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Cannabis and ADD like symptoms


Jun 23, 2014
First of all, sorry about my grammar, english is not my native language.
I considered myself a light smoker (~0.1g/cig one or two times in the evening, daily for 10 years). I get it locally, no info on origin or identified strain. It's like you get this or nothing. I quit for the reason of not getting the euphoria and the inability to concentrate like I used to. It has began about a year ago. I know, never check wikipedia for symptoms but I couldn't help myself but notice that I produce all the symptoms of ADHD-PI.

"Often does not give close attention to details or makes careless mistakes in schoolwork, work, or other activities. Often has trouble keeping attention on tasks or play activities, daydreaming. Often does not seem to listen when spoken to directly. Often does not follow instructions and fails to finish schoolwork, chores, or duties in the workplace (not due to oppositional behavior or failure to understand instructions). Often has trouble organizing activities. Often avoids, dislikes, or doesn't want to do things that take a lot of mental effort for a long period (such as schoolwork or homework). Often loses things needed for tasks and activities (e.g. toys, school assignments, pencils, books, or tools). Is often easily distracted. Is often forgetful in daily activities"

Now I've been clean for two weeks and the improvement is minuscule if at all. I am more motivated to go out but I still make mistakes during work that cost me a lot. I work at a currency exchange office so it is vital to get my attention up to the task. So it's either weed or I do have ADD. Any comments welcome.
Stop smoking weed, get diagnosed.

...IF you find it that disconcerting. For the record, I consider ADD complete bullshit. Sure, it's probably legit, but I don't think psychotropic drugs are the healthy way to go about increasing a person's attention span. That's the kind of shit you need to instill in yourself or in your children, not take medicine to fuck with your brain chemistry.
Id give it 2 more weeks to see if it clears up. You really werent even smoking that much, Id almost want to think theres something else in your life causing this. Did you ever have the ADD symptoms even slightly before you started smoking? Cannabis can aggravate existing mental issues.

Sorry to hear it bud. After another month if youre still experiencing these effects, it might be time to talk to a doctor about your options.
Okay, my mental state definitely improved after a three weeks break. I understand we're all different, react differently. Until i have this job, i'll just stick with a 1-2 times a week regimen :)
Thanks for your input!
Cannabis definitely made me dumb, and produce ADHD like symptoms after a few years of daily smoking. I had a 155 IQ, and was a student at NAU on full scholarship. After I graduated I smoked non stop, and pretty much fried my brain, smoking 7 grams per day of bud and 3 of hash, every day for 5 years.

No offense to anyone on this board, but the fact of the matter is that lots of dumb and lazy people tend to be drawn to pot smoking. So yes, it wont make the dumb dumber, but if you're already extremely intelligent and quick witted, it will definitely slow you down.

There's a reason most people that smoke weed are burnouts. Yeah people can point out how theres "totally this one rocket scientist that smokes weed every day", but the fact of the matter is that most people that smoke weed are doing nothing with their lives. Same with most people that shoot dope, or smoke crack, or use any other drug regularly.
I completely lose my ability to have any interest in matters outside of music, art and socializing while high and usually the following day. I smoked a lot last night and am finding it difficult to find the right words and I'm something of a professional writer. Weed is most certainly the drug for the disinterested masses. If there is such thing as a logical/creative brain-type then logical reasoning is completely offline when I'm high and switches to my creative persona. This can be good or bad depending on what you do to contribute to society. If you are involved in the arts or music weed is practically a nootropic supplement. If you're a lawyer, politician or stock broker forget about it.
Weed tends to dull my senses. I mean I still love weed, it's one of my favorite drugs, but it's strange because my drug type of choice tends to be stimulants, because I love having a sense of really sharp focus and energy, much moreso than the lethargy that "downers" commonly bring (although some uppers like meth can be just as lethargic, only in a more deceptive way).
Light smoking like you do (0.1-0.2 a day) on a daily basis will not affect me for quite some time. After some time though any daily smoking of cannabis will be affecting your cognitive abilities. In my experience (after daily use at 1-3g/day) it takes about a month to really start feeling improved mental "sharpness" again.
Getting to the fridge and forgetting what you were getting from it is not ADHD.
It's called being stoned. Other key identification criteria may also include;
- Doretos Cheese Supreme corn chips being seriously considered a food group
- your favourite cartoon character is Towlie
- visine on your weekly shopping list
- getting to the middle of a sentence and... Poof! You forgot
- creating bizarre culinary creations at 4AM

And many more