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Breaking up with sweet old Mary Jane


Bluelight Crew
Jul 12, 2006
So has come the time where I must move on without this sweet herbs presence in my life. I have been busted and must now piss in a cup and attend counselling if I want to have a home.
Had my last smoke last night, chopped up half an ounce :D. So now comes the hard part, staying away. I have some bourbon, 3 stillnox and 9 temazepam to get through a couple days of sleep.
Anyway I was half making this thread as a temporary but fairly significant goodbye to good old marijuana, I do love you Mary, but alas I must move on for the time being, I hope you are still waiting for me when I can return to you. lol.
Also sort of looking for some advice on what to expect, like if people get withdrawals at all (I was smoking with tobacco but am continuing to smoke cigarettes), reccomend going without alcohol and sleeping pills or are they essential (I'm leaning towards essential ;)). Basically any support or advice I can get is appreciated, thanks guys.
I don't know how much you smoke.. but I'm currently having a break after smoking pretty much daily for the last 3 months.. but not in huge amounts, probably a few cones daily, more on weekends.

So far I haven't had much trouble sleeping.. but expect vivid dreams and a 'deeper' sleep (I think you get more REM sleep when you don't smoke).

3 days in and I feel pretty good.. I could still smoke, but dont feel the need.. I have heaps more motivation and energy and a greater sense of wellbeing.

I have drank a bit to supplement though and I continue to smoke cigs too. U will notice your lungs won't be as fragged without all those daily bong hits though.

Mind over matter and you'll be fine... I would avoid alcohol and sleeping pills if you can, particulary stillnox. That stuff is not good for you and will make you feel like a zombie. A few drinks to wind down would be better than pharmaceuticals imo.

Good luck with it!
Whatever you do don't move to smoking cigs man. Smoking weed WAS fine, quiting weed now for you is even better.

Don't smoke cigs they only cause more stress in the long run.

I am on the same boat as you. I will have to piss before a cop pretty soon because I got a DWI. I was high, not even drunk.

it sucks, I am having some of the worse dysphoria and unpleasant feelings of my life. It's really hard to sleep, I wish I had some benzos to help me through a week. Then it gets better of course, but weed definitely has mental withdrawals....boredom.

You must keep busy in the main thing, read interesting books to keep your mind stimulated and not thinking of boredom or weed.
I been smoking cigs for years ayway so it don't really matter. I know like if I developed and addiction to benzos and/or alcohol instead of weed I would be worse off but I just wanna get through until my body doesn't need weed but hopefully not be dependant by that point if you know what I mean.
I've had a few bourbons so far tonight, still tossing up whether I should take a temazepam tonight or not. I was gonna take stillnox when i got halfway through temaze to try avoid dependance.
I was smoking like 1-2 grams a day for like 18 months. Sometimes more. Not the biggest bonghead around but by no means a modest habit. I have just always LOVED weed though, the smell, the taste, the smoke, the high, even chopping the shit up!
Thats bad news man, sorry to hear it. Quitting weed is hard but you will be ok in a week or two, thats all you have to remember.

Good Luck!
the whizzanator was taken off the market and the makers were federally charged with defrauding federal drug testing policies or something like that
breaks from herb is nice. u might have trouble getting to sleep the first few nights but it allllll gets better
I feel your pain. I recently decided to take a break from cannabis as well. I'm bummed out, sure, but on the plus side, I'm generally a much healthier person when I dont smoke.
I also was teabagged by the po-po recently. I'm not being drug tested (as of yet), but I'm under the lens now and so I thought it would be a good opportunity for a much needed break. I've been smoking (well, mostly vaping) multiple times daily for around five months and I'm really not getting what I would call high anymore, which is really quite remarkable when you've been sucking the teat of a Vapor Bros.

It's a bit harder to eat and a bit harder to sleep as expected, but fuck it, I have no need for either right now because it's WINTER FUCKING BREAK WHOOO!!1!1 :! and I'm back home in radio-free hicksville. The most difficult shit pile to wade through on the road from Mary's succulent pussy to Nancy Reagan's is that of ennui. Once you lift your face up from that shimmering emerald clit you realize that nothing is remotely interesting anymore and your favorite pastime is now as enthralling as watching....uh...fuck it.

The moral of this story is that putting effort into entertaining yourself is suxxor and drugs are neat. I'm off to forge a heroin addiction now. Good day, and hang in there.