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Best Film Information


Dec 7, 2008
Where do you get your movie info? What points you in the direction of a particular film?

I don't count on my friends taste . I use the following websights to make up my mind. You can Google for the links...

The Best:
Roger Ebert.suntimes

The Rest:
Sound on Sight
Film Weekly - guardian.co.uk

Take Two/KCBX
Movie Geeks United

What sources do you use?
there are other sites beside IMDb? who knew! :D
For new movies, I like rottentomatoes.
For old movies, wikipedia is really good especially if you want background info on the film. After that, I use IMDB.
Personally think IMDB is poor. OK so it has nearly all films listed but the reviews / synopsis are mostly badly written by folk who cannot write to save themselves and often ruin the whole plot of the film.

I don't really use anything, just lovefilm.com to choose films which I like the sound of or others with decent taste tell me are good and then lovefilm will recommend similar films and it snowballs from there. And I check my local indie cinema places which tend to show decent films and if I like the sound of them then I go see them.
IMDB: Their main flaw is trolls. No board, no movie is safe from the legion of assholes that flock to IMDB on a daily basis. Yes. This is true for any site, but IMDB is overrun with them. Still, it's hard to knock the #1 movie info site on the net today.

Rotten Tomatoes: This site is pure shit. Slow as fuck to load for some reason and 90% of their information consists of links to other movie sites. It's like having NBC and them stealing 90% of their from ABC, FOX, CBS, HBO and airing them as their own. What the hell would we need NBC for?

AICN: First! Oh wait. I meant third. Years later, their are still countless teens and unemployed middle-aged men sitting at this site and clicking refresh every 30 seconds for the sole purpose of being the first to reply to a movie topic. Not to mention that none of them believe anyone when they post a review of a movie that's at least 3 weeks from being released.

The rest, I really don't use at all, although I'll check out lovefilm.com later.

*lovefilm.com is nothing more than a netflix.com........yawn.
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Personally think IMDB is poor. OK so it has nearly all films listed but the reviews / synopsis are mostly badly written by folk who cannot write to save themselves and often ruin the whole plot of the film.
nah... the reviews are mostly very well written. the peer voting tends to bring the good ones to the front. are you sure you aren't talking about the forums? cos they are wretches hives of scum and faggotry, inhabited by 12 year old trolls and fuckwits.
i don't read reviews. ever.

but i do regularly check imdb and darkhorizons.

oh and of course i sometimes learn about a film or two in this fine place. :)
yeah, i only read them after i've seen it, to justify to myself that i was right in thinking the film was good or shit. ;)
as do i sometimes. well, it's also to find more in a flick that i may have missed and don't have the time/inclination to watch again or study.
For reviews I start at rottentomatoes just to get a sense of what people are saying. After that it's straight to the nytimes movies section, all the while crossing my fingers that a.o. scott reviewed the movie in question. I also check AICN because I find myself often agreeing with Capone and Massawyrm (can't read Harry's reviews because he loves EVERYTHING), and then the A.V. Club because their writers are so harsh that if they give something a good review I know I have to check it out.

Can't read roger ebert anymore. I never agree with him. And I would kick Peter Travers (rolling stone) in the balls if I ever saw him on the street. Also, fuck variety's bullshit "industry" acronyms. You can type out "box office" instead of "boffo" and sound 100% less retarded.
i don't read reviews. ever.

but i do regularly check imdb and darkhorizons.

oh and of course i sometimes learn about a film or two in this fine place. :)

i very rarely check reviews first... when i do it is a quick glance at rottentomatoes and only when it is between two movies, both on demand cable crap, and i want to know which would be the lesser of a waste of time for me.

this forum is good for answering the 'what should i get to watch this weekend?' question