can anyone remember their favorate toys when they where a kid??

MatchBox Cars
Licoln Logs
then when I got a little older:
Nerf Football
I'd love to be a kid again and have my old toys back. Who wants to be grown up anyway?
Nerf! Oh yeah! We had 2 Nerf bow'n'arrows, 2 like.. ball-shooter thingies, and this arrow-gatling-gun-type-thang that just rocked. HUGE wars, even when I was like 18, 19. My mom'd even join in. Be finding little nerf balls all over the apartment in the weirdest places. It was insane.
Loupy - Insane.
i forgot one which is my fave trippy toy even now.. a View Master!!
those things are sweet! and with the transformer round disk thingy its even better =) Ho0raY for the view master !