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  • Trip Reports Moderator: Xorkoth

Bromo-Dragonfly (1mg) - New Experience - Unique and Glowing


Dec 22, 2009
Usual Disclaimer: This was by no means safe. I tried to take risks manageably, but I don't recommend this kind of stuff.

tl;dr: Really fun. Also long lasting as hell, very visual, not much body load or mindfuck at 1mg level. I've been told constriction is an issue at ~5mg but the most I'd ever do of this is 2mg, personally. Social, aural, cognitive, not really that dissociative. Be safe, this is unknown territory.


I happened to be in possession of 1mg of Bromo-DragonFLY. This was from the same batch that was mislabeled as 2C-B-Fly and resulted in several deaths. It was later found (according to Erowid) to also contain "significant synthesis impurities". Luckily, I received it as Br-DFly and in a dosage approate for this. 1mg was reported to be a moderate dose, and I was not expecting a super strong trip. I actually had some worries that it wouldn't be enough, but it was.

This is a recount of the trip, which lasted a solid two days, plus residual visuals for a few more:

4:30p Tuesday [T=0]: I take a cap of Br-DFly on an empty stomach. I sit down to do some work (programming), as I figure this will take a rather long time to kick in. I smoke a bowl out of my vape - this happens throughout the night.

T+1h: I feel slight effects, and notice slight visuals - patterns of light and shadow that aren't really there. I am surprised, as I thought it would take longer to come on. I am still clear-headed and can function well, but I decide to abandon work for the rest of the trip.

T+1.5h: I IM 50mg of ketamine, as I love doing this on the come-up of psychedelics (especially long ones like DO* and Br-DFly). I had a really high tolerance at the time, so 50mg didn't really fuck me up uncontrollably, but just added spice to what was already a rather fun experience.

T+2h: I go outside for a cigarette, and marvel at the visuals. Br-DFly has visuals unlike anything I've ever done (LSD, shrooms, mescaline, 2C-{B,E,I,P,T-2}, DO{B, C}, 4-AcO-DMT, DMT, MIPT, LSA, K). It looks like a high dose of mescaline with four hits of good acid thrown in, for me. The headspace is wonderfully clear - no panic, tension, anxiety, any of it. There is some body tremor, but it is not overwhelming at this level.

T+2:30h: I've just been listening to music, and it sounds wonderful, enveloping, rich, and compelling. This reminds me of mescaline, and to a lesser extent 2C-*/DO*... which makes sense, given the chemical similarity.

T+3h: I inject another 50mg of ketamine, and the intensity of my trip, which was already increasing, spikes. I collect my essentials, lock, the apartment, and get on my bike. I'm going to a show my friend is playing at a house about a mile away. I listen to music while I ride (Jesu - Heartache EP), and it is one of the most intense and beautiful rides of my life. The visuals at this point are insane, and I feel wonderful. Though I know it's dangerous to ride fucked up, I feel able to control my bike safely and without any mental discomfort, despite the wonderful visuals and psychedelia. All colors are intensified, and lights glow much more brightly than normal. Edges are accentuated, and I feel like I'm on 10 hits of acid visually... but with the presence of mind of most phenethylamines.

T+3:10: I run into my friend biking to the same show I am, and we bike together. We lock our bikes and get to the house, only to find that the show hasn't begun and that our friends (the band, and others) are just hanging out, jamming and talking and drinking. I had originally planned not to drink, since Br-DFly is enough for one night, but someone handed me a beer and from then on I was drinking pretty heavily.

T+5:00: I've been here for a while, socializing and catching up with a lot of people who are in town (it's SXSW week, and spring break). I have had lots of good conversations, and I feel totally comfortable, although some of my perceptions are obviously off (not recognizing people at first, and so on). The visuals are at their peak, I think, and have been for an hour or so. Color intensification and form outlines are the most distinct aspect.

T+7:00: Still drinking and smoking pot and partying with friends at the house show. Br-DFly is a social drug, at least at this level. I feel positive and motivated to talk to people. Body tremor, or what there was of it, seems to have subsided.

