Best way to switch from Remeron to Lexapro?


Dec 28, 2002

I have been prescribed Remeron (mirtazapine) 30 mg / day for about 2 years.

However, after 2 years I feel that it doesn't work that well anymore, so I have decided to switch to Lexapro (escitalopram).

I plan to take half the Remeron dosage (15 mg / day) for 2 weeks before I switch to Lexapro, starting with half the dosage, (5 mg / day) for a week or so, just to be on the safe side, then take 10 mg / day.

Would this be a safe way to change from Remeron to Lexapro?

I would appreciate all your opinions on this! Thanks in advance!
This is generally what doctors seem to recommend - this basically how my doc did it when I started lexapro, as well as when I ended remeron. of course, I didn't go from remeron to lexapro, but I see no reason for concern. This plan look pretty good to me. The only minor discomfort you might experience is with sleep your first week starting the lexapro @ 5mg, but melatonin, benadryl or some related otc sleep aid should solve any issue here.

Was there any specific reason your doc had you on remeron originally? Lexapro costs a pretty penny here, although I know some folks who swear by it (and of course others who don't). I just wonder, as many folks I know take remeron primarily for relief from insomnia, only secondarily for its antidepressant properties.

Good luck companero!!!
The best way to switch from Remeron to Lexapro is the way that your psychiatrist has instructed you to do so.
Thanks for the replies, I appreciate that you took the time to answer!

My psychiatrist told me to just quit the Remeron and start Lexapro immediately, but I thought that it would be better to taper for a while, and then introduce the new drug gradually.

Yes, the reason why I was precribed Remeron (over other antidepressants) was that my doc thought that it would help with my sleep problems, and maybe potentiate my pain medication as well.

Did Lexapro work well for you, toothpastedog?

Thanks again!
Using Remeron with Lexapro can occasionally cause serotonin syndrome, which is probably why your doctor told you to d/c the Remeron and begin the Lexapro w/o tapering the first drug.