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Bupe Buprenorphine as needed?


May 3, 2024
Today marks 4 days no opiates. I’m wondering if it’s possible to take buprenorphine as needed with out getting physically dependent on it. Any success stories or attempts please share! All info welcomed about opiates and MATs
I think you are definitely clear from precipitated WD..if you feel you can't stay clean or need a bit of relief from lingering wd symptoms then I would take 2mg or even 1mg..that's just me, I never take more than 4mgs they are strong..and if you c a n say taper down after a week I really don't think you a would have much issues with sub wd but you never know.
I highly, highly encourage you to not take bupe if you can manage not to.

Taking bupe will only reset and continue the physical dependence.

If you can make it 4 days, you can make it another 4 days, then you're completely clear of acute withdrawals and on your way to independence from addiction.
Depends on the reasons for using it I think.

Like if you’re using it for an occasional recreational experience (as someone with no-to-limited experience with other opioids) there’s a good chance that you’ll never become physically dependent on it. However, if you’re using it to treat chronic pain on an ongoing basis, probably more of a chance that you’ll eventually develop a dependency.

A lot of people go back to it again and again long-term without ever being physically dependent. I include myself in that category. Why do I go back, you ask? Because 1) it’s an opioid, 2) it’s relatively safe & widely available, and 3) it is DIRT CHEAP. People practically give the shit away around here

The calculus changes based on your own personal history with drug addiction though, obviously. If you ever go back to it, are the orange handcuffs getting slapped on immediately? Is there a time limit where, once you reach it, you can “safely” imbibe again? Important questions…I’ve never been prescribed buprenorphine or used it on a regular basis on the level many have so my knowledge is limited