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Jan 2, 2010
I'm not entirely sure where this thread would belong but here I go. So I was sitting around listening to music after finishing a workout and deeply enjoying the music. When I started to think abount things like deja vu. I was trying to figure out why it happens and I started to realize that I don't think I've ever had deja vu without somebody being near me. So my theory was that what if humans brain waves excede the bounderies of our bodies, so what I thought deja vu might be would be would be your brain, accidently picking up and percieving somebody elses brain waves. Also, the thought of past life remembering things that some people claim to experience. I thought that that might be somebody else's brain sent out a memory, somebody elses brain picked it up and stored it, but since they never experienced it and had no anchors to bring up the memory with, they never thought about it, but their brain still processed it, and sends it out again, somebody elses brain picks it up but something caused them to call up the memory. Could any of this be possible?
I'm not entirely sure where this thread would belong but here I go. So I was sitting around listening to music after finishing a workout and deeply enjoying the music. When I started to think abount things like deja vu. I was trying to figure out why it happens and I started to realize that I don't think I've ever had deja vu without somebody being near me. So my theory was that what if humans brain waves excede the bounderies of our bodies, so what I thought deja vu might be would be would be your brain, accidently picking up and percieving somebody elses brain waves. Also, the thought of past life remembering things that some people claim to experience. I thought that that might be somebody else's brain sent out a memory, somebody elses brain picked it up and stored it, but since they never experienced it and had no anchors to bring up the memory with, they never thought about it, but their brain still processed it, and sends it out again, somebody elses brain picks it up but something caused them to call up the memory. Could any of this be possible?

hmmm sounds unlikely however it is possible to affect ppl's brainwaves externally. You can actually do it by sending radiowaves into their brain. If focused enough they can discharge energy and create a difference in brainwaves and therefore send a signal. But that's a little different.
dude. idk what you just said. but when i was reading it to myself I thought it sounded awesome. but yeah.
did you ever stop to think that deja vu could simply be when someone experiences a circumstance that stimulates their senses in a way echoing past experiences, thus producing the feeling of repeating the past?

serioiusly, I dont know why you think we can experience other peoples memories and brain waves..i mean if that was possible im pretty sure speech would be useless. i could be wrong tho so why dont you try and do some actual research before you compose a theory then ask us to validate it for you? Without research to back it, a theory is nothing more than another thought.
I've heard deja vu is caused by one eye's message getting to your brain an instant before the other eye's, so your brain gets the message twice, causing you to get a "I've seen/done/been here before" feeling.

However, that theory doesn't explain cases of deja vu from your other senses.
i think what you said makes sense bluesnowmen, in believe in energy exchange, and thinks its a lot more common then people may realize even if saying so.

i remember sitting outside on break with my manager, and her little brother. they were talking about different places they had lived, the mts, traveling. and it wasnt overwhelming, but i was certain, positive, that we all would, it felt like we were talking about leaving right then, it was just going to happen, its already happened, it has to, it will.

it did. lol

we hardly knew each other then, but where married a few months later, then driving across the country, through the mts, to live by the mts and the ocean.

maybe de je vu experiences are just, glimpses of being on the right path, or a realization you are following your destiny.

or, just as likely de je vu is a lapse of the mind, a burp or snap of unconscieness, and reawareness that causes you to comment upon re awareness from that moment. ive never heard a good answer though. its like your palms itching, or ears ringing, thinking tht means some one is thinking about you, good or bad.

that was happening to me a lot last week, then i get an important phone call, telling me about how a few authority figures had been discussing me...

i think people feed off each others energy, for sure, lots of people will say that, or speak of a mothers intuition, they knew it was coming... but not any more metaphysical then that, or god.
Mate no one is going to touch your thread when you fail so miserably at implementing paragraphs into your writing. It's just a block of sentences, i cant even be bothered to read it.
Mate no one is going to touch your thread when you fail so miserably at implementing paragraphs into your writing. It's just a block of sentences, i cant even be bothered to read it.

I appolagize for this, I wrote it on my phone during class.

To everybody else who said their own theories about deja vu, idk about you but my deja vu usually predicts what the person is going say or do next. It is usually correct, sometimes its not though, I figure that's because we are constantly making different decisions and changing our mind, what they thought of doing one second, could be different from what they actually do the next.
did you ever stop to think that deja vu could simply be when someone experiences a circumstance that stimulates their senses in a way echoing past experiences, thus producing the feeling of repeating the past?

serioiusly, I dont know why you think we can experience other peoples memories and brain waves..i mean if that was possible im pretty sure speech would be useless. i could be wrong tho so why dont you try and do some actual research before you compose a theory then ask us to validate it for you? Without research to back it, a theory is nothing more than another thought.

Do you actually think I would post without attempting to research this? Tell me, what phrase should I use to try and find something pertaining to this? I tried things like, brainwaves reach out of body, brainwaves extending the bodies barriers, unfortunatly, I couldn't find anything. Coming up with a phrase to describe this as is kind of difficult for a highschool student.

If you would be so kind as to point me in the direction of what to search, that would be much appreciated.
As a psychology major, I asked one of my professors earlier in the year about deja vu and she claimed from a few studies that they think it's like a "brain hiccup", where your brain tricks itself into thinking that it has seen that circumstance before.

We percieve it as being a memory, but in reality, we just experienced the same thing twice in a row, almost instantaneously.