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Ativan / Lorazepam + visual distortion/hallucinatons


Jun 29, 2008
First of all I'd like to state, first of all that Lorazepam is a mighty fine benzo in its own right, relaxing and chill but not too oppressive and foggy. One of my favorites.

I just wanted to share briefly my experience with lorazepam, and how it can be rather strange and awesome for a benzo.

I've had multiple experiences with lorazepam into the mid-teens of mg's, with only a slight benzo tolerance. And many lower doses. I find the sedation and relaxation brought by Ativan to be enjoyable even at moderate dosages, but on reaching higher and (perhaps unadvisable) dosages, this feeling is magnified but some very strange other aspects enter the scene.

6mg-10mg+ ( Liquid solution preferred...unreal =D )

I commonly experience a great euphoria, while feeling somewhat "blissed out," still composed and actually not too physically inebriated. Able to remain suprisingly cogniscient and lucid, in terms of benzos... Fairly forgetful, but not to the point of blackout insanity rampage like alprazolam or clonazepam etc. can induce.

The real strangeness to it is the visual distortions I get off a good strong dose. The hallucinations are reminiscient of Z-drug trips like Ambien/zolpidem or zaleplon/Sonata, but less pronounced. Color tones brightening and darkening, shifting. Inanimate objects appearing to shift and move in peripheral vision. My hair and skin and eyes always have the same strange "sheen"/look to them on both Z-drugs and lorazepam. A cut line of powdered substance takes on a very strange "silty" look to it on eith drugs. A very familiar vibe to it, when I reach that level, because I'd tripped on the Z drugs dozens of times. Not even at heroic doses of SEVERAL other benzodiazepines have I experienced anything like this.

I also noticed an even greater degree of alteration today on dosing 8mg, 3 days after smoking some DMT, 2 days after tripping for 24hrs on acid... No coincidence I don't believe. Smoking good chronic (preferably a nice cerebral Sativa) also, unsuprisingly, enhanced both the visuals and the chillllll vibe.
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Sounds pretty cool, actually. Be safe though. I once had a waking-dream after doing benzos and alcohol a few nights in a row. The waking dream was my girlfriend coming to my apartment and flirting with/trying to hook up with all the guys in the house. I actually had a second waking dream, in which I heard my girlfriend cheating on me with my roomate and his friend in the room right next to mine. This is something she would never, ever do under any circumstances. Those "waking dreams" (in which I woke up from a deep sleep and started having them) resulted in me having to take a semester off, being away form my GF for like 6 months, because she had to move home after I moved home and freaked out on her. We're doing great now, but my benzo use fucked my life up for quite some time. Just be careful, man ;)
I've found lorazepam to be the least "foggy" and stupor-inducing and blackoutish than most/all other benzos. Clonazepam is by far the "foggiest" and easiest to black out and go rampagaing on, Xanax a close second. Lorazepam can give a good deal of trouble with short term memory, trouble keeping thoughts constructed lol... but it takes savage amounts to actually go full-blown blackout.

I can actually remain fairly lucid and functional but uberchill on relatively high doses of lorazepam, while an equipotent dosage of certain other benzos would have me more knocked out, more in a stupor, or perhaps blacking out.