Technical Problem BBC Code for paragraph or line breaks


Moderator: PD
Staff member
Jun 30, 2015
I have a long post, and I want to break it up into intelligible blocks. Unfortunately, it's all previewing as one blob. I've not had this problem before. I've tried [br]text[/br] and [linebreak]text[/linebreak] as well as the usual < p > text < /p > business to no avail. Any suggestions?
It should work, but the closest I can find is this from the "Bluelighting Tips" atop the forum (realize how long ago it was...things may have broken since then):

do you know...?

how to insert

horizontal lines

into posts?

it's not hugely intuitive, but once you've done it a couple of times it's a piece of piss. it's a great way of separating different sections to make them easier to read.

all you need to do is insert the [hr] and [/hr] tags around a sentence you want to show UNDER the line.

click on the 'quote' button to see how i did the first four at the top. :)