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Health Anyone here use shrooms therapeutically on their own to improve life & outlook?

Sorry I didnt read the whole thread.

Prozac is the easier to quit. Belive me, I quitte Velafaxine, one of the most absolute bitch addictive ones

The good about prozac is that it has an insane long half life, so you can take half dose for 2 days prior the trip, do your tripping and then, coming back to your regular dose.

If that works for you, then, instead of coming for the full dose, stay in a 70-80% dose and repeat next week, tapering around 20% a week

You will be out of it in like 2 months

Taking SSRIs for years and years will only screw your brain deeper. They are meant for a brief crises period, not to take indefinitely
I'm not so sure how much taking half a dose of prozac would help with tripping, but it could be worth a try.

I'm also not sure SSRIs are only meant for short term use. Many are on them for life, but regardless, i would prefer not to need prozac, but even if I could get through the WD from it, I think my problems that it treats might come back.

Whatever damage is done is done though, can't go back in time, so I try not to assume my "brain is being screwed deeper" lol, (I'm not really sure it is...) and just think about what I can do in the future.
It honestly sounds like you could benefit from therapeutic guidance. You've pointed out and it's true you cant just call up your local psychedelic therapist out of the yellow pages.

Fortunately, underground networks of psychedelic therapists exist already and are expanding pretty rapidly as far as I can tell. I'm sure they exist in New York, it's just a matter of finding one.

Sometimes, it can be as easy as getting a therapy appointment and talking about wanting to try taking psychedelics for healing purposes and the doors to that world may open. Not guaranteeing that, but I've seen that happen. One thing for sure is you'll never find one if you don't try.

I've also noticed that the underground therapists generally dont charge more than their hourly rate, and they only do this therapy at great risk. The underground therapists I know generally charge $600-800 for a guided mushroom trip. The aboveground legal models are looking like they will come with multi thousand dollar price tags 😒

Eventually, colorado and oregon will hopefully have programs to access these legally and under supervision.
All that said, yes you can use mushrooms to fix a lot of your problems. You talked specifically about using mushrooms to face and confront your problems. I actually think mushrooms are the best psychedelic for this. You can easily hide or ignore aspects of yourself that you dont want to think about and mushrooms will bring those issues straight to your front door.

The real trick is to actually listen. If you see a problem, confront it, understand it, but then do nothing to change that in your everyday life, than the issue is just going to reoccur. You have to do the hard work yourself. The mushroom isn't a magic pill in itself that cures you. It's more of a diagnostic tool, that you can use to pinpoint areas of your life that you want to improve or possibly remove..
It honestly sounds like you could benefit from therapeutic guidance. You've pointed out and it's true you cant just call up your local psychedelic therapist out of the yellow pages.

Fortunately, underground networks of psychedelic therapists exist already and are expanding pretty rapidly as far as I can tell. I'm sure they exist in New York, it's just a matter of finding one.

Sometimes, it can be as easy as getting a therapy appointment and talking about wanting to try taking psychedelics for healing purposes and the doors to that world may open. Not guaranteeing that, but I've seen that happen. One thing for sure is you'll never find one if you don't try.

I've also noticed that the underground therapists generally dont charge more than their hourly rate, and they only do this therapy at great risk. The underground therapists I know generally charge $600-800 for a guided mushroom trip. The aboveground legal models are looking like they will come with multi thousand dollar price tags 😒

Eventually, colorado and oregon will hopefully have programs to access these legally and under supervision.
All that said, yes you can use mushrooms to fix a lot of your problems. You talked specifically about using mushrooms to face and confront your problems. I actually think mushrooms are the best psychedelic for this. You can easily hide or ignore aspects of yourself that you dont want to think about and mushrooms will bring those issues straight to your front door.

The real trick is to actually listen. If you see a problem, confront it, understand it, but then do nothing to change that in your everyday life, than the issue is just going to reoccur. You have to do the hard work yourself. The mushroom isn't a magic pill in itself that cures you. It's more of a diagnostic tool, that you can use to pinpoint areas of your life that you want to improve or possibly remove..
Thanks man.

Well, in my current situation I not only don't know if I could afford such a therapist, but I'm limited regarding where I can go because I live with older people who are vulnerable to covid so I have to move out to do most things, but once I do i can look more into this.

I don't know if I need a therapist or not, because truth is sometimes my shroom trips have been dulled by my prozac, but regardless, I can and have tripped on shrooms before on my SSRI.

