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Are we just a simulation vs matrix bs

I came to the same conclusion on my own from my DMT experiences. They had such s "digital" element to them and coming out of a breakthrough into a pixelated world just seemed to confirm it. Then i read that a pile of scientists and mathematicians thought the same.

It definitely sounds crazy at first but on examination it makes sense. It doesn't really matter though. Life is what it is. Play the game as best you can.
I came to the same conclusion on my own from my DMT experiences. They had such s "digital" element to them and coming out of a breakthrough into a pixelated world just seemed to confirm it. Then i read that a pile of scientists and mathematicians thought the same.

It definitely sounds crazy at first but on examination it makes sense. It doesn't really matter though. Life is what it is. Play the game as best you can.

It's a very common theme that runs through the DMT experience. I have multiple friends who have explored DMT in great depth to come to a very similar conclusion.

Personally I don't want to open the rabbit hole of DMT, it's been offered many times as well as Aya and iboga. Agreed for me it makes no difference if I exist. I think therefore I am. It took me a long time to face facts that LSD is not some mystical substance that is showing me the "real world". All it actually does is simply open up the brain to more possibility.
Yes once you open the DMT rabbit hole you cant just shut that particular door. It is intriguing the digital element of it. What you see is so far removed from any other experience you can have had it just leaves you scratching your head.

I have never seen the matrix films but the first time i gave a mate DMT without telling him much about what to expect except expect the unexpected he came back to earth and said " shit. We are in the Matrix ". It was only later i learnt what he meant.

I hope it is a simulation. Hopefully someone will send me the cheat codes :)
Yes once you open the DMT rabbit hole you cant just shut that particular door. It is intriguing the digital element of it. What you see is so far removed from any other experience you can have had it just leaves you scratching your head.

I have never seen the matrix films but the first time i gave a mate DMT without telling him much about what to expect except expect the unexpected he came back to earth and said " shit. We are in the Matrix ". It was only later i learnt what he meant.

I hope it is a simulation. Hopefully someone will send me the cheat codes :)

Maybe we have them and don't realise IE DMT al all drugs. We already cheat the system or perhaps are willing to explore the system more than others who prefer blissful ignorance of repetitive living.
Very true. In fact the general principle seems to be first imagine. Then focus. Then create. I think thats the key. Anything and everything is possible. Turn off the TV. Dont buy what they want to sell you. You are already one step ahead. It seems to be working for me anyway.
Salvia implies this also. As above though, I'm not sure how relevant this is. Especially if the whole infinity thing is at play.
I think the idea of being in a simulation must have occurred to a lot of people who have used psychedelics. It's certainly something I have mused on during and after my trips.

Personally the digital feeling I get much more with ketamine. That drug just feels and reminds me of the internet if that makes sense. I've done Aya once a long time ago and that was a very natural feeling. I have only smoked DMT a few times but never had a full on break through experience, just dipped my toe in and saw some pretty visuals.

I think the idea of a simulated universe and the idea of a creator God is logically the same. A simulated universe also ties into Gnostic beliefs quite well. In terms of computing i'm not sure how a simulation would work as the universe is supposedly infinite and a computers memory is not, not that the 'computer' would be recognisable to us. I suppose it could work if the universe was an illusion for us humans as the actual simulation of matter would only be what us humans are looking and seeing at any one time. Sort of like the branch falling in a forest thing.
I think the idea of being in a simulation must have occurred to a lot of people who have used psychedelics. It's certainly something I have mused on during and after my trips.

Personally the digital feeling I get much more with ketamine. That drug just feels and reminds me of the internet if that makes sense. I've done Aya once a long time ago and that was a very natural feeling. I have only smoked DMT a few times but never had a full on break through experience, just dipped my toe in and saw some pretty visuals.

I think the idea of a simulated universe and the idea of a creator God is logically the same. A simulated universe also ties into Gnostic beliefs quite well. In terms of computing i'm not sure how a simulation would work as the universe is supposedly infinite and a computers memory is not, not that the 'computer' would be recognisable to us. I suppose it could work if the universe was an illusion for us humans as the actual simulation of matter would only be what us humans are looking and seeing at any one time. Sort of like the branch falling in a forest thing.

The plausibility of infinite is also very much in question these days as well, even calling out Einstein theories as not correct. Everything must have an end. An explosion (big bang) for example expands but then contracts - it still has an end, the end is not a given as it's in a state of change.

I agree totally on Gnostic / God creator such a theory does run through and support a lot of religious belief. Who knows Plymouth Brethren and Amish might be right and Technology is the devils work or at least the route to full enlightenment.

Sometimes it's good to think outside of the confines of what we are taught. Ultimately leads to more understanding of the world we perceive and the parts at work. Phsychdelics help us cheat and by pass the otherwise, to most, impossible task of deep meditation and opening of brain parts and paths. It takes years for most Buddhist monks.

Who knows we could be all just sat in a spaceship that long ago left a ravaged earth. Just a collection of brains wired in. Limited need for supplies, lower fuel cost and life support etc and the chance to re live the lives we once had before we destroyed everything and ended up in said spacecraft.
I think there's another decent explanation for this phenomenon of feeling as if life is simulated: our conscious experience actually has far less to with raw sensory input from the outside world than it does with the various simulations, predictions and assumptions made behind the scenes within our own brains. Visual perception, for example, is mostly a product of our brain's prediction of what it expects to see based on recently detected movements and other visual cues. The difference between that prediction and actual input from the retina is then added to our predicted visual model and that's what we actually "see"; not the raw input itself.

I think it's possible (probable, even) that psychedelics make some of our brains' background processes a bit more transparent and allow us to consciously experience traces and/or artefacts of what would normally be filtered out.

