Bad WeeK @ Work


Nov 2, 1999
Its only weds and i feel like i've worked a whole dayam week already. I've been puttin 14-15 hours since monday. And it seems to me that its going to be like this the whole week. ARGHNESS... sorry people just had to let that out.
couldn't have said it better myself, bro
AND i had monday off.... and i'm pissed off enough for it to be friday.... *sigh*
i'm really in the wrong line of work...but i just don't have the balls to get off my ass and start hunting....
i can't wait till lunch (if i have time to even take it) to go out and hit my bowl a couple times....
drgn: what do you do anyways?
"I am more than a mathematical equation...i am more than a chemical combination... my existence cannot be reduced to a scientific theory!"
Why is it, that whenever it seems like the heap of work on your desk is getting smaller...
...some f**kface always comes over and add like a hundred new papers for you to do - within an hour?!!
It's all work and no play today

Let yourself be loved. Let love be yourself.
PLUR, Loonie :)

I'm a consultant.
hey Loonie, i hear that. But sometimes i'm able to turn around and throw it back at them. Which i do most of the times. If i'm not staffed for a particular project.. i don't wanna hear "oh could you do me a favor?" i usually turn around and laugh at them

Hmmm well i dunno if there is anything to look forward to this weekend. I'm going to be soo f/g tired that i'm not even thinking of going out. DAYAM DAYAM life is having a major suckage rite now...
I feel for all of you . . especially since I was out sick all last week - just imagine the piles of work I had welcoming me back.
drgnfly - it'll be the weekend soon enough and hope your next week is better . . kinda miss hangin with you, ya know ? (sarang)
soulfly - definitely know where you're coming from . . i'm so in the wrong line of work. it's easy knowing what i don't want to do - now all i have to do is figure out what it is i want to do with my life

well, back to work for me . . .
'nuthin but PLURness'. . . . . . <<muah>>!
{{GATS}} =P
My pile of work never gets small. It just keeps on getting bigger and bigger. But five new people suppose to start tommorrow to help make that pile smaller. Yeah right, we need about 20 new people.
3 more days till silly putty...
MY FUCKING GOD!! i HATE my job......

[This message has been edited by soulfly (edited 19 January 2000).]
I hear ya boy. I know that I have not yet entered the Corporate world, but my classes are kicking my ass. It's only the second week and I feel like I am drowning. Maybe we should look on the bright side (if there is one).....hmmm If you didn't work you couldn't fund those fun little trips to random little towns and meet random smiley people like me. I am thankful for that. Smile for me...and I am sending a BIG hug your way. Peace
"if man is ever to solve that problem of politics in practice he will have to approach it through the problem of the aesthetic, because it is only through beauty that man makes his way to freedom."
Hi rollwitit,
So good to hear from you... hey just for that sweetness i owe you a BIG ASS HUG AND A LONG ASS MASSAGE.. A DRGNFLY MASSAGE.. HE HEE...
miss you guys/girls from PA,
Rollwitit...Avoid the corporate world at all costs!! No, just kidding! It is just sometimes I cannot believe that I am working in a financial advisory firm and with the people I am working with....Too bad you arent a consultant here, Drgnfly!! We could have mad fun!!
Have fun and be careful!
i work for a strategic consulting firm in nyc. i actually kinda like it. But i guess with everyjob there are those f//ers that you wish you could just push them out the window... hee hee..
hey got any openings ova there?

drgnfly . . . . {huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuugs} - not just b/c you're having a bad day (and scaring me) but just for being you !

'nuthin but PLURness'. . . . . . <>!
{{GATS}} =P
[This message has been edited by Tshirt (edited 19 January 2000).]
We are interviewing today for an entire new class of consultants. My company has the best training program in the country for it's newbies!! I better stop now before I end up letting everyone and their brother know where I work...NYC is not far from Philly...I definitely need to drop in on a Bluelighter meet-up!!
And since the beginning of the day it has gotten progressively worse...In at 7 won't leave until at least 6:30...No lunch...Jealous??
Also, I have been given everybody's work they do not feel like doing...
Have fun and be careful!
Sorry you guys, I love my job!

But i still feel for ya because I have been there, corporate America blows!!
DFly -
I hear ya man... You know I can totally feel you on this one... Keep your chin up. You know what I like to do... I bring my strings and my Apollo440 Cd with me and go bat shit in my office... WORKS EVERY TIME!!! Keep in mind that you are not what you do... And tonight we're going to Liquids!!! It's gonna be phatty phatty!!! Gimme a call at the office 833-7256...
Binkies are way functional, they're kewl, and they're cute!
THEY ARE *NOT* LAME!!! grrrrr... = P
thanks doodes....yall the best....
I just walked out of work yesterday at a coffee restaurantand yelled I QUIT!!! The people I worked for are corrupt listen to this:
1. I worked for minimum wage, got two fifteen minute breaks out of a whole 8 hour shift that weren't paid for, and i had no say as to when i could take them.
2. I got treated like i couldn't do parts of my job properly, i was always put in the dish pit, or running out food orders, one of the managers would always tell me to stay off the cash register, even when there was somebody there waiting to order something. But there was nothing wrong with the way I handled that part of the job, in fact I smiled more at customers and had a better attitude when interacting with customers than that prick i work under.
3. Often at times i would have to run around like a chicken being told to do three things at once by different people, and I would have to go as much as five hours without so much as a five minute smoke break. The place was often understaffed and I would get bitched at for not doing my tasks at light speed.
4. They started giving me 38 hours a week, but now i get less than 25 hours.
5. On monday a girl came down with a bad flu while working and was not allowed to leave until she found somebody to fill her shift, which was me, and had to keep working until i got there. It was obvious to customers she had some kind of virus, and she was throwing up in the washroom.
6. The owner is a big fucking cheapskate despite the fact that the franchise he runs is quite successful. AFTER i got the job I was told to go through this government sponsored program that helps young people find full time work, so he could get a two dollar an hour wage subsidy. Yesterday he made me sign this thing saying how many hours I worked for the program, and it basically lied about how many hours I worked. Fraud.
7. Theres a big jar that collects tip money from customers beside one of the three cash registers. I never got a share of tips, and I was also accused of pocketing tips collected from tables a week after I started working there. This one supervisor told me that the tips are what pay for our Christmas parties. Theres plenty of tip money for one month for that Christmas party. A couple weeks ago I started pocketing tips anyways, and not very many at that. Had to make sure the cameras were not watching me.
8. If I was scheduled to work until a certain time but they needed me longer, I had no choice than to stay. Even if it meant working until late at night when i couldn't find a ride home and had to spend my hard earned money on a cab, that i would have to wait half an hour for.
It sucks that right now I don't have a job, but at least i can respect myself enough not to work for those assholes at Williams Coffee Pub in Burlington Ontario, at the Power Center on North Service Road.
[This message has been edited by methyl-head (edited 19 January 2000).]