• N&PD Moderators: Skorpio | thegreenhand

Best Weight Loss Drug


That advert where i see that is well stupid.
Its promoting caffeine for weight loss, But Cmon.
Id choose the one on the right Anyday
The issue with amphetamine/(insert indirect sympathomimetic stimulant here) is that the weight will probably go back on if you stop taking it. I was on Adderall XR for 4 months and lost 25 pounds while on it (this was weight I could ill afford to lose). I immediately gained it back within 1.5 weeks as soon as I discontinued the drug; I was so ecstatic at having an appetite again that I ate everything in site.

The truth is that is it is better to work to develop a taste for healthy foods and to add in a bit of exercise (running is great, but even a 30 minute walk a day can do wonders). Look for foods with higher levels of fiber, as this will swell in the stomach to promote feelings of fullness.

Try some of these suggestions:
-Replace snacks with a piece of fruit. The fiber in say, an apple, combined with its water content, makes it a filling snack and it nutritious on top of that.
-Eat salad before a meal (I recommend spinach with olive oil and a nice vinegar); again, this is somewhat filling and is also pull of nutrients.
-Add brown rice and beans to your diet. A combination of beans and brown rice can be cooked very easily, are very inexpensive, and provide a reasonable number of calories along with protein, fiber, and some carbohydrate calories. Their only downside is some blandness, but you can also season the hell out of them to your taste. Along with some vegetables, this can make a filling, nutritious lunch.
-Stick to lean meats and fish instead of red/fatty meats.
I basically have to choose from what I will have available to me. My choices are BZP, Sibutramine, and Benzphetamine (Didrex) 50 mg tablets. From what I am to understand the first two will come in the powder crystal form and I have no idea how to measure it or even know what is a safe amount to take.
I'm 5'6 150 lbs and my ideal weight is 125lbs (which is where I was at in January, but gained over the winter).
Anyway, i lost all of the weight now. I am back down to circa 70kg. At 90kg i would pass far too much urine during the night & my heart would feel too big + gyno around my chest when i run from all the stored flab. Although steroids have a reputation for building up muscle, if you are overweight & fat then stan actually causes you to shed pounds. I also got a supplement called Forskolin that i only found out a few months ago that could have helped as well as gugga.
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There is no best weight loss drug, full stop. You can ask questions like what is the stongest anorexant or what drugs are going to raise resting metabolic rate the most. Or even get into how different drugs affect metabolism of fats/sugars, or if you are talking about lowering body fat and not strict weight loss you've got a whole different set of questions, especially once you involve exercise...even once you establish what question you are really trying to answer, you need to consider long term affects.