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Blotter sheets


Jun 28, 2010
Aside from LSD and DOx chemicals, I've recently seen blotter sheets impregnated with Alprazolam, printed "XANAX" and pictures of a xanax bar, supposedly 4 tabs is equal to one xanax bar.

Has anyone else seen any alternative/interesting chemicals on blotter?
There have been alprazolam blotters, more commonly though are phenazepam.

Any drug active at .5mg can be fit on a blotter.
not saying that 2mg... even 5mg cant be put on a blotter but be real here, we're not eating 2x2" tabs >.>
I understand the dosage for them is comparatively high, but still, blotter is more convenient than measuring out milligrams of powder.... and much less likely to induce an overdose.
Benzos active at small doses can be put onto blotters. Haven't seen, but I've heard of alprazolam blotters. I've heard a standard-sized blotter can hold about 1-2mg tops (or let's say, DOx/Bromo/RC standard blotter, which is about 1x1cm or a bit more), which should be an alprazolam dose. Triazolam is also effective at smaller doses, so I don't see why that shouldn't work.
Salvia Tincture. I wouldn't eat one of those if you paid me though.