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Bluelight horror stories!?


Jul 10, 2013
Kinda curious as to the possible dangers of bluelight or is it completely safe? Im talking about criminal investigations of anyone..and sorry mods if my next question is against the rules, im really not sure but...how bout anyone meeting up with others members and shit goes sour? Let me know guys!
Don't use the website to source anything or sell anything (which is against the rules anyway) and you will be fine.
Yeah I absolutely understand that..the purpose of this thread was just kinda trying to get a few good stories going..like..oh yeah yo, I remember some dude a few years back..he's banned now but he fucked around and got into some shit..or like..the cops were watching my activity and coming down hard on me. Im not looking to see what I can pull by learning the risk..I just love tales from the hood.
Well, I'd love to tell you this one story, however, I'm still going to court for it...
I try not to have any association with the police, but shit happens..

Like this one time I took the train to cop, got off, walked a couple blocks & got my shit, walked back to the train & thought I was home bound & safe.
There was some other guy sittin' across from me and he began asking where I went, obviously another junkie. So we talked for about 30 seconds and out of nowhere..
2 undercovers grab their 'necklace badges' from under their shirt, walk up to us & handcuff us.. while still on the train.. I had 2 bags, the other guy had like 5 on him..
I remember getting off the train at the next stop & there had to be atleast 50 people at the stop waiting to get on.. lol.. embarrassing.
Anyways, I'm sure you know the processing routine, but while being processed the cop said to me "So, you went and got your shit AND got back on the train in under 8 minutes?" I said "Yep" and he replied "That's some fuckin' dedication, man"
I'm known for being in&out by those who know me.. The only thing I regret is putting a dope bag in my cigarette pack instead of where I usually put it. Had I stashed it, I would've never copped a charge that day. Stupid me.
I guess I'm lucky because I got out of there with a bag to go home with that they didn't find. :)

I've seen some random black dude get tackled and cuffed in the hood. Strong police presence that day but I still copped.

Been pulled over a couple times, mostly I was let go and told to "Get the fuck out of here" but there's been instances where I've copped traffic violations..
Undercover pulled me over once, tried to swallow all 5 bags, could only get 1 down. had to put the rest in my shoe.. the person I was with handed over a bag to the undercover & we got let off..
(& Yes, I recovered 'the lost bag' unfortunately it wasn't sealed. fuckin' ay)

Umm, I'm sure there's alot more stories I could tell, but I can't think of anything exciting at the moment.
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dont use bl to set up an insane rape scenario surprise for your gf. complete with violence and colored contacts and after the act while she is still chained to the bar in the bathroom you pull off your ski mask and "tudaah!" its you. lol.
Lol what? Is that real!? Me and my girlfriend have already had a lengthy discussion about such a scenario..we've had some pretty violent sex too..hmm.....
It's safe to use, just be smart about what you talk about. That's actually the main reason behind some of our strictest rules- Don't think for a second that police or some other form of LEO don't watch this place. They do for sure, I am 100 percent positive. Most of us are too small time and stupid for any of them to ever worry about, but if you start talking about the right shit they will pick up on it and potentially look for you.

Just sayin...
I've only met one Bluelighter IRL and he turned out to be one of the coolest guys that I've ever met in my entire life. I regularly talk to a handful of Bluelighters on a daily/weekly basis.

I think a few years ago, there was a discussion regarding a meet up and the police were nice enough to come and ruin the party. I don't know the specifics but I think that's why meet up threads could partially be frowned upon.
I think a few years ago, there was a discussion regarding a meet up and the police were nice enough to come and ruin the party. I don't know the specifics but I think that's why meet up threads could partially be frowned upon.
Yeah, that's basically what I was saying.
Why are you interested in meeting up with other members since you just now joined the site? I'm sure you have already formed lifelong friendships since you have been here so far.
I've met one BLer myself. It went fine until he started using at which point I had to take out my badge and take him down. He's a nice kid too but, I got a job to do...

Seriously though I have met up with another bluelighter and it went fine. We even hung out a few times after the fact. Most of the people on here that I'm close to are too far away to really hang out with but, we still talk. It's nice to have people that live or have lived like you (junky type lifestyle). Bluelighters for the most part are good people and can make for some great support that you just can't get from people that don't know whats up.

Like anything online there's dangers too. When I first started modding this forum we had a sub section called "roll call" and too frequently people would contact us about other members ripping them off. LEO asside it's just not very smart to meet up with people that you don't know and try and get drugs from them. They know you're obviously desperate if you're looking online and there's no shortage of dickheads in this country.
Lol what? Is that real!? Me and my girlfriend have already had a lengthy discussion about such a scenario..we've had some pretty violent sex too..hmm.....
yes it is. I bet you can find the thread in best of bl somewhere or maybe someone can link it. Funniest story ive ever read on here. Even better than stuff in the emergency drug shit thread lol