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Can ez test kits be bought in stores?

I've never seen one, and I haven't heard anyone on BL say they have either. Are you worried about home delivery or ??
Live with my rents who have a habit of opening my mail.

Recently found out I got a tax return and my dad opened it and didnt tell me
Carsick said:
I've only seen them in headshops in Amsterdam.
well I'll have to look around.

My buddy is going to amsterdam so I could ask him to bring me one back... but I don't know what other countries he's going to, so he might be facing some customs problems (regarding some countries' paraphernalia laws)
Why not have it delivered to a trusted friend's house (one that doesn't live with their parents)?

I wouldn't ask your friend to pick one up, the reagents are highly caustic and he'd probably get stopped by security very quickly. :( Not a good idea at all.
RavenousBlonde said:
Why not have it delivered to a trusted friend's house (one that doesn't live with their parents)?

I wouldn't ask your friend to pick one up, the reagents are highly caustic and he'd probably get stopped by security very quickly. :( Not a good idea at all.
Yeah, might do that.

DOH, can't believe I didn't think of that.
I have a similar problem except I don't have anyone I could have it shipped too :/

Any trusted bluelighter willing to ship me one inside of something else? ( I could paypal you the money for the kit & whatever its shipped in, plus shipping. ) *sorry if this isnt allowed!!*

I live in West coast USA btw.
^^^ I understand your desire for a kit but I would be extremely cautious with your personal information. I wish I could help you. :(