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Any ideas...?


Sep 4, 2008
hey guys im trying MDMA for the first time ever in 2 days time and your forever hearing these horror stories about allergic reactions. Ive been told that if you place a small bit under your lip, you can tell if your allergic by seeing if it swells up or something or other. Anyway i dont have a pill testing kit and neither do my friends, so if this doesnt work anyone know anyother ways to test it?
comador said:
hey guys im trying MDMA for the first time ever in 2 days time and your forever hearing these horror stories about allergic reactions. Ive been told that if you place a small bit under your lip, you can tell if your allergic by seeing if it swells up or something or other. Anyway i dont have a pill testing kit and neither do my friends, so if this doesnt work anyone know anyother ways to test it?

The only other way to test a substance is if you have access to a device called a Gas Chromatograph/Mass Spectrometer. You can generally find one at your local university. Other than that, the only way to test a pill, or what you THINK is MDMA powder, is by observing a chemical reaction with a reagent that produces a colour change. (There are three: Marquis, Mandelin, and Mecke....There are also two tests that can tell the difference between MDMA, and MDA, that are also capable of distinguishing a few other things...these tests are the Simons, and Robadope reagent)

The allergic reaction stories you've heard stem from one of two things:

A. Scare Tactics/propaganda


B. Misinformation/urban legends/rumours

....I'm not saying that an allergic reaction is out of the question, but allow me to ameliorate your fears by saying it's EXTREMELY unlikely. If you don't mind my asking, where did you hear about allergic reactions to MDMA and related substances?

Yes, it's conceivable that if you WERE allergic, that a reaction would be quite apparent if the above steps you suggested were taken. However, this substance can irritate tissue, and that alone is not necessarily an indication of an allergic reaction.

I understand that you're eager to try this substance, and I respect you for having the common sense to get on this board and ask questions. However, if I were you, I would wait to take the substance (and encourage your friends to do the same) until AFTER I obtained a testing kit. Trust me when I say it's far better to have and not use, than it is to need and not have (as it seems to be in your case). I would not recommend putting any amount of a substance you're unsure about anywhere near your body. It's up to you in the end, but unless you trust your source implicitly, I would recommend purchasing a testing kit. I can even provide you with a discount code that will give you 20% off. (and no, I don't work for these guys). The peace of mind you get from taking something that you KNOW is pure (because you've tested it yourself) is NOT something you can put a price on. The always are risks, but they can be mitigated by using a testing kit.


Coupon Code: BLUELIGHT

I would recommend the EZ-Test Complete, but if you're on a budget, at the very least, get the Marquis reagent.

I would also recommend checking out this FAQ thread:


Let us know how it goes, and be safe!

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thanks that was really helpful :)
He who dares wins i guess. Or maybe not as the case may be, well if i dont post back on monday, youll know ive been obducted by aliens.. or maybe died :)
Thanks very much and ill deffinately invest in one of those kits.
We'll look for you Monday! :)

And get that testing kit...you will be SO glad you did. :D