T+8:30: We go back to my friend's apartment to drink more, listen to music, smoke pot, and generally hang out. On the way, I fall off my bike, which I attribute to being drunker than I thought - while Br-DFly definitely overpowers alcohol subjectively, my co-ordination was shit, as my body was still drunk. We chill for several hours, and I have great time. The visuals are still going strong. I hang out here until about 3:00, when:

T+10:30: A friend from out of town and I walk back to my place, a couple blocks away. He needs a place to crash and is very drunk. I am as well, but know sleep is impossible. We come home and hang out, smoking pot and talking about music. He eventually realizes I'm going to be awake and active all night, and leaves to sleep at his friend's place

T+11:00: I inject 50mg more ketamine. I do this every hour and a half for a few of hours, enojying the trip and smoking cigarettes and listening to music. I don't mind being alone at all, and am enjoying the fact that my apartment is very clean (I cleaned it two days prior).

T+16:00: I decide to stop using ketamine, because I'm binging like an addict, and being on Br-DFly isn't an excuse. I lay on my beanbag, wide awake and tripping hard but in a relaxed fashion, listening to music. My friend calls and she says she'll be over later.

T+18:00: It's now 10:00a Wednesday, and my friend comes over for a bit. We smoke a couple of bowls and talk, and I am glad for the company. While tripping alone is fun, conversation is more engaging, and I enjoy it. We smoke cigarettes outside and the sunlight illuminates the world so brightly that I'm blinded by the beauty. The visuals are still going as strong as they were 12 hours ago, and it's already a beautiful sunny day. I feel really positive due to the combination.

T+20:00: I go over to my friend's place, where I was last night, as we had planned today to be a day of relaxation, tripping, and friendship. He and a couple of my other friends take 2C-E (25mg oral, 12 and 12mg snorted). I think that my Br-DFly will wear off soon, so I take two hits of good acid, just to make sure I'm tripping all day. In retrospect, this was probably a complete waste. The Br-DFly didn't change noticeably in character or strength - it was still just 'strong' and 'unique' and didn't really feel like acid. Anyway, we hang out, listening to music - mostly death metal, as we all love it - and smoking pot. I brought over the very last of my powdered ketamine and shared it freely, since it goes well with everything and today has been decreed a day of self-indulgence.

T+22:00: We decide to rent a couple of movies, and so we get 'Moon' and 'Paprika'. We decide to watch 'Moon', as it had been strongly recommended. We watch it and are absolutely blown away, considering it one of the best movies we've ever seen. It mirrored the surreality that I was experiencing, and did so in an aethetically pleasing fashion. This seems suited to Br-DFly, which is a very aesthetic chemical, based on this experience.

T+24:00: We're still hanging out, occasionally snorting some K (even though this barely does anything to me, given my tolerance), talking, and just generally having a good trip. We re-watch 'Moon' to understand it and catch layers we missed the first time. Despite the fact that there are many free shows going on, and that I could easily bike to them, I choose to take it easy. Br-DFly seems like a chemical that is malleable - you can take it easy or do something intense, and it'll pretty much let you without getting in the way.

T+28:00: I go home briefly to meet a friend, smoke some pot, and listen to music. I decide to take a clonazepam 2mg tablet, just to sort of lighten the experience, as it showed no sign of ending and I wanted to sleep tonight. I go back to my friend's with another couple of clonazepam, one for him and the other for me.

T+30:00: We go back to the house where my friend played, as there is more music there. We stay awhile, chat and socialze, and then leave to listen to our friend's radio show. Despite the fact that I've been tripping for what feels like forever, I find socializing easy and fun.

T+33:00: We go back, listen to music, and I get drunk/benzo'd/tired enough to pass the fuck out. My friend walks me home, as he wants something from my place and I am quite out of it, and I go to sleep.

T+48:00: My girlfriend, who I live with and who was out of town the entire time I was on Br-DFly, wakes me up at 4:30pm. I feel tired/fried/exhausted as shit, but alright. I smoke a lot of pot, and go outside, and find myself with visuals as strong as the mid-to-late parts of the trip.

T+48:00-T+72:00+: This whole day and a bit after felt off-basiline. I smoked pot and drank a lot and did a lot (too much) ketamine. I had visuals. I guess this isn't surprising since I did go on a b it of a bender, but luckily didn't fuck myself or anything else up.