You are right that you have to confront any issues that arise while tripping even when you come down. For me honestly, no issues really ever came to the forefront while tripping on shrooms. Instead, i would just feel peaceful and very rarely get some visuals.

Still seems quite difficult to find a psychedelic therapist, but perhaps not as hard as I think.

But I have to move out of my current location probably before I could go see anyone like this even if I could afford one. I'm definitely going to grow some myself regardless and see if I can use them on my own as well to elicit any kind of positive changes.
Hey, just wanted to ask how's it going for you, did you already try to use psychedelics or to find a therapist?
Hey, just wanted to ask how's it going for you, did you already try to use psychedelics or to find a therapist?
Nah, where I'm living right now isn't good to grow shrooms for personal reasons, so I have to move out first, and then I'll grow a bunch.
I think with something like this it helps to build intention. One powerful way to do this is to take time to meditate or deeply contemplate on your intentions and everything within you related to the intention. Ideally you would do this the same day of the week as your dose and for at least a month before hand. So say you dose on a saturday, each saturday prior at least 4 times you take time to look deeply into your life. Feel into as much as possible, and take at least an hour to contemplate things. you could write or make a recording or talk to someone you trust. In addition spend time at other times throughout the weeks contemplating or reading or talking to people or watching videos that are related. you can write down any key questions, images, feelings that come up

I find the week prior to dosing is especially important. Whatever I am doing with my time usually comes into the trip in some way. If I'm watching videos about dolphins than part of my trip will be about dolphins or use dolphins as a metaphor or something. You could do things in your freetime to load stuff into your trip in this week. Maybe talk to family memebers or old friends or look at things you've made in the past or visit an old house or city or something related to your intentions that has symbolic value.

In most therapeutic settings they use music and eyeshades to help you focus. This can be really helpful. There are a lot of psychedelic therapy playlists on spotify. Be willing to experience whatever comes up, no matter how scary or difficult it feels. It can be interesting to look at pictures of yourself at various ages and reflect on your life. It can be helpful to have someone around who can just be there in case things get really hard, just to have a suportive human. If they have tripped a ton that is extra useful cause then they have likely been through all kinds of strange difficulties and will have a natural confidence about the experience. If alone I like to be somewhere that I know no one will bother me and I won't bother anyone else.

if you have insight into something you need to change, that will likely be just as difficult as it would have been otherwise. Sometimes the impact of a trip can be powerful enough to make someone change without discipline, but often that is not the case. For example if you realize you want to eat more healthy, you still got to find a way to do that.
I question how blunted it really is, but as someone who is now on 60mgs of prozac, I used to have good trips on an 8th of shrooms when i was usually on doses somewhere between 40-50mgs of prozac, so it's not that different.

I do believe the trips were blunted somewhat, but I have never in my life tripped on anything while NOT on an SSRI as I've been on SSRIs since age 14. I basically do not have a choice because it's VERY hard to get off SSRIs when you have been on them most of your life, and basically, I wouldn't know what I was missing as all my trips have been on SSRIs.

I think if I took a quarter I'd trip a lot harder than when I took 8ths, but they made me feel peaceful still. However, only the first time did I really get visuals.

I wish really badly I could get off prozac to take the other psychedelics like DMT and 5-Meo DMT and Ayahuasca, but I just don't think I can so I have to work with what I've got.

I'm not sure that everyone's trips on shrooms is necessarily as blunted as some say, but again, I have no method of comparison.

What exactly are philosopher's stones?

And do you think that even having tripped on shrooms while on prozac before that I wouldn't be able to get a therapeutic effect from tripping on shrooms while on prozac in the future?

Like, if i got a peaceful feeling off an 8th several times then shouldn't a higher dose be even more likely to work, even despite my SSRI?
I did shrooms while I was on Effexor and I definitely still tripped and felt the shrooms, I did an 8th and then a couple weeks later I ate 7 grams and I tripped really hard, and I was on Effexor the whole time
I did shrooms while I was on Effexor and I definitely still tripped and felt the shrooms, I did an 8th and then a couple weeks later I ate 7 grams and I tripped really hard, and I was on Effexor the whole time
The only blunting that might have happened was in the visual aspect of the trip but I certainly still got the body high, and mental and emotional high and I mean some visuals like enhanced colors, visual acuity becomes much more sharp and CEV but I'm sure I would have gotten more oev if I wasn't on Effexor