therapeutically in some godforsaken time....

Hemihydrates are solids correct? I don't quite get what they are, they are bound to water molecules? So would that make chlorobutanol hemihydrate C4H7CI3O •1/4 H2O?

C4H7Cl3O •1/2 H2O

*This is a physical property of the substance. It doesn't actually react with the water it absorbs.

Also (extremely OT):
but then again mercury was probably used therapeutically in some godforsaken time....

I had tons of mercurochrome applied to me as a kid, in Cuba and the US. Our hispanic pharmacies still stock it.
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It's a CNS depressant - like Chloral Hydrate (which is metabolized to trichloroethanol).

Healthy? Probably worse than non-chlorinated alcohols (other long-chain alcohols act similarly to ethanol, often more strongly).

It smells sorta like camphor.

I think the biggest indication of it being not worthwhile is the fact that it's been known for ages, and is shit easy to make, and yet nobody seems to be doing it. I think it's a lousy sedative/hypnotic that makes you drowsy, rather than a nice anxiolytic benzo-like drug.
The hemihydrate would have two chlorobutanol molecules to one water molecule.

Chlorobutanol is more potent than butanol, and seems to be less toxic than ethanol, but with unique toxicity issues, similar to the way chloral hydrate has unique toxicity issues (seems to be easier on the liver, harder on the gut).

I think the biggest indication of it being not worthwhile is the fact that it's been known for ages, and is shit easy to make, and yet nobody seems to be doing it. I think it's a lousy sedative/hypnotic that makes you drowsy, rather than a nice anxiolytic benzo-like drug.

Who the hell considers benzos to be more recreational than the old school sedative hypnotics? Only those who don't have any experience with the old school sedative hypnotics.

Only the long acting ones like phenobarb are worse. Even glutethimide is better than 90% of benzos.

I don't think chloral is better than carisoprodol, but if chlorobutanol is shorter acting than chloral, it could be.
Interested in Chlorobutanol!!

As it's dirt cheap, too!


-experiences? If so, include any GABAergic tolerance
-dosage used? & also, include: results & again, include GABAergic tolerance level, if applicable, & to WHAT GABAergic!
-also include your preference to the the said-GABAergic, barbiturate, benzodiazepine, non-benzo (or "Z-drug"), or atypicals/carbamates (aka "carisoprodol").. OR ANY other GABAergic and/or GABAergic w/ aso NMDA acting substances- like barbs!

NERO- you ever try it w/in the last 3ish years since ya posted this? & at what dose? any GABAergic and/of CNS depressant tolerance? & WHAT were you your experiences? Would you repeat??? How would ya compare to modern GABAergics- aka benzos; of fioricet (as it is widely available in the US , anyway)????

the reports I have read about this substance make it seem about as fun as phenobarbital... it'll make you blackout sleepy but lacks euphoric properties, and I understand there is some concern over toxicity so you wouldn't weant to use it long term.

stay away from this, imo... it is better used as a preservative in eye drops! ethanol is better for you in the long run.
Ok sekio, you're usually pretty knowledgeable, & I respect your opinions... but i really have to question the content. ALTHOUGH THIS IS REGARDS TO MY OPINION & EXPERIENCE W/ BARBITURATES ONLY (guess i'll check out some of the trip reports; see how it's comparable to butalbital in my judgement)..

the reports I have read about this substance make it seem about as fun as phenobarbital... it'll make you blackout sleepy
Huh? Quite a confusing statement :? While I know its possible, its not really likely to blackout on any sane or rational doses of phenobarbital... probably why its the only primarily used barbiturate by the US medical community for extreme withdrawal from GABAergics. While not impossible to get "blackout sleepy" -- its certainly requires very high dosages & is VERY unlikely. IME w/ it, I usually just feel "blaahhhh" sleepy; w/ hard pressed to notice GABAergic & analgesia effects.

So i'll prematurely deduce the fact that chlorobutanol can easily create a "blackout" as part of this substance's very slim therapeutic profile- which pheno doesn't, or barely so, unless you consider a nagging lethargy & urge to sleep a blackout. (btw I've been on several barbiturates for legitimate pain) If its akin to other barbiturates, it just seems it have a lower dose-to-blackout ratio... but again, ALL SPECULATION to any kiddies looking to use mom's credit card on the internet to get the stuff based on this post! This is only for my only VERY unique pharmacological circumstance; as i'm on 4mg of buprenorphine daily which makes it impossible to use opiates or opioids for pain; (i'm "allergic" to full agonist opioids, as they tend to ruin my life).

But again, i'l check out the trip reports on this before i even remotely consider it. Or consider as an add out for my butalbital intake (i'm looking to lower it; severely lower it, that is)

it is better used as a preservative in eye drops! ethanol is better for you in the long run.
Well, in my experience ethanol is better as a solvent, preservative, & flammable than something to be ingested, especially therapeutically... i hate the shit. Seriously. Aside from the taste from of high quality branded beer or two.
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