I know pot brings back visuals, but I feel like the Br-DFly was still in my system a fair bit - four or five days. These visuals definitely persisted for days, though to be fair I was stoned constantly.

Does anyone have other experiences to share with Bromo-DragonFLY or any other [D]FLY compound? I'm curious as to how they differ from the more common substituted phenethylamines and amphetamines. Also, does anyone know anything about possible cousins of this Br-DFly [DOB-DFly]? Like Cl-DFly, the analogue of DOC? Have they been explored, even theoretically? I feel like this class of compounds ([D]FLY) has a lot of potential.
Thank you for this. You have convinced both me and my friend that is this is a solid chemical and we will be keeping our eyes open for it.
Sounds like a wonderful experience!
Have you ever had bad trips on any psychs? I'm curious as to the mental stability of this drug.
Does anyone have other experiences to share with Bromo-DragonFLY or any other [D]FLY compound? I'm curious as to how they differ from the more common substituted phenethylamines and amphetamines. Also, does anyone know anything about possible cousins of this Br-DFly [DOB-DFly]? Like Cl-DFly, the analogue of DOC? Have they been explored, even theoretically? I feel like this class of compounds ([D]FLY) has a lot of potential.

As far as I know no-one has tried putting other substitutions on the flys or dragonflys - I'm not sure why, I'm sure they'd be fascinating.
I've had one trip that I really consider bad, it was when I ate a full box of fresh Panaeolus mushrooms in Amsterdam. I've had other trips where bad shit happened but my mental space was still pretty calm/undistressed. I'm generally able to handle my psychedelics well, but bromo-dragonfly seemed to fit the phenethylamine mode of being mentally un-threatening and quite functional, at least at the 1mg level.

I'm not sure about the dosage either - 1mg is pretty impossible to measure out accurately (unless you use liquid measurement, which this guy didn't), and scales tend to weigh small amounts light. So perhaps I got 1.5 - 2mg. The trip certainly felt stronger than what erowid usually lists as 'common' strength, as 1mg is for the later batches of Br-DFly. This is all complicated by the fact that no one really knows what a proper dosage of Br-DFly is, with different batches having different potencies and whatnot. 1mg is way too much for the 2005 batch listed on erowid, so I assume that this stuff was more like the second batch. I want to try 2mg, but I'm afraid two 1mg capsules might put me in 4mg range if the weighing is wrong, and I don't think that would be healthy.
Thanks for posting. It's good to have reports available on fairly rare drugs.

It must be bizarre to be tripping for so long though. I imagine it can be pretty tiring towards the end of the trip. I think LSD pretty much has the perfect duration for me. Still, I would love to give this drug a try, it sounds interesting and I love trying new and novel drugs.

I've had one trip that I really consider bad, it was when I ate a full box of fresh Panaeolus mushrooms in Amsterdam. I've had other trips where bad shit happened but my mental space was still pretty calm/undistressed. I'm generally able to handle my psychedelics well, but bromo-dragonfly seemed to fit the phenethylamine mode of being mentally un-threatening and quite functional, at least at the 1mg level.
I can relate. Mushrooms seem to be an anomaly in the world of psychedelic drugs in their propensity to induce frightening or uncomfortable experiences. They do have a lot to offer though. While unpleasant at times, it usually seems like a seems as if the trip was worthwhile after I come down and reflect on things.

I generally prefer phenylethylamines though. I find them more recreatinal than their tryptamine brethren, but still they're quite insightful. I appreciate the clear headed nature of the trip compared to the confusing, jumbled thoughts tryptamines tend to cause for me. I don't mind the side effects of phens very much either. I have a strong stomach and don't mind vomiting if I must, and I actually enjoy the stimulation that accompanies the psychedelia (probably because I enjoy stimulant drugs in general). I would have to say LSD is my favorite psyche though, because it seems to have characteristics of both tryptamines and phenylethylamines (maybe because it does contain both structures within it's chemical structure).

be safe, and have fun.

