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Recovery Benzo and alcohol withdrawal update


Jul 25, 2011
I just wanted to give a good update as a sign to anyone that is in my situation that things do get better. I successfully quit drinking and taking benzo over two years ago.

I now have a good job in a lab and moved out of parents house just over a year ago. I was drinking around 130 drinks a week and taking 2 mgs of clonazepam a day and monthly I would get an additional 30 mgs of xanax. I was doing this for around 8 years. If you don't feel like you have any hope keep going and things will get better.
I just wanted to give a good update as a sign to anyone that is in my situation that things do get better. I successfully quit drinking and taking benzo over two years ago.

I now have a good job in a lab and moved out of parents house just over a year ago. I was drinking around 130 drinks a week and taking 2 mgs of clonazepam a day and monthly I would get an additional 30 mgs of xanax. I was doing this for around 8 years. If you don't feel like you have any hope keep going and things will get better.
Fantastic! I myself am off the booze and benzos and so much better for it.
I am 41 days sober from benzos and odsmt. Things are still not quite right but feeling hopeful. Thanks for the words of hope. I am not going back. Benzos have caused me so much hell..