Books about E and other drugs


Nov 21, 1999
I love reading books that involve stories aboutdrug taking and I would like to ask any Americans if their is any books that they would recommend me (a scot) to look out for.Also, im sure everyone must have heard of Irvine Welsh the scots writer who wrote Trainspotting, well id recommend you check out his book Ecstasy which contains three very different stories involving very different people who use the drug. The last story in particular 'Heather and Lloyd' in particular is essential reading for any E lover.
The ecstasy story by Bruce Eisner
Ecstasy: dance, trance, transformation by Nick Saunders
E is for Ecstacy, by Nick Saunders
Altered State by Matt Collins
Generation Ecstasy by Simon Reynolds
the Ecstasy Club by Douglass Rushkoff
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"Disco Bloodbath" by James St. James. It's a fantastic book about the NY Dragqueen / Clubkid scene in the early '90's...where it basically started. The book's first page is the recipe for cooking K. THe book is written in "K-hole" form. All about drugs & the scene. Very easy to read, Highly reccommend!
If you like peering back in time to see where all this madness originated, take a look at the Electric Cool Aid Acid Test by Tom Wolf, see what you think of any William Burrough's stuff, all of Aldous Huxley, one of my faves, the Dune series by Frank Herbert, Burgess's Clockwork Orange...hmmm..what else can I think of off the top of my head? You could even read some Coleridge, he was off his head most of the time...Kubla Khan is my favorite poem. Oh yeah, you could try Permanent Midnight, but I think youd probably find it pretty weak after trainpotting.
My opinion on that Douglas Rushkoff book: it wasnt worth the paper it was printed on, and didnt reflect the scene I know and love at all. But thats just me

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