• N&PD Moderators: Skorpio | thegreenhand

Brita filters


Sep 17, 2010
Hey guys I have a question for those with chem knowledge.

Can morphine and codeine pass through a standard brita pitcher? Can cadmium pass through? I have a very limited understanding of chemistry and cannot find a definitive answer.

I know a brita filter contains activated charcoal and some sort of ion exchange resin.
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I would expect that neither would pass through at appreciable levels.
Damn. Thats what I assumed would be the case. If its not too much to ask can you elaborate sekio?

Basically I am looking for a way to remove any possible hazardous compounds from ppt/pst that does not require a significant knowledge of chemistry. I have read studies that have confirmed there is for a fact cadmium in the seeds and possibly other heavy metals but unfortunately I spent my college years studying econ. and have no idea how to approach this.
Charcoal is pretty non-selective in what it absorbs. (i.e. everything) The ion exchange resin is presumably to capture e.g. heavy metal ions while releasing safter sodium ions or something. In theory it would grab onto alkaloids as well. (because charged alkaloid molecules are.... ions!. although they might be too big to be captured effectively.)

Brita filters are designed to deliver clean drinking water, not to purify drugs. (Either way, using a huge charcoal filter is a poor choice for purifying organic compounds, unless you like losing yield)
I too am interested in removing harmful metals from PST. If your try the Brita filter TracMark, and its does not remove the Morphine please let us know..:)
I believe it will do so (trap morphine and other phenolic opium alkaloids that is).

Actually that might be a useful tool in isolating it from poppy preparations, certainly, acidic exchange resins can be used for that purpose, and the morphine liberated afterwards with ammonia solution.
I know little about opiates so please excuse the potentially dumb question. Why would PST contain heavy metals?
Poppy plants are good bioconcentrators. Sort of like brazil nuts taking up radium.

It's not of concern for anyone except the strudel lovers and people who make daily poppy brews.
Poppy plants are good bioconcentrators. Sort of like brazil nuts taking up radium.

It's not of concern for anyone except the strudel lovers and people who make daily poppy brews.

Sekio, or anyone else; do the heavy metals get through from making the brew? Just say the seeds are not crushed but the water is just washed over them quickly to make a brew, would the heavy metals also be washed into the water?
I doubt anyone is going to come down with cadmium (etc.) poisoning via any sensible levels of PST. POD tea perhaps, but from washing seeds I doubt it in any significant way.

I imagine one would have to be SERIOUSLY abusing the brew before seeing signs of heavy metal poisoning.
On what grounds are you basing your assumptions Limpet_Chicken? Do you know that the cadmium is found only on the inside of the seeds? Do you know that washing the seeds with distilled cold water and citric acid/vitamin c does not leach the cadmium into the water? Sekio, Limpet_Chicken, what do you consider serious abuse to be?

I am asking these questions because I have near perfected the art of making pst with the right brand and ingredients after trying many, many techniques. I have come up with a recipe that not only allows my girl, roommate, and myself to stop withdrawals from a 60-90mg daily oxy habit but actually get a strong opiate buzz. Granted we did lower our tolerance significantly from the 120mg oxymorphone daily peak of our addiction before attempting the tea. But never the less, having tea that costs literally a tenth of the price yet gets me high and allows me to dose only once a day is an amazing find. I no longer risk arrest buying on street corners. I no longer have to come up with vast amounts of money everyday. And contrary to what most say, by using the same brand every time the potency has varied little to none in the past two months we have been doing this. I think I may have found a long-term solution to stay off of the pills for good.

This is why I am trying to figure out the potential dangers of the tea and how to eliminate them. So please guys, I have no chemistry background. If someone here with the appropriate knowledge can do some research and clearly state the dangers, besides those caused by the opiates themselves, and how these problems can be eliminated you would literally be a life saver. I think if we figure this out it can help many, many blue lighters.
TracMark, I have abused the tea for years. I just got bloodwork done a few weeks ago and nothing came up. The problem is I did not get my Cadmium or heavy metals checked out of fear....

Limpet+Chicken, what are the symptoms of poisoning...If I get my actual heavy metals tested then I think we may have our answer, unless it builds up slowly over decades?

Really need info, I am thinking of switching to heroin maybe instead of the PST with pills....cheaper and I guess no heavy metals....? This is all because of the War on Drugs. Bastards. Bullshit we are free, what a load of crap. What bastard liars, how are we free? I want to take a substance into my OWN BODY AT HOME, and I am not allowed to because my government said no? WtF. Like just think about it, it is so absurd...fuk u and freedom, liars.

I can not wait until the day comes when we can print out drugs...
If you're worried about the negative impact on your health of PST then the logical thing to do would be to stop or cut down.

If you believe that the small amount of opium latex found on the surface of seeds contains dangerous levels of cadmium then stop consuming opium.

If you regard this element to be an acceptable risk then you would want to minimize the exposure to any cadmium in the seed itself.
In a dry seed the seed coat is impermeable to water, which both prevents drying out of the seed until conditions are suitable for germination and to prevent the seed absorbing water and germinating when conditions are not.

The presence of water of alone is not often enough trigger germination which includes the seed coat becoming permeable allowing water to be absorbed.

Poppy seeds can take weeks to germinate, which should give you some idea of this process at ambient temps. It's not likely that in the time it takes to make a tea and using cold water that much of anything would leach from the seed although under acidic conditions there could be some released from the seed coat itself which contains higher levels of cadmium.
How significant this fraction of a fraction is depends on either how many ridiculous amounts of PST you're drinking or how paranoid you are.
Heavy metals and toxins like hydrofluoric acid (a hazardous waste byproduct of the fertilizer industry that is dumped into US public drinking water as 'fluoride') usually end up in your bones. Great for people that associate hip replacement with recreational sport, bad for everyone else.