Bluelight Commitee


Nov 8, 1999
This is just a suggestion to some of the higher ranking authorities from bluelight.
I think there should be a commitee on this board to expell all the people who bring negative attitudes and/or racial,sexist, bad vibe on this board.
A commitee around 10 people who would decide if the bluelight member is psycologically fit to be on this board. I know that this sounds out of wack, but a lot of good bluelighters and friends are leaving due to some of the people who cross the line and make this site unpleasant for everyone.
I know Jase has the power, so I would really like for his opinion on this. So i want to start this petituion to see how many of you good bluelighters stand behind me on this..
"Entheogens gives Drugs a good name."
I am definitely one for this E-board

I for one, don't like to see bullshit negative posts about ANYONE on this board. Of course, they start with one bad seed, but instead of all of us flaming back, we should just silently give the perp the boot.
This board is such a wonderful thing and every GOOD post is worth reading. I understand that 99% of us preach or live PLUR, so the 1% that is anti-PLUR shouldn't have the right to post their loathing thoughts.
It just brings down the vibe.
Go E-board!
Ohhh wait, I dunno. Um. That's a frightening concept.. 'You're not psychologically fit for Bluelight!' I mean... ick, doesn't the way that's phrased get anyone else kinda antsy?
What do you do when someone is borderline? What do you do when person one spits poison at person two for whatever reason, but is decent to everyone else? I know I wouldn't want to be a New Member and know that there was some committee hovering over everybody making sure we were all worthy.
Now I know I'm probably exaggerating and it wouldn't be that drastic. Naturally after his public display of uncalled-for and unwarrented disrespect, Satan is not my favorite person on the board. And though I freely admit I might take some small teeny smidgen of pleasure in seeing him banned from Bluelight by Jase or skydancer, I think it's a selfish and biased desire that is probably ultimately wrong.
So basically I don't think a permanent committee like this is the answer. Just my 2 cents.
~*~ Ashke ~*~
Helll Ashke I TOTALLLY AGREE with gave me an uneasy feeling to when I read it. This committee makes it sound like we need someone to tell us who can and cannot post on this board. HELLLLLLLOOOOO This is free community and anyone and there uncle is alowed to post here. If we start banning people from the board than all of a sudden we are no better than the government banning raves or not bothering to listen to our side of the story. Come on people we are a community and no one has the power to decide who can and cannot post.
Here is a post the Flower did earlier and it really captures the essence of bluelight and PLUR please read.......
It is a bit long but well worth the read......
Peace........and much love to all.......RuRu