Writing-up Beckley Foundation International Drugs Survey


Executive Director
Staff member
Mar 12, 2002
The aim of this study is to find out what people think are the harms and benefits associated with recreational drugs, including alcohol and tobacco. We hope its findings will feed into the growing movement that is calling for a major overhaul of existing drugs laws. We aim to disseminate the information gathered on the benefits of drugs in academic journals and in the media to this end. Taking part is a way of making your opinion count. This survey is run independently by our group of university researchers at UCL in collaboration with the Beckley Foundation - it has not been commissioned by anyone and will be published openly.

Please be completely honest in your answers - this is a piece of scientific research and it is important we know what you truly think. Take time to think about each question. The survey should take about 10 minutes to complete. The survey is completely anonymous and we do not want to collect any identifying data from you.

This study was approved by the University College London Department of Psychology Ethics Committee

When you have completed the survey you will be able to see the statistics gathered so far on what people's drugs of choice are.

Go to: http://www.internationaldrugsurvey.org/
International Drug Survey

MAPS said:
The University College London, in collaboration with the Beckley Foundation, are conducting an anonymous online survey of people's thoughts about substance use. The aim of this international study is to find out what people think are the harms and benefits associated with the use of recreational drugs, including alcohol and tobacco.

This is a good survey - The Beckley Foundation is one we should all be supporting. They do some good work in drug law reform.

EDIT - I just saw that I posted this last year! Have now merged threads :)
That was indeed a really good survey, and I hope they get some informative and useful results.
We hope its findings will feed into the growing movement that is calling for a major overhaul of existing drugs laws.

Good luck with that when the government has flat out ignored the advice given to it by the ACMD, the council specifically formed to give advice on drugs.
Good survey.

Surprised methamphetamine scores only 1% as favourite drug.
Since this seems to still be up I just completed it. Nice survey :) Like NINDY I'm also a little surprised that some drugs on the lists are so unpopular. I feel that's largely influenced by who actually finds the survey in the first place.
I am glad I did this survey. Based on the results I saw, a lot of the drugs I love or have loved are used rarely. Are you going to write this up?