One thing I often experience with psychedelics which possibly supports that idea is a visual effect where most objects have outlines around them. It's bit hard to explain because the outlines don't have any colour or brightness associated with them which sort of flies in the face of what we'd normally associate with vision, but they're still very obviously visible to me none the less. I believe those outlines could be hint of the edge detection that must be going on all the time behind the scenes, but is normally filtered out.
how do you know that the purple i'm seeeing is the same as the purple you're seeing?
but yeah, this is a theory that you hear a lot about a uni - one of the primary texts to read was Simulacra and Simulation ​by Jean Baudrillard, anyone interested in this topic should give it a read.
The only thing that does not add up about this being a simulation is the existence of FUBAR. How could someone / something invent a creature as twisted as him? I guess it would explain the alien anal probing stories. Maybe the aliens wear fishnets and capes?
It all seems isomorphic with a solipsistic fallacy, to my mind -- only in this case, the only thing believed to exist for real (What does real even mean anyway?*) is not the person themself, but the external reality in which the simulation is running.

(*) And how do we know what is real?

There are some things you could disprove if they were false, but never prove if they were true; and some things you could prove if they were true, but never disprove if they were false. For instance, you can prove someone is a smoker (if you catch them having a fag) but you can't prove someone is a non-smoker (they might only ever smoke while you are not watching). However, the harder it is to find a counterexample to something that appears to be true, the greater the probability of it being true. At some point, you've just got to say, the evidence points towards this being real; so we'll have to accept it as a temporary working hypothesis until it's disproven by counterexample, then we'll deal with that when it happens.

And in case you were in any doubt, it appears empirically true that although the world is not generally fair, we can act in ways that make life less unfair; and everyone ends up happier if we all make a little bit of effort to get on with one another.

Look, simulating stuff is bloody hard. We've made a few piddly little models of fairly simple systems, for a few short moments of time, that are nowhere near as complex as the entire fucking universe. Now you want to believe there's something else orders of magnitude more complex than that controlling it? And not only controlling it, but doing so with total plausible deniability by only allowing the simulation we are mistaking for a real universe to behave in ways in which a real universe not being controlled by some outside process could behave? Bollocks to all that unnecessary complexity.
I firmly believe it to be true. So do many incredibly smart people. I dont think its implausible that entities with advanced intelligence are capable and would run simulations just as we do. We will never know but its a hell of a lot more likely than some sky daddy creating everything and noah saving the animals two by two.
We will never know but its a hell of a lot more likely than some sky daddy creating everything and noah saving the animals two by two.
For sure, but it's still a hell of a lot less likely than this being the top level of reality.

Now, just think what I could do if only I hadn't wasted so many brain cells on the 25.4 times table .....
I was pretty sure I had discovered it all each time I k-holed but what that led to was basically watching dvd's of the original Fireman Sam and then snorting so much I holed and then feeling like I was genuinely, totally, DEFINITELY in Fireman Sam, I was 100% living in that World, I felt like I could feel the characters and I could touch them and control them and watching it was basically just watching real life.

I mind after that I would always put something silly on before I blasted, that film Big Fish was always good because it's mental when you're sober...on ket it's just totally spectacular.
The only thing that does not add up about this being a simulation is the existence of FUBAR. How could someone / something invent a creature as twisted as him? I guess it would explain the alien anal probing stories. Maybe the aliens wear fishnets and capes?

To have light you must also have darkness. If the world were only light it wouldn't be worth living VR or otherwise - everyone would be bored and sat doing nothing.

Any VR simulation would not be a simple stand alone programme.

Alien life / higher being running the VR suite? No more likely it would be our future group conscious running the past.

Picture this every evolution of a species will result in destruction simply because the support system sustaining that species would eventually be overloaded or destroyed - the species fights to save the dwindling resource. Survival of the fittest is key to evolution but group conscious and coordination is the key to species sustainability (ants, bees etc.)

Aliens can't really exist if you think deeply about why a species would choose to leave the Safety of its own habitat (planet). It's not a natural choice of a species to remove itself from safety unless it's forced to do so IE that safety is in jeapordy.

However by the time a species works out how to leave a planet and travel the distance required to find new resource it will inevitably have used up the resource it would of required to leave its habitat on mass. IE why would we go into Space unless we really had to. By the time we have to it's too late.

If I were given the choice of building space ships to leave a planet on mass to go find new resource or developing a life support system which could explore the past infinite scenarios (infinite as in we can't comprehend rather than never ending) to work out a solution I know which one would take less precious resource, maintain to some degree hope for the species allowing them to live a life with all its gains and pains.

@julie the world around us is governed by maths. The patterns repeat. Even our phsycheldic visual experiences point towards fractal patterns or fireman Sam experiences of being somewhere else. As also stated what we actually see is not what our eyes see but how our brain interprets it.

How many years has it been seen we go from the abacus to computers, able to carry out calculations which would take the human brain millennia to solve. 200 years? 500 years? A computer as you know it won't even exisit within certainly the next generations life time. In 30 years cars will drive themselves, the start of artificial Intelligence is already upon us. Video conferencing? Already VR is being developed to be in the place rather than being on the screen. Why would we need to travel if we had VR? We could go anywhere see anything experience it just as it is without impact on the earth.
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I was pretty sure I had discovered it all each time I k-holed but what that led to was basically watching dvd's of the original Fireman Sam and then snorting so much I holed and then feeling like I was genuinely, totally, DEFINITELY in Fireman Sam, I was 100% living in that World, I felt like I could feel the characters and I could touch them and control them and watching it was basically just watching real life.

I mind after that I would always put something silly on before I blasted, that film Big Fish was always good because it's mental when you're sober...on ket it's just totally spectacular.

I hope you gave norman a clip round the ear, the little shit. =D