• NMI Moderators: Snafu in the Void

Another lurker pops her head round the door...


Jun 12, 2010
Hi all,

Aging trance bunny here, based in London. I've been lurking on and off for a few years shamefully, but the lure of the Philosophy & Spirituality forum was getting too tempting.

I dropped off the face of the earth for a few years, having got a bit too comfy plonked on the sofa with a like minded chap. However, this got a bit boring, so I am trying to reconnect with the world, instead of lurking around it. I look forward to getting chatting with everyone.
Yeah relationships can cause complacent behavoir and before you know it...ten years have got behind you...no one told you when to run....

Welcome to Bluelight!! I'm sure you will connect will alot of people on this site.
Yeah, good for you! It's awesome you decided to join us. We are the coolest anyway so you made a good decision ;) Nice to have ya!
What sort of trance are you into? Hard Style? Hard Trance? Who are your favorite producers?

Welcome to Bluelight, and have a look around at the other community forums apart from P+S :)