I think your caution on upping the dose is warrented. This drug has killed and must be treated carefully.

have you considered weighing out a larger dose, and dissolving it in a measured amount of fluid to make small titrations in dose more reliable? If your scale is accurate to approximately +/-1mg, measuring out 10mg to dissolve in 10mL of water should only have about 10% error, and with a marked dropper, sub milligram increments could be reasonably measure out.

good luck.
I actually don't have anywhere near the ability to weigh things out in the 1mg range. This capsule was pre-weighed by someone who also weighs and encapsulates 2C-E and other phens. I basically took it on faith that I got around 1mg, though I was reassured to see just how tiny the amount of powder inside the capsule was.
two bromo dragonFly experiences

Weight 187pnds
27 year old healthy male
Daily marijuana smoker, regularly consume very high quality LSD, occasional mushrooms, DMT.

Several days prior I acquired one vial of bromodragon fly which was diluted in ethanol, (everclear) at roughly 75ug per drop of liquid.

I dropped 9 drops at 75ug which I believe equals 675ugs at 6pm. I was in a social setting, and wasn’t expecting much for a while.

Within an hour or two I could definitely tell that I had a psychedelic in my system.

At approximately 9pm I left the party. I was feeling weird, sorta speedy with some minor trippiness. I wasn’t sure if it would progress.

By 11pm I was experiencing pretty wild visuals, it was much richer than the wonderful LSD which I regularly consume out here on the West Coast, but I felt that there wasn’t the “godspace” which I attain when I see visuals like that off of any other favored psychedelic. I found this same issue when I had my two experiences with high doses of 2-cb in the past. It was visually very impressive, but the clarity of mind made me almost feel like something was missing.

By 1am, things are very funny. I never made it back out into the night to be social, instead I parked in front of the television and watched cartoons like the simpsons, which were visually amazing, and very light and funny. I keep drifting between being unsure about this chemical, and finding a psychedelic sorta mdma mindspace.

By 4am, I tried to lay down, but the room was exploding with colors. It was nice to be in a bed, but sleep was not going to be found. So I got comfy and observed the darkness. The visuals I can only compare in character to when I insufflated 35mg’s of 2-cb, although not in intensity

I dosed on the lower end of what my supplier recommended to begin with. This may mean that the solution is not as strong as he was expecting, or that possibly this isn’t the stronger R Isomer, because I would assume 675ug would be more potent on the dosage scale. Although this was a rather visually intense trip for anyone not experienced with psychedelics.

I will definitely try this chemical again. I feel it has a lot to offer, although I also feel it should be regarded very carefully after the gnarly overdoses which have happened. I know several were due to mislabeling which happened during fall 2009.

What I didn’t understand prior to consuming this chemical was that it is closely related to DOB in structure.

I hope this experience sheds some light on this somewhat unknown psychedelic. I will write another experience when I choose to experiment again with bromo dragonfly.



The effects were felt much more quickly, within two hours. The negative effects were more prevelant. Mild overall tenseness, stimulation but not overly enjoyable stimulation, and also the visuals were mild compared to the 675ug experience. This all may have been due to the lapse of time between experiences, one week. Also, this experience did not seem to have the general intensity the first one had, again, SWIM attributes this to tolerance.

SWIM vomited at around the 2 hour mark, probably from drinking too much water too quickly. The trip smoothed out about 5 hours in, and lasted roughly 16 hours from dosing. Once the overall jitteryness toned down, there was a definate amphetimine, mild mdma headspace that would come and go. In the begining of the experience, SWIM could feel the amphetimine aspect of this chemical, but not any 'enjoyable' amphetimine aspects. Just sort of a tweeked out feeling.

During SWIMs first report he stated the visuals could be compared to his prior experience insufflating 35mgs of 2c-b, this was meant that the visuals were of the same character, not of the same intensity. There was alot of color; purples and greens, faces in the walls, "egyptian eyes" coated the floor. Decent visuals, however, SWIM was in no way 'blinded by visuals'.

again though, this chemical seems to lack any understanding or insight, its almost mentally boring. SWIM must say though, he has had the same feeling with 2c-i and 2c-b. Both were visually inpressive, but not much else. it could be SWIM.

My monkey plans to test these waters again sometime soon. the dose will be upped to 1200 er 1300ug. A report will follow.
