• N&PD Moderators: Skorpio | thegreenhand

Anti glucocorticoids g


Apr 18, 2015
The two compounds metiripone and carbonoxylone Block the synthesis of the bodies main glucocorticoid cortisol.
Given the role of glucocorticoids in stress memory loss and addiction, could these substances be used as smart drugs or Neuroprotective agents?
Has anyone tried either of these drugs and if so how did they affect you.
It would be interesting if an opioid dependence individual tries them to see if they reduce withdrawal or reverse tolerance.
I suppose seeing as how glucocorticoids are elemental in the treatment of auto immune disease, decrease in activity of the glucocorticoid receptor might result in inflammation. Inflammation is mediating some tolerance to opoid analgesia so increased inflammation could be detrimental there.

But it would probably be an okay treatment for the neurogenesis part of depression, hopefully levels wouldn't get so low that they had a crisis or no energy. Cortisol is important for homeostasis, so it's not like you'd want to wipe it out completely.