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Body Weight Training

Sheeeeet, I just read that article, I thought weight training and weight lifitng were the same thing - damned n00bs! I might be posting in the wrong thread I think =D

Yeah dude, I used to hit the gym every day but lately I have been short for money. I found that article and started doing that routine and I have never felt that shredded from a 30 min workout before. And the more I have researched about body weight training the more it impresses me.

I think I may never return to the gym again as this is working far better for me. Also take up meditation, this has helped my concentration to push myself greatly. You will not be disappointed. Look at some of the legends such as Bruce Lee, he only used body weight training and meditation and I have never seen someone with so much control over their body before.
I've got my hands on a couple of small dumbells, been trying different arm moves, been working my back and forearm type muscles, what do I need to do with them to work my pectorals? So far I've been hurting everywhere but the pecs, and I got some big ass titties that need losing ;)

DB Flys are a good starter, pushups will hit the chest too.

Make sure you are putting in the cardio work if you are looking for weight loss.
^^ Will cycling suffice? I can ride 30-40kms no worries but tried going for a run the other day and nearly died after a few hundred metres. I'm thinking that running might be more effective?

Not sure what DB Flys are though, guess I'll have to google...
Jogging is a good deal higher intensity than cycling.
Jumping rope is a good deal higher intensity than jogging.
Jogging is a good deal higher intensity than cycling.
Jumping rope is a good deal higher intensity than jogging.

Not necessarily. It all depends on how fast you run/cycle. I have a stationary bike I do tabata intervals on occasionally and it completely kick my ass.
mixing running, jump roping, biking, and swimming is a nice way to get your cardio.

Like I said earlier: I've been doing body weight exercises for maybe a month... I look the best I've ever looked (didn't like to go to gyms before...) & feel stronger than ever. Just doing push/pull/sit ups, dips, squats, etc...